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[CQ-Contest] NCCC Sprint Ladder - K0DXC Audio

To: Cq Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] NCCC Sprint Ladder - K0DXC Audio
From: Bill Haddon <haddon.bill@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:34:06 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
An mp3 recording of WK 2 of the NS Ladder competition is available, courtesy
of Cal K0DXC ("Kid" in NSL).

Two ways to access:

        1) Through Cal's excellent website at www.k0dxc.com
        2) As a link from K0DXC's Wk 2  score at

For those of you who are thinking about joining the NSL:  the audio file is
a great preview the contest, allowing you to experience it's flow and
rhythm. It may also be a useful training exercise --  see how many calls you
can pick out of the 30-min recording.

Comments?  Let Cal or me know what you think.  If you'd like to contribute a
reccording from your QTH, we can probably arrange it, but with the
preference that the file reside on your website.   Cal as he is able,  will
be providing more-or-less weekly updates to the audio files.

Locust X Prize:
          Look for an announcement later this week.    The qualifying score
for the K6VVA NSL X Prize will be reduced from 3000 to a more sensible
value. The NSL-BOD discussed  this situation last week at K6VVA's request:
We did some modeling, and have come up with a sensible but still challenging
number.  But K6VVA will make the final decision on its exact value.

73 Bill n6zfo
Contest Director, NCCC Sprint Ladder
CQ-Contest mailing list

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