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[3830] RTTY WPX Soapbox

To: cq-contest@contesting.com, 3830 <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] RTTY WPX Soapbox
From: Michael Dinkelman <mwdink@clearwire.net>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:16:01 -0800
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
RTTY WPX Soapbox
built 2-21-2014

Call: 3G1B              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 1,347,330
Great Weekend and contest from 3G1B Antenna Farm

See you during ARRL DX Contest

Nick, XQ1KZ

Call: 8P2K              Class: SOSB40 LP                Total Score = 71,706
This ranked right up there as one of the most disastrous contests.

The original plan was to be SOAB-LP with SO2R but Mr. Murphy took up residence
in the shack from maybe Wednesday/Thursday before the contest. Computer started
acting up and eventually on Friday just before the contest I diagnosed the
problem - failing video card (of course this was easy conclusion once the card
actually failed - and naturally after all the stores were closed.

Also during the configuration I am still trying to figure out why my left radio
audio feeds through to my right radio (using Writelog, MK2R+, MMTY/2Tone under
XMMT). Tried everything I could think of or find on the internet but the
MK2R+/Windows 7 just kept sending the left channel audio across to the right.
This used to work fine but I can't figure why it would not work all week-end.
And yes, I'm aware of the issues with realtek on-board sound and tried the
documented work-arounds without success.

Anyway in the end I lost most of Saturday trying to find a dual-head video-card
which would support my now-dated VGA 17in LCD monitors. Along the way I
discovered that there are many flavours of DVI - I think I ended up with a card
which said it supported what I needed but which needed another trip to computer
stores to get a displayport to VGA &quot;active&quot; adapter.

SO, I gave out a few mults as time allowed on Sunday. Will be working to sort
out this MK2R+/Windows/Writelog issue so hope to see you in the next RTTY

73's, Dean - 8P6SH / 8P2K

Call: 9A1A              Class: M/U HP                   Total Score = 22,017,150
The first 12 hours of the contest have shown us possibilty to have higher score
then in Y2013. But CONDX exchanged to worse on higher bands and smaller number
of QSOs on 80 and 40 meters caused smaller final score then in Y2013.

For the first time in our team participed one of our young operators,
Kristijan, in age 17. Other could not come because of school and family
Next time at least 5 of them in age 16 to 18 will be in our SSB or RTTY CQ WW
team. As they are learning Morse code in Y2015 we shall have them in some CW
conests too.

Thanks to all who called us

9A1A team

Call: 9M6XRO            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,341,145
My Rig: Transceiver Yaesu FT-1000MP and VL-1000 Quadra Linear @ 400w.
Ants up 27m (HF) 2-el Lightning Bolt Quad (LF) Butternut HF2V Vert.
SFI was high but solar activity made the bands unstable at times.
10m was pretty good to NA my early mornings, less so to EU later on.
I heard very few of the operations publicised in pre-contest DX Bulletins..
Managed to make my 150,000th QSO from East Malaysia during the Contest! That
was with R0FA.
Many thanks to the Contest Organisers &amp; Volunteers - 73 to all from
Software program used was N1MM Logger V13.12.2, excellent and trouble-free.

Call: AA3B              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 7,134,400
7840 QSO points.

Call: AA4YL             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,534,417
What a wonderful weekend it was....very good band conditions, great friends to
operate with and good times. As usual, many thanks to K9MUG and KA4PKB. Without
their time in the chair, this score would not have happened. My best score ever.
Thanks for the contacts and repeats. Hope to see you in Dayton this year.

Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 1,459,373
After struggling in the Roundup, I took advice from my friend Ed, W0YK, who
suggested I work on something that needed improvement. He offered that maybe I
should change something up in order to make RTTY contesting enjoyable again. So
I decided to work on S&amp;P on a 2nd VFO while running this weekend. To do
this, I ran single band. I opted for ten meters and high power for no other
reason than I thought it would be fun and it would allow me to get more rest at

I got home from work an hour before the contest started. I was pretty tired but
happy to find the band open at the start which was just past my sunset. It
stayed open for two hours then someone pulled the switch at 0200Z and the band
went dead. But in that time I worked some really nice DX like DU3/N0QM, BA7CK,
BA3DX, BV1EK, 9M6XRO, DS5DNO, YB0NFL, VR2XMT, AND ZM3T. Those two hours only
yielded 90 contacts but there were 70 multipliers. I thought that was pretty

Saturday morning I listened for FT5ZM on 10 CW, but did not hear them so at
1300Z, which is around my sunrise, I started contesting. The band was already
open to SA and AF and was quick to open to EU. Saturday AM was filled with big
runs into EU. The runs were so good there wasn't much time for S&amp;P or
chasing packet spots. When EU faded, I was able to work a lot of USA, Canada
and South America and do more S&amp;P on a second VFO and this was working very
well. The only disappointment for the whole weekend was not being able to hear
Central America or most of the Caribbean so I missed the likes of the YS1, V31,
CO, etc. They kept getting spotted and I kept checking but never heard them or
FP/W6HGF either.

