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[CQ-Contest] Malicious Interference

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Malicious Interference
From: george@epix.net (George C. Cook)
Date: Mon Mar 8 10:12:40 1999
At 05:00 PM 3/6/99 -0800, Bruce Sawyer wrote:
>Good Morning Sir,
>I have found that you are the trustee for club call K0TEX, issued to the
>Red River Radio Club, so wanted to bring an issue to your attention
>involving the misuse of that call.  Please understand that I am not
>accusing you of anything, but since you are the person who has oversight
>for the use of that club call there is a problem of which I think you
>should be aware.

I hate to say this but I have yet to go through any phone contest and call
CQ without being
jammed by someone.  This years winners were the "weak mobile net" on 20
meters who
I got within 5 Khz of  (actually 2.6 Khz) and they decided rather than do
something else they would jam me
for an hour.  Alas for them I was working QRPers in Europe through their
attempts.  And of course
what would calling CQ on 80 meters in the General portion of the band be
without getting harassed
by the "pig farmers"?  I hope they realize that by transmitting at 3.667
with or with out giving there calls
they ran a good risk of damaging their transmitters being that far out of

But hey thats all part of the contest you know?  The only problem I have
with the jammers is that I get to 
laughing so hard at them that I loose my rate.  Seems like an awefull lot
of work if you ask me.
*George Cook.....AA3JU.....AKA "The Ratman"    *
*george@epix.net.....AA3JU@W3PYF                    *
*http://www.epix.net/~george                                   *
*Proudly Frankford Radio Club.........                        *
*.......Proficiency Through Competiton.                    *
*"Not just words but a way of life"                           *

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