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[CQ-Contest] YM3LZ story or WPX SSB 2000 Turkish-Bulgarian way (LONG)

Subject: [CQ-Contest] YM3LZ story or WPX SSB 2000 Turkish-Bulgarian way (LONG)
From: wally@el-soft.com (Valeri Stefanov)
Date: Mon Apr 17 17:43:50 2000


By Valeri Stefanov =96 LZ2CJ ( Wally)

The trend in HF Contesting in recent years for European Big Guns is to =
build the

M/M or M/S stations in countries next to European Continent thus having =

advantage of 3 or 6 points per almost each QSO made by working EU or =

The Germans went to CN8 , Russians to 5B4 and Italians to 3V8 and =

Italy Islands.=20

During last couple of years our results from LZ9A contest station have =
not shown

any improvement. We constantly enter the top scores for M/S Europe, but

are no longer able to reach top five places. Things have changed a lot =

recent years and having 6,7 or 8 el. Monobanders on 20,15 and 10m plus 4 =

Monobander on 40m is not enough any longer.=20

After long discussions we decided instead of investing in a wood of =

Yagies to "invest" in "creating" a contest station in Asiatic Turkey =96 =
the only site

not still "invaded" by other European contesters.

We have always been in good relations with our TA colleagues in spite of =

political problems between two countries in 1989 when socialist ruler =

Zivkov has forced the Turkish minority in Bulgaria to change their names =

forced those unwilling to do so to immigrate in Turkey.

The latest confirmation of the friendship and strong ties between =
Turkish and Bulgarian radioamateurs was the collaboration between them =
during the last big earthquake in Izmit area last year ,when a lot of =
people unfortunately died.

Then a group of Bulgarian Radioamateurs went to the area of the =
earthquake and

established a "HF radio =96 bridge" between Turkey and Bulgaria passing =

from Turkey to Bulgaria and back for the relatives of those who =
immigrated in

1989 and were living in the earthquake affected areas.

So, the new challenging project was born and I contacted my old friend =

TA2BK (EX- President of Turkish Amateur Radio Association) asking him to

find me a place from where to make an "exploratory" operation in WPX SSB


There are over 2 000 hams in Turkey , but just very few of them are =

active in HF contests. The TA3J, TA3D and TA3YJ are the callsigns most

often seen in different contests results and that=92s why I asked Bahri =
to get in

contact with them and to pass my request to operate from TA3J&TA3YJ=92s =

Berkin and Nilay were happy to accept me visiting them and proposed

exactly what I have been afraid to suggest myself at this early stage =
=96 formation

of a Turkish =96 Bulgarian M/S Contest Team. This happened in early =

2000. A preparations started right away because we haven=92t had much =

The other LZ member of the team was to be my good friend Ceco =96 LZ2FV.

He is an electronic engineer and this proved to be very useful during =
our stay.

So, we sent the copies of our LZ licenses and TA3J and TA3YJ have been

able to get in their hands the license for special callsign to be used =
by the team -

YM3LZ after ONLY 12 hours !!!

The other great gesture from the Turkish side was done by Turkish =

in Bulgaria. Our visas have been issued within couple of hours !!!=20

We booked our flight to Izmir and about two weeks before the date of the =

contest all on Bulgarian side was ready.

We decided not to carry any equipment with us this time to prevent any =

with Turkish customs and to see first ,how some spare radio parts will =
pass the=20

border. (after explanations that we are radioamateurs everything went =

with the customs without a single problem ).

Equipment to be used was the TS930S of Berkin and Nilay(TA3J and TA3YJ)

and the TS850 of Yasar (TA3D). The main problem was the Power Amplifier. =

I did not want to risk with the customs this time and to carry with me =
my ACOM 2000A amplifier, so we jointly decided to go with Yasar=92s home =
brew 400 W amplifier in this exploratory M/S operation.

Antennas planned were A3S tribander of TA3D for 20,15 and 10m plus a=20

wire made yagi for 40m and 20m vertical for 80 and 160m (incl. beverages =


I have had some imagination about the mountain QTH of Berkin and Nilay =
from the drawing sent to me by Yasar by Fax, but this proved to be very =
wrong when we arrived at the place =96 Hi.