Since I was doing very well, I checked to see what the NA record was for 10 SB
because I didn't know what it was. The record was set by Charles, KK5OQ, in
2002 at just under 743K points. At the time I was very close to the record and
at 0100Z Sunday (Saturday evening), the record fell. At 0200Z, someone turned
off the switch again and the band went dead after another nice opening into

It's been a long time since I broke any kind of contest record, so I was pretty
excited to know I still had a full day Sunday to distance myself from the record
and try to win this thing in NA. But I kept seeing Fred, WW4LL, on ten meters
and a spot check showed he was only spotted on ten meters so I knew I had some
competition. I wouldn't be the only one after that record! Since Fred's
antennas are much bigger than mine, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he beats
me. What's funny is that Fred and I kept spotting each other over and over
throughout the weekend which was pretty neat considering we were competing
against each other. If it wasn't for Fred, I wouldn't have gotten spotted much.
Thanks Fred!

Overall, I thought the spotting on ten meters was a little lackluster so I
decided to spot everything I heard while S&amp;P. I realized it would help
Fred, but I really didn't care about that. I was having fun.

I tried using the RTTY skimmer spots but they are just not worthwhile for
contesting yet - too many bogus spots and too much time wasted chasing stuff
that's not there so I had to turn the skimmer spots off. Who needs a skimmer
when AA5AU is spotting?

Despite very high A and K index numbers, Sunday was pretty good into EU. But
once EU went away, it got REAL slow and I worked very hard at S&amp;P while
trying to run, but not much was answering my CQ's so it was a LOT of S&amp;P
with a LOT of spotting. The rate toward the end was around 20/hr for the final
hours. I certainly spotted more stations than I worked.

Regardless of whether or not I get the record, I still had a lot of fun. Thanks
to everyone who worked me. And thanks for the competition Fred, it made it that
much more enjoyable.

73, Don AA5AU

Icom IC-756 PRO III
Ameritron AL-80B amplifier 500 watts output
3-element SteppIR @ 45'
2-element SteppIR @ 35'
WriteLog for Windows

Call: AA8R              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,301,920
A little slow Friday evening but the rest of the weekend was good.  My first 1
million plus score.  Thanks all the contacts

Equip:  K3, MKII, N1MM, Mosley PRO67B and Cushcraft A4S, dipoles.

Call: AB1J              Class: SOSB10(TS) LP            Total Score = 189,747
I had a barrel of fun but kept thinking of those suffering from the bad weather,
ice and snow.  I hope everyone's family is okay and their property (including
antennas) is unscathed.

This contest runs neck and neck with the CQ WW RTTY as my favorite RTTY
contest. I decided to do 10m while there are still sunspots to enjoy, although
the favorable solar data didn't translate into super conditions.  Saturday was
better than Sunday where the EU opening was a couple hours shorter.  In any
case, because of my back problem it was easier on me to do the daytime band
with the least open time - less BIC.  I could rest more and catch some of the

Everything worked fine, even the weakest link, me, and all the improvements and
adjustments I've made to my station in the past year have paid off.  I ran my
own RCKskimmer, which was a challenge due to RFI and receiver overload (two
separate problems).  Prior to the contest, operating on 10m crashed the
skimmer.  That got fixed with a better RF ground.  Overload just is.  I protect
the receiver's front end with an Array Solutions RXFEP and hope for the best.

[An interesting aside: The skimmer transceiver is an old TS940S which I bought
second hand from a friend of King Hussein, JY1 (SK) of Jordan.  He gave it to
her as a gift back in the late 1980s.  It's my only connection to royalty and
sits on a rack in my shack, still chug, chugging away after all these years,
now performing a task which couldn't be imagined back then.  From 2007-2009 I
used it on 80m to get a 5BDXCC and still use it daily on digital modes as well
as skimming.  I'm very fond of it.]

I gave myself just a handful of busted spots.  And, of course, I could hear all
the other spots, which is the point of the endeavor.  I'll need to continue the
experiment to see how good the coverage really is but I'm happy so far.  My
impression was that between the two of us (my robot and me) we covered the band
pretty thoroughly.  Robby had my back.

There is the isssue of the RCKskimmer accuracy.  Even my own spots seemed to
vary a little, but I didn't investigate.  Also, in an all band situation you'd
need skimmers for each band to be efficient.  It's a relatively slow process.
The best thing would be to have many virtual receivers running on SDRs like
WZ7I does.

2Tone is the best decoder, but on any given QSO it's a crap shoot among my
three decoders.  It's comforting to have all of them.  It's like having three
Teddy Bears on a dark and stormy night when there are strange noises coming
from under your bed.

I always give running a go, but never with good results.  I had two runs of 6
Qs and a number of twosies and threesies, but mostly zips.  I've been told that
&quot;everyone is strong somewhere&quot; at any given time, another urban
legend.  Maybe I am too, but it's right into the Bermuda Triangle.  I'm
convinced there is some kind of threshold effect: if you're below it, most
won't bother calling.  There are too many stronger runners downband to hook up
with.  Bigger (signal) is better.

Thanks for all the QSOs.  See you down the log.

Attic dipole

Ken, AB1J

Call: AC0C              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,672,852
Congratulations to KI1G - 8 million; now THATS a score!  With the SFI up, had
the A/K numbers been better behaved, I wonder if there may have been a 10M

Here I saw an increase of 10% total over my 2013 number.  The plan was to work
more DX on the lower bands but the gods of propagation were not kind to us here
in the Midwest.  Stayed up high and ran 10/15 most of the daylight hours and
found quite a bit of DX there although signals here were definitely weaker on
Sunday than Saturday.

