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[CQ-Contest] no email for PA QSO party logs?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] no email for PA QSO party logs?
From: wn3vaw@fyi.net (Ron Notarius WN3VAW)
Date: Fri Nov 15 12:29:23 2002

It's so.

Don't blame W3FRC (the contest's Special Event Bonus Station from the
Franklin Radio Club).

This is a choice made by the Pa QSO Party Committee, aka the Nittany ARC
Board of Directors.   Take it up with them.  Please.  I got about 2 dozen
emails from DX and West Coast hams complaining of this after the contest
(why me?  Because I posted the info about the contest here as a favor to
this year's PaQP chairman, so those kvetching assumed I am on the PaQP
Committee, which I AM NOT.  But, as they say, no good deed goes

FWIW, there are a lot of us participants in the contest who hope that this
will change, and soon.  I was hoping to find a way to help them
electronically process logs, but those I contacted told me that for very
good reasons they declined the opportunity.

Pa QSO Party logs must be postmarked TODAY (11/15).  If you can't make the
deadline, go to the Nittany ARC web site, get the email address of the
chairman (I don't have it handy right now) and ask him for an extension.
Sorry, that's the best I can do for you.

73, ron wn3vaw

'If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?'
-- from "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?"
Lonnie Donegan, SK, 4 November 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "KN5H" <kn5h@earthlink.net>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] no email for PA QSO party logs?

Say it isnt so!
Where do I send my electronic log?
de kn5h

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