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R: [CQ-Contest] DE A6/DL2CC A61AC story

Subject: R: [CQ-Contest] DE A6/DL2CC A61AC story
From: espropri@octopus.it (michele)
Date: Thu Oct 29 16:04:00 1998

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Frank Grossmann <dl2cc@hotmail.com>
A: cq-contest@contesting.com <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Cc: john.devoldere@innet.be <john.devoldere@innet.be>; CasierP@wfp.or.ug
<CasierP@wfp.or.ug>; 07135960630-0001@t-online.de
<07135960630-0001@t-online.de>; dj2ya@t-online.de <dj2ya@t-online.de>;
KAO@nt.ruhr-uni-bochum.de <KAO@nt.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>;
A.Polinsky@stgl.sel.alcatel.de <A.Polinsky@stgl.sel.alcatel.de>;
k9pes_ms@siiks.a1.bosch.de <k9pes_ms@siiks.a1.bosch.de>;
markus@wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de <markus@wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de>
Data: mercoledì 28 ottobre 1998 16.34
Oggetto: [CQ-Contest] DE A6/DL2CC A61AC story

>Here are some random comments on my A61AC operation in the CQ WWDX SSB

>-40m on saturday evening
>You hear russians who claim to have 50 watts being 9+30 on 40m and you
>call them, yourself equipped with 400 watts and a dipol, and they don't
>even have a clue that somebody is calling... My radiated signals seem to
>be absorbed by the nearby desert.>

Also for European is difficult call this station that are 9+40 in italy.
I worked like SO LP 40M with 100w and vertical and a lot of time i have
listen ja(with beam and kw) station calling and eu station that,didn't
hearing them, stated to call on that freq.
And someone not only didn't hear ja but also od,a4,and other from midle-east
more nearest than ja.
But i also heard someone form an island in atlantic have a friend somewhere
that helped him!



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