With the K spiking on Saturday evening, I planned to stay on 40/80 a bit longer
- just in case the bands would be in bad shape on Sunday and to catch the EU
sunrise DX.  The bands were not bad on Sunday AM and so I split the remaining 6
hours of op time into a Sunday AM session, an afternoon rest break and then
resumed to catch the JA sunrise.  Unfortunately the XYL redefined the afternoon
&quot;rest&quot; break into an &quot;exercise opportunity&quot; featuring the
shoveling of driveway snow.

Having moved to a new QTH in late 2012, it's been a constant build &amp; debug
cycle but this contest found things working very nicely with no big surprises.
The rotor for the 10/15/20m beams had locked up in the RU but I've not had a
problem since even with temps dropping below 0 this weekend.  Had a bit of
trouble with the low band RX antenna switching; something thought I had fixed -
but should have clearly tested more.  And also gone is an occasional loss of
communication with the USB side of the MK2R+ that showed up from time to time
and was resistant to the usual application of magical ferrites - a new USB
cable that arrived last week and seems to have done the trick.

And the luck continued into the software.  this is the first contest with a
properly functioning PTT control out of the logger since starting So2r a few
years back!  Under certain circumstances, the PTT would drop and the message on
the last keyed rig would be incompletely sent.  That bug has followed me through
a lot of logger iterations, 3 shack PC OS, all new PC hardware, a QTH relocation
and through two So2r controllers.  Part of the hassle nailing it down was that
it was hard to reproduce and only seemed to be worse later in the contest.  Got
luck this year and **finally** found a keystroke combo in the RTTY RU last
month that would recreate the problem every time.  That sequence eventually led
to a work-around thanks to the efforts of a couple of the N1MM guys and Joe
W4TV. Big thanks!!!  2Tone continues to amaze and was rock solid all weekend.

The FT2K ran anchor on 15/40m all weekend and used the FT5K roamed and ran the
other bands.  QSO counts were split about evenly between the two rigs.  These
two boxes are RTTY workhorses.

Thanks to everyone for the Qs - and see you in the next one!


Yaesu FTdx-5000MP with DMU-2000
Yaesu FT-2000 with NS roofing filter
Alpha 76pa - 900W
Heathkit SB-200 with Gi7b and other modifications - 900W
N1MM and Microham MK2R+

10m 4 ele OWA 10m @ 82 feet
15m 4 ele OWA 10m @ 77 feet
20m 4 ele OWA 10m @ 71 feet
40m elevated radial 4-square
80m full-size elevated radial vertical
80m inverted-V at 60 feet
Hi-Z pro4-8 RX circle
660' NE beverage
Stationmaster for control

Call: AC0E              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 18,972

Call: AC2FA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 33,517
K2@80 Watts, Beam &amp; wires. Thanks for all the QSO's.


Call: AD1C              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 372,900
Radio:     Yaesu FTDX-5000 (100W)
Antennas:  HyGain AV-640 vertical, 1/2 G5RV in attic
Software:  WriteLog 11.18c

Part-time effort, the 15th anniversary of my first RTTY QSOs in 1999.
Conditions were not the best, given the solar numbers.  Europe on 40 was tough
both night, and on 10 Sunday morning only Italy really seemed to be coming
through.  Very few JAs on 40 both mornings, never heard VK or ZL either.

I got distracted Friday night, finally working FT5ZM on both 30 and 17 meter
RTTY (all-time new mode for me).

Thanks to the ARRL stations for getting on - W1AW/KH6 from HI and W100AW/4 from
FL.  WriteLog said the prefix for the latter was W104 - is that right?

I kind of wished LM1814 has operated the contest - how often is your whole
callsign the same as your prefix?

Operating seems to get ruder each year.  People were calling all over-top of an
SV9 Saturday morning, continually dumping in their calls, even when he was in
mid-QSO.  Twice, stations started CQing so close to me that I could not copy
any stations calling me because one of their tones was within my RTTY BW.  They
were loud enough that they should have heard me.

Call: AD7JP             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,096,984
Very different conditions than last year.  Net: 5% more QSOs, yet 8% lower

On the negative side, I logged 84 Europeans on 20m, as compared with 210 last
year.  And 98 Asians on 15m, as compared with 211 last year.

On the plus side, 10m was in better shape: 417 total QSOs, vs 220 last year
(two 10m Europeans this year; none last year).  And I managed to work five (!)
Europeans on 40m (vs none last year).

I had some troubles with N1MM.  Sometimes it sent a serial number of zero.  And
a dozen or so times it sent a number that was off by 1 or 2 from what was shown
in the dialog box and logged.  (I caught and fixed several such errors, but
others probably slipped by.)

Tnx, as always, to the casual contesters.  More than a quarter of the stations
I worked gave a serial number of 50 or less.


/Bill, K2PO

Call: AE7DW             Class: SOAB(R) LP               Total Score = 213,528
TX: FT897 @ 100W
ANT: JTV680 @ '25' (rooftop)

Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 271,778
This was a lot of fun and great conditions and activity, well at least for the
first 28hrs, other events took me away from the last 20hrs.  Well that and
reaching my personal goal/best of 500 qs made me happy enough...

15m was a bit chaotic on saturday morning with a lot of stations, probably
unaware, on top of one another around 80-90, but the fun spread up to 130.  The
highlights were getting 12 ATNOs - yep when you're only at 95 it's easy to make
big jumps.  Apologies to GU0SUP for mistaking his call as GU8, after reading
these summaries you'd think the call would stand out - thank you for being one
of the new ones.

Tried 10m and didn't hear much.  20m was a bit of a struggle, but was surprised
that despite the quieter signal strength people were hearing me on 20 vs 15.
Probably due to less qrm.  Alternated between S&amp;P and running, particularly
in the local PM when JA opens up, the points helped.

