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[CQ-Contest] PK232+Ft1000MP

Subject: [CQ-Contest] PK232+Ft1000MP
From: klo@abaconet.com.ar (klo@abaconet.com.ar)
Date: Thu Jun 28 13:58:55 2001
Hi Folks,

Now as the digital contest season is coming, I borrow a PK232MBX from a 
friend because I want to start with RTTY contest, but I have 2 question

1) what is the best way to connect the 232 with the 1000MP, using 
microphone connection or back panel RTTY/FSK connection?
2)I see some DSP/Firmware upgrade for the PK232, have somebody made this 
upgrade, it really works?

Many thanks

Claudio LU7DW   L99D on contest

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