The antennas proved being our weakest part as have been seen later on.

Having not any experience with building verticals and due to a bad =

and lack of human "power" , Berkin and Yasar with a help of just one =
more man

in winter storm with strong wind and 40 cm of snow on the ground at =
1000m asl

after heroic efforts were able to erect a 20m high vertical. They =
however placed

it just in contact with a small building which they used as support .So, =
when we arrived with Ceco, we realized that vertical was installed the =
wrong way.

So, other solutions were to be looked for 80 and 160m antennas due to a =
lack of time.

After arrival we as mentioned above also seen that we are located on the =
one side

of 1500m high peak, which was sloping to the sea level at an angle of =
about 50- 60

deg. Site was widely open towards South America, USA and Europe and =

a clear shot was possible towards Japan, but location was not suitable =
for installing

the beverages in these directions due to a topography of the region.

Three 12 m high masts were available as support ,placed in a triangle =

and spaced app. 50 m apart. After lot of thinking and having in mind =
that 160m

is rarely used in WPX contest, we decided to go for an inverted sloping =
Delta Loop

antenna for 80m with its base between two masts at 12m high and its apex =

to abt 3 m above ground . Thus Delta Loop was beamed to Europe/ USA and =

to use the ground as a natural reflector. ( In the contest this antenna =
was putting

a "killer" signal into EU with just 400W of power).

After having the 80m Loop up, we started preparations to put up the A3S =
for higher

bands. The tribander was to be installed on a separate 12m high mast. We =

the tribander and tried to erect the mast together with A3S. We were =
only 4 and it

proved impossible to make it just by hands. So, we were forced to cut =
the mast to

just 8 m and we tried again. We almost succeeded this time, just to =
realize that we

forgot to connect the coax to the yagi =96 Hi. All construction went on =
the ground

again, coax was connected and finally Yagi went up at its final position =
We did=20

not used a rotator this time. Due to a nice location the effective =
antenna height

was very nice and this simple A3S with just 400 W PA did great for us =

on 10m.

The greatest problem, however proved to be a 40m antenna. We were =
planning to=20

make a wire 3 or 4 el. Yagi fixed to Europe, but due to the location of =
the masts

and topography of the terrain it was not possible this time.

So, we decided to use the 20m erected vertical as a post and to install =
a sloping

160 m rectangle which to use also as a 40m antenna via the tuner. I have =

such antenna on 40m at LZ2CJ in Pleven with great success in 1997.

It took us whole Friday to put this Large Loop up just to realize at =
early evening

that this antenna on 40m is less effective than the 80m Delta Loop via =
the tuner.

It was a great RX antenna on 160m ,but fully ineffective as TX antenna =
due to

the fact it was so close to the ground. ( We have tried to call stations =
in the contest

with 100W since our PA was not working on 160m. The only station which =

able to get our callsign told us we are a DUPE on 1.8mhz for him in =
spite of the fact we have not worked anyone on top band at all in =
contest !=96 Hi )

There was no time left before darkness for anything else beside a simple =
Dipole for 40m and this is what we did. ( We wanted to get some sleep =
before the start of the

Contest). Since it was an exploratory participation and we did not =
really hoped to

make a big score with our 400W amplifier we thought a dipole on 40m will =

(The coax connection of this Dipole blown up due to the wind after =
getting in contact with the short steel mast it was attached to on the =
roof of the house. So, after first night we used 80m Delta Loop as 7 mhz =

Finally, we ended with A3S on 20,15 and 10m, Dipole on 40m and single =

Loop on 80m.(T/S =96 M/S Category =96 Hi ). These were complemented by =
400 W PA of TA3D working on 80 =96 10m .=20


The planned strategy was to stay as long as we can on 80 and 40m to get =

advantage of EU 6 points QSOs and to maintain a good rates on higher =

during the day time, if possible. Target set was 3 000 QSOs and 10 000 =
000 pts.

This approach was affected by the nice propagation on higher bands.=20

Although, we were loud enough on 80 and 40m even with single Delta Loop =
and single Dipole and just 400 W, there were no enough stations to work. =
All went to=20

20 ,15 and 10m bands.

