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[CQ-Contest] Helping those when working SPLIT

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Helping those when working SPLIT
From: Charles.Morrison@apcc.com
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:39:13 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

Several techniques will help here when you are SSB CONTESTING using split
As 40M BC SW station begin to QSY to new freq, SSB below 7.100 has become
even more difficult. (even CW too !)

Just add one or two unique words can help eliminate NILs.

If you are working a run station (I4AVG) using split freq:
Use his call in the exchange or repeat his serial number/zone.

" Thanks, I4AVG you are 5905 N1RR"  or  "N1RadioRadio, I4AVG you are 5905."
" Thanks I4AVG on 7051, N1RadioRadio, you are 5905 "
" Roger 5915 I4AVG 5905 N1RadioRadio"

If you are calling a run station (I4AVG) working split:
" I4AVG N1RadioRadio "
" N1RadioRadio 7051"

If you are a RUN station, these will improve your rate:
Announce your RX freq in a QRZ too.
I4AVG:  " N1RadioRadio, Roger QRZ 7155 "

After a short chat with a buddy or after a fill :
I4AVG:  " 59 Wyoming on 7155 Italy4AlphaVictorGulf 7155
                  OK Thanks QSO, QRZ 7155 I4AVG "

If you are a RUN station, more effective CQing will improve your rate:
      Many RUN stations would call CQ this way:

Announce your RX freq during the first 25% or 50% of your CQ too !
CQ CONTEST 7155 KM3T KM3T 7155

Why ?
- If you say it earlier in the CQ, and more than once it allows
  more chances that it will be heard and it allows time for callers
  to get there.
- If you say the RX freq more than once during your CQ,
  due to QRN/QRM/Splatter/RTTY/CW/Packet on your freq,
  you will be more successful.
- Remember, just like many calling to answer you on your RX freq,
  there are also many signals/sounds on your TX freq. on top of you.
- USA M/M or DXers will work a new multipliers or good DX only
   after these steps:
      - Listen to a station CQing below 7.100 that is weak/QRP or
        under QRM/Splatter for 15mins or 30minutes before clearly
        hearing his CALLSIGN and/or RX freq.
      - Calling and  waiting to call or timing your call, for a time that
         you hope you can hear the RUN station reply. Many 100w
         RUN stations are worked this way.
I have worked good DX such as TA, UN0N, 4L, UA9, TU, 5X, 5U,
5V7, XT, UU5's, FR, VP8/CE9, KH2, VK6, UA0, JA, DU, under these
types of conditions in contests.

Charlie  N1RR
Club Stn WZ1R

Amateur Radio callsign: N1RR

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