Before the contest I read up about N1MM - ESM and managed to finally get the
&quot;send leading zeros in serial number&quot; setup.  I knew this was going
to be a busy contest so wanted to step up my game from just using the digital
window MMTTY macros to the function keys and ESM.  A few tests into a dummy
load made me realize the standard macros needed tweaking.  I now realize the
reason why some people send the running station's call so much is that is how
the default function keys are set up.  So there was some editing required to
avoid this faux pas.

Thanks for the qsos.


K3/100, P3, AT2K - 68ft doublet sloper @ 40f
N1MM, MMTTY/2Tone, W3YY FSK i/f, signalink.

Call: AG1RL             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,109,536
Loads of fun. Conditions made for some interesting and unexpected openings.
Thanks for the QSO's!
73/88 de AG1RL and The ACNRC

Call: AI5AA             Class: SOSB20 LP                Total Score = 782
Extremely limited on time with too many activities.  Made some contacts after
installing a new SignaLink USB just to see if it was hooked up correctly.

Call: AI6YL/7           Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 1,313,625
Hi from Las Vegas,

I was really happy to see the amount of activity from our new home station as
we could not make it to Aruba for the contest this year.  Great contest.
Thanks for all the QSOs!

88  Sue

Call: AI9T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,327,610
Thanks for all the Q's

Call: AL9A              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 82,474
Who do I see about a do over? This was a genuine wipeout weekend. HIgh wind
alert for most of South Central Alaska came to fruition on Friday and continues
now with no let up is sight until late Tues. To save the antennas I had to fully
lower the tower to 24 feet. Not great propagation at that altitude!

Saturday was a total wipe out due to family activities. My grandson has an
unfortunate (for me!) birthdate that sometimes collides with the WPX RTTY
weekend. This is one of those years! So instead of playing radio I got to go
watch 16 9 year olds pitch gutter balls at the local bowling alley all
afternoon!  Yahoo!  Just as well I guess. Others up here were grousing about
both the wind and the abysmal propagation conditions.

Today the winds have continued unabated and I just lost all interest. Hopefully
the ARRL DX CW Contest next weekend will offer some relief to my bruised psyche.

Call: CE4SFG            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,087,947

Call: DF1LX             Class: SOSB40 LP                Total Score = 475,348
1st time SB LP only 40m - great job but the Aurora Condx in the evening were
heavy ...
Antenna: vert. Delta Loop - 100W from TS590S -

54 DXCC - was fun - but based on some circumstances only 12 hours activity.

Nexttime 40m SB LP but CW

Call: DJ60DXMB          Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,332,715
75% RRDXA - 25% BCC

Poor condx in JO32PC - but lot of fun.

Call: DJ8OG             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,178,705
Thanks for all the QSOs,

Hope to see / hear you again

Vy73 Matt - DJ8OG

Call: DK8EY             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 17,640
ICOM IC-7400
5-ele-beam FB-53
N1MM Logger

Call: DL1CW             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 501,495
Slowly getting used to SO2R. Personal target reached: 500.000 Points.

Call: DM1A              Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 823,020
IC756Pro3(INRAD) + Alpha87A

WT v3.27.1 / MMTTY on HP Omnibook XE3
HAL DXP38 in receive only on another Omnibook
Packet, Skimmer

6el Yagi @24m

The days before the contest I injured my right hand, and as a real SO2R
participation was out of question I opted for single band. 10m seemed like the
place to be with all those sunspots, but it turned out to be a challenging
weekend, at least in central EU. With normal morning propagation 1000 QSOs
should have been possible but it turned out to be a fight for every single

Although I noticed 15m to open well before sunrise it took very long until I
was able to log my first QSO on 10m at 06:48Z. I found the CONDX to be very
poor in the morning with almost all signals coming in through scatter peaking
southeast. After 2 hours in the contest with only 40 QSOs I thought about
deviating from my 10m plans and taking it easy for the rest of the weekend. But
then one of the DL0WW fellows walked in and we chatted while I continued at a
very low rate. When he left at 12:00Z I had only 100 QSOs but his visit helped
me to somehow bypass the boring morning hours.

Then somebody threw the switch and the band returned with a slow but steady
flow of NA signals. The log shows my last NA QSO at 18:48Z but I worked SA
until 20:15Z. I finished the first day with a mere 414 QSOs, way behind my
plans. By then I had noticed DL3BQA and DL2SAX to be on 10m, either. While
Skimmer spots showed a signal advantage for them it seemed that our QSO numbers
were almost identical. This little competition was reason enough to keep going
although it seemed questionable to spend another low-rate day on RTTY.

The second morning was almost a repeat of Saturday, but even slower. Most
signals were still coming over scatter and I worked 2 whisper-weak JAs with the
6el beaming to 120deg. Although I tried numerous times my only long path QSO
remained JH6WHN who called in at 11:29Z. At 12:00Z my log showed 486 QSOs.

The NA opening started pretty decent again with even a few west coast stations
calling in later and the 15Z hour was the most productive one with 65 QSOs. I
worked the last US at 18:24Z but found a few more SA stations until 19:46Z when
the band closed completely.

I used the realtime scoreboard again this time but felt quite lonely there
together with IT9RGY. Congrats to DL3BQA and DL2SAX for sticking it out on 10m
as well!