We started on 80m and made 121 QSOs during the first hour. This was not =
a bad

rate for 6 points contacts on a noisy 80m band. For next 40minutes we =
kept making=20

one QSO per minute and that=92s why we went to 40m at 01.46 GMT.

The rate there was still 70 QSOs per hour and since this is equal to a =
140 per hour on 20m we stayed on 7 mhz until the morning time with short =
jumps on 80m at 02.30

and 04.20 Z.

At 04.28 Z we have ended with lower bands with QSO total of 312 QSOs. =

Berkin and Yasar took the mike and laptop and went on 20m.

There they were running mainly Europeans until 07.47 UTC. When moved to =

at this time they tried to build up a good run ,but rate was not high =
enough ,so they QSYd to 10m at 08.12 Z. There was one more try on 15m at =
around 10.50Z and shortly a return followed to 10m. At 14.30 YM3LZ went =
on 15 m again and we were able to maintain the run on this band up to =
18.35 Z. Afterwards we stayed on 20m until 20.00 Z and made a short jump =
on 15m to land on 40m at 20.27 UTC.

Between 20.27 Z and 23.24Z we kept on jumping between 40 and 80m and at

23.27 UTC went finally on 20m. The first 24 hours of the contest =
finished on 20m

band with a QSO total of 1 775.

We tried 15m , 40m and 80m between 00.50 and 02.00 Z and then stayed on =

until 6.13 UTC. Afterwards it was a turn of 15m up to 8.18 Z. Time until =

was spent mostly on 10m with some QSY periods to 15m to keep the rate =

At 12.00Z our PA suddenly went dead and for about 4 hours we were =
running an output power of just 100 W using TS850 barefoot. Thanks to =
the hard work and creativity of Ceco(LZ2FV) and Yasar ( TA3D) the other =
blown up before the

contest amplifier of TA3J was repaired and we were back around 16.00 Z =

350W on the air.

Next hours after 19.00 UTC to the end of the contest were spent on 20m =
with a=20

single "slow" jump to 80 m.

Due to a nice propagation on high bands irrespective of very simple =
antennas and

relatively low power for M/S Category we met easily our pre contest =
target of 3 000 QSO=92s. We claimed 3811 QSOs and 881 multipliers for a =

11 314 683 points. We would even done better ,if we turned antenna to =
Japan on

20m during the night time for an hour or two to get more multipliers =
when rate was

slow on 40m. We=92ll do it next time =96 Hi.

The exploratory YM3LZ M/S operation proved to be a great success and we =
declared the Turkish - Bulgarian Contest Team Founded !

We took the decision to continue this way in the future contests working =
hard to

improve our antennas and our amplifiers and promoting peace and =

via amateur radio between nations living in our troubled Balkan Region.

Special THANKS go to the wife of Berkin =96 Nilay TA3YJ for her GREAT =
logistic support during the entire 48 hours and for helping with =
computer logging when her help was asked for.

OUR BIG GRATEFULNESS TO Aydogmus Family ( Berkin and Nilay and

their son Taylan) for their GREAT HOSPITALITY both outside of the =
contest and during the contest time. Thanks also to Yasar and his wife =
and Family for

a nice evening and dinner on Tuesday after the test.=20

See you all in next contest.

73 & 88=92s

YM3LZ Contest Team =96 Wally (LZ2CJ), Ceco (LZ2FV), Berkin =
(TA3J),Yasar(TA3D) and YL Nilay ( TA3YJ )

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<P>By Valeri Stefanov &ndash; LZ2CJ ( Wally)</P>
<P>The trend in HF Contesting in recent years for European Big Guns is =
to build=20
<P>M/M or M/S stations in countries next to European Continent thus =
<P>advantage of 3 or 6 points per almost each QSO made by working EU or =
<P>The Germans went to CN8 , Russians to 5B4 and Italians to 3V8 and =
<P>Italy Islands. </P>
<P>During last couple of years our results from LZ9A contest station =
have not=20
<P>any improvement. We constantly enter the top scores for M/S Europe, =
<P>are no longer able to reach top five places. Things have changed a =
<P>recent years and having 6,7 or 8 el. Monobanders on 20,15 and 10m =
plus 4=20
<P>Monobander on 40m is not enough any longer. </P>
<P>After long discussions we decided instead of investing in a wood of=20
<P>Yagies to &quot;invest&quot; in &quot;creating&quot; a contest =
station in=20
Asiatic Turkey &ndash; the only site</P>
<P>not still &quot;invaded&quot; by other European contesters.</P>
<P>We have always been in good relations with our TA colleagues in spite =
<P>political problems between two countries in 1989 when socialist ruler =

