I operated CQ WW SSB in 1984 with my own homemade DEC PDP-11 compatible T-11
16-bit, 8 MHz, 64 kB microcomputer using my own software written in Pascal. My
system was used by number of S5 hams. K1EA CT from ver. 5 has my software
routines for Russian zones. MFJ bought license for my software and IBM PC
interface in 1988 and advertised it as "Contest Conie" but never went into full
production fearing software support problems due to many new CAT radios.
I made Dayton presentation on my PHD research of HF CW DSP in 1995.
Beware of NIH symptoms.
HNY & 73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU, MSc EE, retired on Nov.23rd. 2006.
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