Call: DR1D              Class: SOSB40 HP                Total Score = 3,754,480
Hello all,
I'm not a very enthusiast of RTTY, I do when I can or when I have chance to.
So DL3KO asked me if I would like to do WPX that weekend at DR1D and I said
&quot;why not?&quot; :)
The beginning was very good with average rate of 75 QSO/hour, for me this is
too much, but after I have seen P49X rate I think this is just a
&quot;snack&quot;. hihihi
I have a small issue if (I can say issue) but an software misconfiguration
didn't let me get the prefixes on screen, it was disappearing too fast and
after an email to the WT reflector I've got a quick answer from Bob, N6TV and I
could fix it for the second part of Contest.
At beginning of second Part of contest Murphy shows up and took my other
antenna then the rate was terrible, around 30 QSOs/Hour and kept on this way
until the end.

Propagation was amazing the whole time but turning antenna left and right all
the time was terrible, for the first time I've used the 2tone as double check
window and it was really nice to see how many stations and number was perfect
there compared to MMTTY, thanks for the tip from Vilnis, YL2KF.
I think there are a lot of things to learn about RTTY to take advantage of all
software configurations and so on...


Call: E77C              Class: SOSB15 LP                Total Score = 24,700
My first RTTY contest ever, nice new experience.
See you next year, I hope so with better score.

Call: EA2KU             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 4,097,840
TX: FT-950 + 500w amp.
RX: 3el. 10-15-20, vertical 40, vertical 80

Call: ED1R              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 8,873,000
Very bad wheather in central EA, strong wind, rain and snow.
Band propagation on low bands (80/40) and less 4/6 points qsos this year :-(
Good opening to NA/JA on 10/15.

CU at the next Contest, ARRL CW.

73 de ED1R Teamwww.ed1r.com

Call: EF8S              Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 4,096,008
Conditions were great, some minor difficulties with direction.

Thanks for hospitality to Mauri, Pekka, Juan, Jaakko, Manolo and the others.

Thanks for contacts, this contest rocks, next year SOAB ?

73 Kari OH4KA

I�'ll be back :)

Call: EU1AZ             Class: SOAB(TS) HP              Total Score = 2,503,165
Most frequently worked prefix: JA1 - 17 QSO's


Software: RTTY by WF1B  v5.02

Call: EW1NA             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 527,148
Elecraft K3/10 + amplifier 50w
Spiderbeam (10-15-20), IV (40-80)

Call: F1IWH             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 573,390
Contest for the fun. - pwr 100w max -
I hope to hear you again on the air waves.
Thank you all for QSO's.

Call: F4GDI             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,271,810
Tranceiver: FT950 50 Watts
Antennas: TH3MK3, dip�'le 40/80 m
Software: MIxW 3.1.1
Thanks to all who worked me
See you again next year
F4GDI Christine

Call: F5RD              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 859,878
Transceiver - IC751AF 80 Watts.
Antennas - Center-fed 2x20m on 80 to 10m, Ground Plane on 20/15/10m, 2 el HB9CV
on 10m.
Software - N1MM Logger V14.01.02.
My tenth WPX WW Contest and the best.
And yet the things had started badly.
Here Saturday the weather was catastrophic with very big gust of wind,
and half of me center-fed fall down on the ground.
I spent three hours Sunday afternoon for repair in order to work 80m in the
Thanks to all who worked me
See you again next year
F5RD Bernard

Call: G2F               Class: SOAB(TS) HP              Total Score = 3,175,588
TB Wires, KT34A and Dipole for 40/80m with K3 and Acom 1000, Great fun and bands
seemed good, 80 was quiet. Weather was really rough with high winds during the
whole weekend.

Started at around 5am on 40m with some great runs and good multi count then
upto 15m and 10m, didn't get onto 20 until late Saturday afternoon and 80m on
sat evening, stopped for an hour during Saturday for some food and to check
antenna's over before the really strong winds came in, closed at 00:16on Sunday
morning with 935 qso's

Sunday started at 5:30am but much slower as expected, I had set a target of a
modest 2mil points but soon found this had been exceeded and was realistically
looking at 3m point so the push was on, mixing runs with multi S&P, this is
a great format contest bringing out some weird and wonderful prefixes but also
making a G station just as wanted as a GD / GM / GJ etc which in other contest
format is defiantly lacking, for me it feels like a good leveler.

Closing at 17:29 and completing the full 30 hours i was very pleased with the
performance of the K3 again, the Acom 1000, the KT34A at a modest 30ft due to
the wind strength and the 40 / 80m inverted V dipoles up at a risky 80ft in the

The new contest PC and N1MM / RTTY plug-ins worked flawless, set up different
to any other contest Id run before made it simple to use and very effective
even with arctic flutter and fading / very low signals being decoded first

Until the next one, stay safe in these trying times!

Jim M0CKE - G2F form the soggy fens!!

Call: GM8SBH            Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,186,707
Lost all antennas in last few weeks due to weather factors. Only managed to get
wires up for this weekend and could not use amplifier. Difficult to judge
conditions with limited antennas but did not work any Oceania stations, only
heard one VK.

Thanks to the organisers and for all the contacts.

Equipment: ICOM 7600; Full wave 80m loop (used as multiband antenna) and 40m
quarter wave vertical (also used on 15m).