<P>Zivkov has forced the Turkish minority in Bulgaria to change their =
<P>forced those unwilling to do so to immigrate in Turkey.</P>
<P>The latest confirmation of the friendship and strong ties between =
Turkish and=20
Bulgarian radioamateurs was the collaboration between them during the =
last big=20
earthquake in Izmit area last year ,when a lot of people unfortunately =
<P>Then a group of Bulgarian Radioamateurs went to the area of the =
<P>established a &quot;HF radio &ndash; bridge&quot; between Turkey and =
passing information</P>
<P>from Turkey to Bulgaria and back for the relatives of those who =
<P>1989 and were living in the earthquake affected areas.</P>
<P>So, the new challenging project was born and I contacted my old =
<P>TA2BK (EX- President of Turkish Amateur Radio Association) asking him =
<P>find me a place from where to make an &quot;exploratory&quot; =
operation in=20
<P>There are over 2 000 hams in Turkey , but just very few of them are=20
<P>active in HF contests. The TA3J, TA3D and TA3YJ are the callsigns =
<P>often seen in different contests results and that&rsquo;s why I asked =
to get in</P>
<P>contact with them and to pass my request to operate from=20
TA3J&amp;TA3YJ&rsquo;s QTH.</P>
<P>Berkin and Nilay were happy to accept me visiting them and =
<P>exactly what I have been afraid to suggest myself at this early stage =
<P>of a Turkish &ndash; Bulgarian M/S Contest Team. This happened in =
<P>2000. A preparations started right away because we haven&rsquo;t had =
<P>The other LZ member of the team was to be my good friend Ceco &ndash; =

<P>He is an electronic engineer and this proved to be very useful during =
<P>So, we sent the copies of our LZ licenses and TA3J and TA3YJ have =
<P>able to get in their hands the license for special callsign to be =
used by the=20
team -</P>
<P>YM3LZ after ONLY 12 hours !!!</P>
<P>The other great gesture from the Turkish side was done by Turkish =
<P>in Bulgaria. Our visas have been issued within couple of hours !!! =
<P>We booked our flight to Izmir and about two weeks before the date of =
<P>contest all on Bulgarian side was ready.</P>
<P>We decided not to carry any equipment with us this time to prevent =
<P>with Turkish customs and to see first ,how some spare radio parts =
will pass=20
the </P>
<P>border. (after explanations that we are radioamateurs everything went =

<P>with the customs without a single problem ).</P>
<P>Equipment to be used was the TS930S of Berkin and Nilay(TA3J and =
<P>and the TS850 of Yasar (TA3D). The main problem was the Power =
Amplifier. </P>
<P>I did not want to risk with the customs this time and to carry with =
me my=20
ACOM 2000A amplifier, so we jointly decided to go with Yasar&rsquo;s =
home brew=20
400 W amplifier in this exploratory M/S operation.</P>
<P>Antennas planned were A3S tribander of TA3D for 20,15 and 10m plus a =
<P>wire made yagi for 40m and 20m vertical for 80 and 160m (incl. =
<P>I have had some imagination about the mountain QTH of Berkin and =
Nilay from=20
the drawing sent to me by Yasar by Fax, but this proved to be very wrong =
when we=20
arrived at the place &ndash; Hi.</P>
<P>The antennas proved being our weakest part as have been seen later =
<P>Having not any experience with building verticals and due to a bad=20
<P>and lack of human &quot;power&quot; , Berkin and Yasar with a help of =
one more man</P>
<P>in winter storm with strong wind and 40 cm of snow on the ground at =
<P>after heroic efforts were able to erect a 20m high vertical. They =
<P>it just in contact with a small building which they used as support =
.So, when=20
we arrived with Ceco, we realized that vertical was installed the wrong =
<P>So, other solutions were to be looked for 80 and 160m antennas due to =
a lack=20
of time.</P>
<P>After arrival we as mentioned above also seen that we are located on =
the one=20
<P>of 1500m high peak, which was sloping to the sea level at an angle of =
50- 60</P>
<P>deg. Site was widely open towards South America, USA and Europe and =
<P>a clear shot was possible towards Japan, but location was not =
suitable for=20
<P>the beverages in these directions due to a topography of the =
<P>Three 12 m high masts were available as support ,placed in a triangle =

