NCCC THURSDAY (and FRIDAY) NIGHT MADNESS continues this week,
Jan. 19 and 20 local date in NA, Jan. 20, 21 Zulu
Spend 30 minutes on Thur. and Friday nights, getting your station,
logging software, DVP/DVK, and brain together for NAQP on Saturday.
--30 mins 0330-04Z (all NCCC practice sessions will be the same LOCAL
time, year round, UFN)
-- Start 0330Z (1930 PT, 2030 MT, 2130 CT 2230 ET)
-- Normal North American QSO Party rules (no dupes on same band, as in
NS): 100 watts MAX, QSOs and mults on all bands, 160-10m.....
Practice moving mults to the 'dead' high bands.
-- Suggested freq.: 1865, 3850, 7225, 14250, 21300, 28500 kHz (28450 for
Novice/Tech) on SSB
-- Report scores near 3830 LSB after the practices, at 0400Z (8 PM PST) on
the weekly NCCC
contest net (both Thur. and Friday). Real-time score collecting, bragging,
excuses, antenna checks,
Next week: NCCC SPRINT CW (NS with intervening dupes) rules, Thursday,
Jan. 26, local time.
NA Sprint SSB practice on Feb. 2,3; NA CW SPRINT, Feb 9, 10.
Look for WX5S from the Radio Oakley Ranch. CU, N6RO
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