Call: GU0SUP            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,014,000
Always good fun, as almost everything is a mult to start with!
When I started around 0630 on Saturday, 40m was alive with mid-west W's, many
much louder than EU stations, and there are extra points too.
Many &quot;new&quot; calls were worked, so I expect a deluge of QSL's soon.
It was also nice to get W1AW/KH6 on 20m and 15m.
My original goal was to work around 700 Q's for 700k points, but I fell short
on the Q's, but busted 1m points, which was pleasing.
I probably could have made the 700 Q's, but ended up having to cook the Sunday
roast to keep the peace.

Some folks need to get used to the idea of putting CQ at the end of their
(rather long) CQ call. Many times I saw a mult show up, and had to wait to see
if it was CQ'ing or going back to someone.

There were also many sending QRZ? or AGN AGN, yet only sent the serial once,
necessitating repeats.

I did note that some W's were not signing /x and worked a couple of 6-area
calls from NY and a 7 from FL.

I also had one of those scary moments too when some quite random text printed
ZC4LI while I was CQ'ing. You were missed Steve!

It was also great to have the 7800 back in the shack. It really does make a
huge difference to making the most of the bands.

Thanks to all for the great party, it was fun!

73 de Phil GU0SUP

Call: GW4BLE            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 450,468
part-time only.

500 Qs and that was it.



Call: HA8JV             Class: SOSB40 HP                Total Score = 3,058,540
Thanks for all calers, and see you in ARRL!
73 Pali!

Call: HG7T              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 6,722,324
Vy 73! Tibi HA7TM

Call: HH2/N3BNA         Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 108,724
I was in Haiti with a mission group worktrip (radio related) and had very
limited operating time.  I was glad to give out the multiplier, but sad that I
had to quit at 0300 just when EU was starting to be heard on 40m. Only two
antennas for 3 bands.  Sloping dipole for 40m and 15m and sloping dipole for
20m. Glad that I could make a few guys happy.

It is hard to be heard on LP until you get a callout. Seems people dont listen


Dale - N3BNA

Call: HL5YI             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 12,096
Tnk Guy;s.... cu agn next contest G,L de HL5YI CHAE....

Call: IV3BCA            Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,034,945
BIG QRN - Thunderstorms and heavy rain
Lock switch and a commitment
Setup 2 x Kenwood TS 850 DSP 100 - Power 80 Watt out
Rotary Dipole 40m
Two Half Slooper 80 meters - E/W
Thanks to those who have heard me even if I had to put &quot;n&quot; times my
Vy 73 de IV3BCA Paolo

Call: IV3SKB            Class: SOSB40(TS) HP            Total Score = 1,272,296
Part time activity . Antenna Single delta Loop , Ic. Pro III , Digikeyer 2 .
Acom 1000 . Software  QarTest .

See on WPX CW   .  73 Andrea IV3SKB

Call: IW1AYD            Class: SOSB40 HP                Total Score = 2,977,140
As usual it was a great time with all, 40m went never fully silent. Tu all.
Something was to do at each time. The K3 worked well as usual, the two elements
for 40m is on a shared mast with our main 20m beam. having also a friend that
worked out 20m HP SOSB was sometime hard but friendship sorted it all out. Not
having enough operators to do it as MS or M2 we had to fold back on two SOSB
stations. Great experience! Hope that we could be back on these categories next
year with IQ1RY.

This was just my second SOSB in 4 years. The first was a SARTG on 20m, a pretty
hot August I will not forgot it. Quite as this was a pretty cold CQ WPX RTTY,
referring to our seasonal WX in Italy, even the PA seemed cold. At the and it
was raining and snowing, just when we went back at home in the early morning.

Each moment at the radio was quite interesting but a tiring week asked its
money back. Some trills from my Far East. Those operators had the patience to
call me and come back on my frantic AGN AGN. I have serious QRM at times. There
was a station coming near me every five minutes. Some one from my North was also
terribly large and quite well decodable even at two KHz. But no way to move in a
very crowded band. Sorry not to have sort out all of the callers, TU hope to
JAs operators did as usual a great job, my pleasure as usual. Even in the
second day evening. W land was present at all, i was seeing a lot of well known
call signs. I ended up the contest on the US RTTY portion of the band but as
usual, when late the second day, CQing was quite not paying. So I was a
travelling soul in the last hours of the WPX. None in the EU was practically
decodable at that time, I had from all EU the worst signals since ever. They
sounded like usually sound Alaska here. It was more hard to S&amp;P EU than the
W land since 2 hours before the end of the contest.
TU all for those almost two days of pure joy. TU also to all the IQ1RY group
and some other fiends, usually here as guests, to leave us alone doing all

A 48H timed CQ WPX RTTY would be even more interesting, may I vote for it. As I
would do for the WAE RTTY and other time &quot;restricted&quot; contests. JARTS
model is much better, isn't? Maybe with some different, shorter categories ...

Lot of dupes, but I wasn't worried at all. Someone may be went back not giving
the answer after the on-line check. Well it's not a problem here, don't be

Several EU went calling during QSO exchanges, someone nor even being there with
my TU NOW, that's a bad practice. I could understand that it's not easy to be on
time forever but running away is really wrong, double mistake.

   Ciao, 73 de iw1ayd Salvo

Call: IW1QN             Class: SOSB20 HP                Total Score = 1,453,536
Big Fun.
Thanks to our friends at IQ1RY station and thanks to IW1AYD for the K3 and
various interfaces.

Good propagation on Saturday with a good rate and about 760 QSOs, Sunday
propagation NOT good, definitely a Flare with A: 17/23, and K: 3/4 ...