<P>and spaced app. 50 m apart. After lot of thinking and having in mind =
<P>is rarely used in WPX contest, we decided to go for an inverted =
sloping Delta=20
<P>antenna for 80m with its base between two masts at 12m high and its =
<P>to abt 3 m above ground . Thus Delta Loop was beamed to Europe/ USA =
<P>to use the ground as a natural reflector. ( In the contest this =
antenna was=20
<P>a &quot;killer&quot; signal into EU with just 400W of power).</P>
<P>After having the 80m Loop up, we started preparations to put up the =
A3S for=20
<P>bands. The tribander was to be installed on a separate 12m high mast. =
<P>the tribander and tried to erect the mast together with A3S. We were =
only 4=20
and it</P>
<P>proved impossible to make it just by hands. So, we were forced to cut =
mast to</P>
<P>just 8 m and we tried again. We almost succeeded this time, just to =
that we</P>
<P>forgot to connect the coax to the yagi &ndash; Hi. All construction =
went on=20
the ground</P>
<P>again, coax was connected and finally Yagi went up at its final =
position We=20
did </P>
<P>not used a rotator this time. Due to a nice location the effective =
<P>was very nice and this simple A3S with just 400 W PA did great for us =

<P>on 10m.</P>
<P>The greatest problem, however proved to be a 40m antenna. We were =
planning to=20
<P>make a wire 3 or 4 el. Yagi fixed to Europe, but due to the location =
of the=20
<P>and topography of the terrain it was not possible this time.</P>
<P>So, we decided to use the 20m erected vertical as a post and to =
install a=20
<P>160 m rectangle which to use also as a 40m antenna via the tuner. I =
<P>such antenna on 40m at LZ2CJ in Pleven with great success in =
<P>It took us whole Friday to put this Large Loop up just to realize at =
<P>that this antenna on 40m is less effective than the 80m Delta Loop =
via the=20
<P>It was a great RX antenna on 160m ,but fully ineffective as TX =
antenna due=20
<P>the fact it was so close to the ground. ( We have tried to call =
stations in=20
the contest</P>
<P>with 100W since our PA was not working on 160m. The only station =
<P>able to get our callsign told us we are a DUPE on 1.8mhz for him in =
spite of=20
the fact we have not worked anyone on top band at all in contest =
!&ndash; Hi=20
<P>There was no time left before darkness for anything else beside a =
Dipole for 40m and this is what we did. ( We wanted to get some sleep =
before the=20
start of the</P>
<P>Contest). Since it was an exploratory participation and we did not =
hoped to</P>
<P>make a big score with our 400W amplifier we thought a dipole on 40m =
<P>(The coax connection of this Dipole blown up due to the wind after =
getting in=20
contact with the short steel mast it was attached to on the roof of the =
So, after first night we used 80m Delta Loop as 7 mhz antenna,too.)</P>
<P>Finally, we ended with A3S on 20,15 and 10m, Dipole on 40m and single =

