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[CQ-Contest] Plant lemon trees

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Plant lemon trees
From: K4BEV@aol.com (K4BEV@aol.com)
Date: Sat Jul 27 12:39:37 2002
In a message dated 7/27/02 10:11:36 Central Daylight Time, k1ttt@arrl.net 

> instead of just listing logs received, publish the claimed scores as they 
> arrive.

While the above is an outstanding idea, the Cabrillo format doesn't include 
that information. It could, however, be included in the subject line of the 
log submission, or the format could possibly (?) be changed to include it.
Along with the claimed score I like seeing the number of contacts made and 
mult total.

73, Don - K4BEV 

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