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Re: [CQ-Contest] Animal Sprint

To: Scott Neader KA9FOX <scott@ka9fox.qth.com>,cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Animal Sprint
From: Andy Blank <n2nt@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2007 17:50:06 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
At 10:36 PM 2/6/2007, Scott Neader KA9FOX wrote:
>CW Sprint is this weekend and I'm trying to put together a team of
>"animal" calls.  I need some help in filling out the team.  So far I
>have K7RAT, K9RAT, WA5RAT, AC0W (OK, a little stretch).  Some animal
>call owners can't be on, but volunteered their calls in the name of
>fun... we have W4CAT, K5RAT and K6RAT available for anyone that
>wishes to join the fun but doesn't own an animal call.

Reminds me of 20 years ago or so in Dayton. Some guys who will remain 
anonymous were playing the animal callsign badge game. Every time an 
animal call was spotted they would call in for points on 2 mtrs.
If the entire call was an animal such as FR0G, you got lots of points.

Of course, we are all too old to play such silly games now, aren't we?

73, Andy N2NT

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