Call: IZ3NVR            Class: SOSB10 QRP               Total Score = 51,584
The plan was a SO 15m band effort but various problems made me switch to a SO10m
band effort. Didn't think 10m were so nice. On saturday they were wide open with
AS in the morning and really loud signals from NA in the afternoon. I did all
the contest S&amp;P with only few brief moments in which I stopped to call CQ.
Obviously no one came back to my call except for one EA station that thrilled
me :)

Worked some really nice stations like VR2, YD1, PJ2 and many more. The hardest
times were when the serial report was sent. Either the packed band and/or my
power level made things quite challanging. A great thankyou to all the patient
operators that decided to slow down and ask for repeat tons of times.

Saw some huge declared score in my very same category and I'm a bit
amazed...well, more puzzled than amazed but really, congratulations because I
will probably never get to said result in my whole life.

Call: K0PK              Class: SOSB40(TS) HP            Total Score = 266,552
Elevated A&amp;K indices made conditions on 40m a bit rough compared to a couple
of years ago. Had fun just the same!

Setup: 756P2 / AL80B / CCD40 at 90'

Thanks for the Qs!   73 - Paul, K0PK

Call: K0TG              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 97,800
Kind of funky band conditions. I had the majority of my time to work this on
Sunday. Things did not seem so great Sunday.  Even with high power.

I pushed on for 100K, but fell a few QSO's shy of that mark.  All fun though!

73, John  K0TG

Call: K1ING             Class: SOAB(TS) HP              Total Score = 493,950
Got my ticket in 2011 and this is the 3rd RTTY contest I've done. Hope to do
better in the future.

Call: K1SD              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 816,424
SkyHawk @ 70', A4S @ 42', Inverted Vs.

    73 James K1SD

Call: K2PS              Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 155,463
Condx pretty good, and even with low dipole, worked
a bunch of JAs, 9M6, and even had HZ1PS call me.
Perhaps it was due to some sympatico with our mutual suffix!

73, K2PS/4

Call: K3GP              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 96,565
Had to start late and finish early due to unplanned family issues that kiboshed
any attempt at a serious effort. However, I did get to try 2tone for the first
time  - I experienced a short learning curve, but now I want to try it side by
side with my long time favorite MMTTY before committing to a permanent change.

Call: K3MJW             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,592,375
Had fun

Call: K3OQ              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 275,942
Lots of fun...addictive.  Low band antenna issues the first night.  And illness
late in the contest limited participation.  New member of the team is Dave
KC3BXK who tested for his license after watching us in the 10 meter contest.

Call: K4GMH             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 7,170,167
Good propagation and participation.  Start of the Contest was slow although
there were a number of good &quot;runs&quot; throughout the Contest.  Still
ended up with 90 less QSOs and 20 less prefixes than in 2013.  Not sure why as
will have to compare the 2014 log with the 2013 log to see if something(s) can
be seen as to why the difference.

Call: K4RO              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,344,220
Confirmation #: 1474669.cq-wpx-rtty

Call: K4VV              Class: M/U HP                   Total Score = 5,812,300
This was a hybrid operation with both ROs (Remote Operators) and ISOs (In-shack
Operators).  W3UL and W0YR operated both from the K4VV shack and from their
homes.  K3WI, K3TN and W4TMO operated remotely. For many hours during the
contest the three remote-capable positions were all being used.  One or two
brief periods of Internet slowdowns but overall, in the words of K3WI,

Many thanks to W5ODJ, N4PD and AI1V for their many hours of work on TeamK4VV's
IT needs. And thanks to our Internet Audio guru, Chuck-AA0HW for leading to
low-latency, high-fidelity heights in our audio link.  Our remote ops heard
marvelous audio.

Only screw ups were when a keyboard at POS1 developed a sticky key.  New
keyboard quickly installed.  One of the Big Bertha control boxes blew a fuse
for no apparent reason.  Replaced fuse and no further problems.

Big thanks from TeamK4VV to our host, Jack Hammett-K4VV.  Jack's super station
packs a wallop.

Thanks for all the Qs.

(We are now ready to begin looking for operators from all continents who are
accomplished contesters, N1MM-literate, team players and willing to honor
operating commitments of up to six to eight hours of contest operation.

Contact Mike - W0YR for details at  w0yr @ arrl.net)

Call: K4WW              Class: SOSB80 HP                Total Score = 2,300
With 1/4 inch of ice coating all antenna's, my participation interest was not
very high. Decided to just make a few contacts, on 80, with initial intention
of making 100. When I first got on, I tuned the band, and there were very few
signals on. I sent QRL, twice, on 3585.0, with no response from the fist, but
received an exchange on the second. I inquired as to whom it was, and received,
from K9XD:&quot; K4WW shame on you, the frequency is in use&quot;? Without
knowing the category of K9XD, I don't know with whom to place the blame, but if
my signal was loud enough for K9XD to send an exchange, surely it was loud
enough to be heard, when I sent QRL? I did manage to work 9A1A. YU3AAA and
W1AW/KH6, but the little interest that I did have, was completely diluted by
the situation with K9XD. It's only a game, and when the game isn't fun, I will,
and did, do something else. To those that heard me, thanks, to those the I
couldn't hear, I apologize.

Call: K5MXG             Class: SOAB(R) LP               Total Score = 247,350
Enjoyed the contest, running a few and finding new mults. Not too shabby for
100w and a wire in a tree.. and still found time to go ride my dirtscooter on

Thanks to K5NZ for being the best elmer.

