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[CQ-Contest] Internet Sprint coming soon!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Internet Sprint coming soon!
From: n6tr@teleport.com (n6tr@teleport.com)
Date: Sun Dec 26 20:36:08 1999
                     14th INTERNET CW SPRINT CONTEST

Contest period: 31 December 1999 - 2300 UTC for two hours. 

Bands:  20 and 40 meters (this is a real radio contest, no internet).
        Suggested frequencies are 14030-14050 and 7030-7050. 

Max power output: 150 watts at transmitter output connector.

Exchange: Consecutive QSO number (starting with one), name and state
          or province or DXCC country (if outside W/VE).  The name for
          the first QSO is your name.  For every QSO afterwards, the name
          you send is the name you received in the previous QSO.

Call: CQ INT

The standard sprint QSY rule must be followed.  This means that if you
solict a QSO (i.e., with CQ or QRZ), after completing the QSO, you must
QSY at least 1 kHz before calling another station, or 5 kHz before
solicting another QSO.

Both callsigns must be sent during the exchange.  Only one signal at a
time please and all QSOs are to take place on CW.  All information
submitted must have been decoded during the contest.  The use of post
contest detection or verification techniques or systems is not allowed.
Also, do not make round robin type QSOs.  It will be very easy to spot
these with the names floating around.  A round robin QSO is one where
you should QSY, but instead hang around to work the station who is
QSOing the station you gave the frequency to.

You may work the same station multiple times provided they are separated
by at least 3 other QSOs in both logs (regardless of band).  For example,
if K2MM works K7RAT, K2MM must work at least 3 other stations before he
can work K7RAT again.  K7RAT must also work 3 stations before working K2MM 
again.  Changing bands does not eliminate the three QSO requirement.  
The three QSOs must not be dupes themselves.

You must not work the same station or stations using any kind of schedule
or system.  It is the intent of the dupe rule to make sure we don't run out
of stations to work.  It is NOT the intent of this rule for you to change
how you would operate the contest if dupes were not allowed.  If, in the log
checkers opinion, you have not lived up to the intent of this rule, your
log will be disqualified!!

Total score is the number of contacts you make.  Any QSO found to be
defective will be removed from both logs.  (Yes, if someone miscopies your
exchange, you won't get credit for the QSO.)

Log checking will be different starting with this running of the contest.
Any QSO that can't be verified with the other log will be removed.  This
means if you work someone who doesn't send in their log, you will not get
credit for the QSO.  It also means that if you work someone and don't send
in your log, you won't have helped them at all, you'll have just wasted
their time.

Please refrain from using vulgar or inappropriate names.  If you receive
one of these names, feel free to either edit it or replace it with your
starting name.  Make sure to make a note in your log so we know what you
did.  Injecting the contest with an inappropriate name (in the log checker's
opinion) will result in a 1000 point penalty per occurrence.  Examples of
inappropriate names may be found on MTV and generally start with the
letter "B".  Also, only one person is allowed to use the name Monica.

Logs must be sent in ASCII format via internet to n6tr@contesting.com within
72 hours of the end of the contest.  Figuring out how to send in your
log on the internet is PART OF THE CONTEST.  If you need help, we will
try to assist the best we can.  

Logs must show the band, time, station worked, number sent, number received,
name received and QTH received for each QSO.  Also, please indicate the
name you started the contest with.  We will assume the name you send is the
name received on your previous QSO, so you don't have to show that.

Results will be publised on CQ-CONTEST within 2 weeks of the contest.  Logs
are checked using the K2MM LogZap software system.  All checked logs will 
be made available by FTP except for those requested by the submitter to
be kept private.  Decisions of the judging committe are final and arbitrary.  

Good luck, tell a friend and HAVE FUN!!

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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