<P>Loop on 80m.(T/S &ndash; M/S Category &ndash; Hi ). These were =
by 400 W PA of TA3D working on 80 &ndash; 10m . </P>
<P>The planned strategy was to stay as long as we can on 80 and 40m to =
<P>advantage of EU 6 points QSOs and to maintain a good rates on higher=20
<P>during the day time, if possible. Target set was 3 000 QSOs and 10 =
000 000=20
<P>This approach was affected by the nice propagation on higher bands. =
<P>Although, we were loud enough on 80 and 40m even with single Delta =
Loop and=20
single Dipole and just 400 W, there were no enough stations to work. All =
went to=20
<P>20 ,15 and 10m bands.</P>
<P>We started on 80m and made 121 QSOs during the first hour. This was =
not a=20
<P>rate for 6 points contacts on a noisy 80m band. For next 40minutes we =
making </P>
<P>one QSO per minute and that&rsquo;s why we went to 40m at 01.46 =
<P>The rate there was still 70 QSOs per hour and since this is equal to =
a 140=20
per hour on 20m we stayed on 7 mhz until the morning time with short =
jumps on=20
80m at 02.30</P>
<P>and 04.20 Z.</P>
<P>At 04.28 Z we have ended with lower bands with QSO total of 312 QSOs. =

<P>Berkin and Yasar took the mike and laptop and went on 20m.</P>
<P>There they were running mainly Europeans until 07.47 UTC. When moved =
<P>at this time they tried to build up a good run ,but rate was not high =
,so they QSYd to 10m at 08.12 Z. There was one more try on 15m at around =
and shortly a return followed to 10m. At 14.30 YM3LZ went on 15 m again =
and we=20
were able to maintain the run on this band up to 18.35 Z. Afterwards we =
on 20m until 20.00 Z and made a short jump on 15m to land on 40m at =
<P>Between 20.27 Z and 23.24Z we kept on jumping between 40 and 80m and =
<P>23.27 UTC went finally on 20m. The first 24 hours of the contest =
finished on=20
<P>band with a QSO total of 1 775.</P>
<P>We tried 15m , 40m and 80m between 00.50 and 02.00 Z and then stayed =
<P>until 6.13 UTC. Afterwards it was a turn of 15m up to 8.18 Z. Time =
<P>was spent mostly on 10m with some QSY periods to 15m to keep the rate =

<P>At 12.00Z our PA suddenly went dead and for about 4 hours we were =
running an=20
output power of just 100 W using TS850 barefoot. Thanks to the hard work =
creativity of Ceco(LZ2FV) and Yasar ( TA3D) the other blown up before =
<P>contest amplifier of TA3J was repaired and we were back around 16.00 =
Z with=20
<P>350W on the air.</P>
<P>Next hours after 19.00 UTC to the end of the contest were spent on =
20m with a=20
<P>single &quot;slow&quot; jump to 80 m.</P>
<P>Due to a nice propagation on high bands irrespective of very simple =
<P>relatively low power for M/S Category we met easily our pre contest =
target of=20
3 000 QSO&rsquo;s. We claimed 3811 QSOs and 881 multipliers for a FINAL =
SCORE of=20
<P>11 314 683 points. We would even done better ,if we turned antenna to =
<P>20m during the night time for an hour or two to get more multipliers =
rate was</P>
<P>slow on 40m. We&rsquo;ll do it next time &ndash; Hi.</P>
<P>The exploratory YM3LZ M/S operation proved to be a great success and =
declared the Turkish - Bulgarian Contest Team Founded !</P>
<P>We took the decision to continue this way in the future contests =
working hard=20
<P>improve our antennas and our amplifiers and promoting peace and=20
<P>via amateur radio between nations living in our troubled Balkan=20
<P>Special THANKS go to the wife of Berkin &ndash; Nilay TA3YJ for her =
logistic support during the entire 48 hours and for helping with =
logging when her help was asked for.</P></B><B>
<P>OUR BIG GRATEFULNESS TO Aydogmus Family ( Berkin and Nilay and</P>
<P>their son Taylan) for their GREAT HOSPITALITY both outside of the =
contest and=20
during the contest time. Thanks also to Yasar and his wife and Family =
<P>a nice evening and dinner on Tuesday after the test. </P></B>
<P>See you all in next contest.</P>
<P>73 &amp; 88&rsquo;s</P>
<P>YM3LZ Contest Team &ndash; Wally (LZ2CJ), Ceco (LZ2FV), Berkin=20
(TA3J),Yasar(TA3D) and YL Nilay ( TA3YJ )</P>


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  • [CQ-Contest] YM3LZ story or WPX SSB 2000 Turkish-Bulgarian way (LONG), Valeri Stefanov <=