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[CQ-Contest] My head hurts

Subject: [CQ-Contest] My head hurts
From: n6tr@teleport.com (n6tr@teleport.com)
Date: Thu Aug 26 00:43:04 1999
1. The CW Sprint was on the 5th, then the 12th and now the 5th?  When
is the phone sprint?

2. Is it okay to send my grid of EN99 in the ARRL DX contest as ENNN?

3. How many penalty points is it if someone logs my grid as ENNN but
busts my call at the same time.

4. If my cousin gets on and works me during a contest and nobody else,
is that QSO removed from my log?  Are there any penalty points?

5. What if I am operating the SS and decide to turn on my amplifier
after operating Q power for 10 hours.  Should I change my precedence?
What if I was B power and my amplifier dies.

6. If I live on the boundary line of two grids - which should I send?
The one where my transmitter is located or the one where my antennas 

7. If I start a 30 minute break in the SS at 0100Z, but have 45 minutes
of break time to use up - can I get back on at 0130 and operate for 15
minutes - or do I have to wait until 0145?  

8. If I show a break as 0100 to 0129 in my log - is that a 30 minute
break?  Can I have QSOs that start with either 0100 or 0129 in the log?

9. If I start a QSO at 0259 - but need a fill - is it okay to ask
for the fill after the clock has clicked over to 0300?  If not, should
I remove the QSO or just leave it with the blank information?

10. If I work a guy in the NAQP and notice that I had his name wrong
the first time I worked him - is it okay to go back into the log and
fix it during the contest?  After the contest?

11. If a station across town puts packet spots on the cluster that say
things like "GET ON AND GIVE HIM A CALL" - does this put me in the 
assisted category?  What if he did it 3000 times during the weekend?

12. Are duplicate QSOs eligible to be sent as QTCs in the WAE?

13. Is it okay to ask someone to QSY to another band in the Sprint if
I called CQ but the station who answered me was a dupe.

14. In the sprint, if I answer a CQ and then take over the frequency, 
but then some other station starts CQing on the frequency - can I answer

15. Why isn't there an assisted category in the sprints?


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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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