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Re: [CQ-Contest] Icom Rig control

To: KE5CTY Bob <rtnmi@sbcglobal.net>,cq-contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Icom Rig control
From: Hank Kohl K8DD <k8dd@arrl.net>
Reply-to: k8dd@arrl.net
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:34:51 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
KE5CTY Bob wrote:

>Not sure what kind of connector this accessory socket#2 on the back of
>the Icom 728 takes. Does anybody know what this type of connector is
It is a DIN plug.  Radio Shack probably carrys them.

>BTW I found an adapter from RS 232 TO DBA 9 in a box I had around here
>for a long time. I rang it out and it rings out perfectly.
>So I know I can use the CT-17 when it gets here. All I need now is a
>cable with 1/8" plugs on both ends (stereo mini plugs), 
The two CT-17's that I have use mono mini plugs on each end of the cable.

>and I'm all set.
>Now all I need to be concerned about is how I am going to get the ic-728
>rig to key cw and work PSK.
You can use VOX - not the best way to do it.
You can use MOX - the Transmit switch - better, but not the best.
You can use a COM port.  Think it's one transistor like a 2n2222a, a 1k 
resistor and a DB-9
or DB-25 depending on which size COM port you have.  And if you don't 
have any COM ports
left, you can use a USB to Serial converter if you have USB on your PC.

>I noticed in the Icom 728 manual that the 8 pin accessory socket "acc
>socket #1" (I am using #2 for the AT-160 Auto-tuner) on the back of the
>rig has:
>1  NC  - 2 GND - 3 SEND - 4 MOD - 5 AF - 6 SQLS - 7 13.8V 8 ALC
>Looks like I can use this some how for fixed audio input to the computer
>input and possibly even audio output from the computer and keying the
>ptt line for FSK transmitting.
You can do that or you can wire it all into the MIC connector.

>The CW key jack on the back (I guess) is what I would use for keying the
>CW portion of the program.
Yes ..... I would use the LPT port on the PC to key the radio.  And 
depending on which program
you are using, you can wire your paddle into the LPT plug and use the PC 
as a keyer.

73    Hank    K8DD

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