Call: K5ND              Class: SOSB15 QRP               Total Score = 137,240
Ran K3 QRP into two-element Moxon beam as well as MA6V vertical at times. Thanks
to everyone that worked very hard to dig out my signal. Special recognition to
ON6NL for extra patience trying to get the serial number. But many others
worked very hard as well.

73, Jim, K5ND

Call: K6GHA             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 650,885
Found a few new DXCC contacts in this contest. It was really nice to be running
a frequency and have the occasional west pacific caller.
Lost Q’s waiting for the expected European opening, which didn't happen till
much later.
All in all, a long time in the chair.

Call: K6LE              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 45,760
S&amp;P only
100W - K3
94' ZS6BKW wire at 35'
RUMPed Contest logger for the Mac

Call: K6LRN             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 544,640
Thanks for the Qs.

Call: K6NV              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 134,568
Gave this just a few hours, between kitchen sink faucet failure and running to
Reno to get a new one and installing it.  Major rain storm this weekend, didn;t
seem to affect antennas at all, station performed very well.  Have some good
runs to Asia and Europe on 10 and 15.

Call: K6UFO             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 915
Very little time this weekend, so I just looked for
new DXCC, and old friends.  Lotw says I already have
153 entities on RTTY, and during the contest I picked
up seven more: 9M6, 9V, 5I, E21, TC1, 4U1ITU, and D2.
Thanks for the spots. Everybody please QSL to Lotw!

K6UFO  Mork!

10,15,20m: C-31XR at 71ft, 3el Steppir at 40 ft
40m: 2el at 78 ft.
80m: Delta loop from 60 ft
Kenwood TS-590s
Ameritron AL-1200
Writelog, MMTTY and 2Tone, microham FSK keyer

Call: K7BVT             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 166,845
I am retread newbie, did rtty in early 70s.  Got my FSK and amplifier working,
kept power below 500.  Had a good time, think I learned a few things, hope to
do better in the next contest.  Many thanks to the folks that put this on.

Call: K7EG              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 20,976
Enjoy RTTY Contest but busy family time - Jim

Call: K7ZS              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 336,824
Plans for our M/S were dashed with the entire Portland area being snowed in.
Gave what time I could, but could not commit to a full time effort.  Conditions
challenging with the high A and K indexes - EU from the Left Coast largely
absent except for the biggest guns.

GREAT to see the high participation level, and fantastic job by fellow WVDXC
members Bill K2PO, Sean KD7MSC and Andy KE7AUB.

73 Kevin K7ZS

Call: K8PP              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 300,160
Amp popped on first Q so forced to LP

Call: K9YC              Class: SOSB10(TS) HP            Total Score = 95,230
The XYL had other ideas for our weekend, so this was a very casual effort,
Sunday only, primarily intended to add one or more band/countries to my log.
FP/W6HGF came through to scratch that itch.

Call: KA6BIM            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 819,936
Great conditions on 15!  First time I have done this contest since 2001. I am re
learning RTTY Back then it was pk232 &amp; fsk &amp; Dos program. Now using
signalink &amp; AFSK with MMTTY and N1MM.  Thanks for the q's and sorry for my

Call: KB2HSH            Class: SOSB10 QRP               Total Score = 7,011
Worked 24 hours of the contest.  Had a problem with RF getting into the LDG
Autotuner, so there were times that I just couldn't get a 1:1 match on the
antenna.  Nevertheless, I still managed to work some African stations, as well
as 4U1ITU whom was hiding in the JT65 subband on 10.  Great contest!
Overall...I am 5500 points or so higher than last year!

Thanks everyone, and Happy 2014 RTTY Contesting Season!!

Springbrook, NY

Call: KB4KBS            Class: SOSB40(TS) LP            Total Score = 59,520
WPX RTTY - 2014-02-08 0000Z to 2014-02-10 0000Z - 176 QSOs

Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
    7     176     480  124
Total     176     480  124
Score: 59,520

Total Time On 05:49  (349 mins)

Max Rates:
2014-02-09 0256Z - 1.4 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 84 per hour by KB4KBS
2014-02-09 0344Z - 0.9 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 56 per hour by KB4KBS

Runs &gt;10 QSOs:
2014-02-09 0241 - 0554Z,    7069 kHz, 123 Qs, 38.2/hr KB4KBS
2014-02-09 2231 - 2321Z,    7067 kHz, 22 Qs, 26.0/hr KB4KBS

I spent Friday night and Saturday with my wife and only was able to get on the
radio late Saturday evening and a bit on Sunday evening as the contest wound
down.  I enjoyed an incredible (for me) run of stations one after the other for
almost the entire time I was on the air Saturday night/Sunday morning.  With
Enter-Sends-Message, it was point, click, enter, booyah! over and over and
over. What a rush!

Thanks to all for the contacts, maybe I'll get those last three LoTW
confirmations for DXCC-Digi. I did NOT get the one state I need for
WAS/40/RTTY: Hawaii. :(  Maybe next time.

FT450D - 100W
G5RV - 9M/30ft.
SignaLink USB
N1MM w/ FLDigi I/F

Scott, KB4KBS
Roswell, GA

Call: KE7AUB            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 207,727
Interesting; Spent 4 hrs more in chair this year. Increased raw score from 121K
to 207K, WPX up by 50 pts, QSO up by 110 and QSO pts up by 225 pts - something
like a 1/3 over all increase in results - score I guess up by 70 pct or so.

Condx were lousy - hardly worked any EU - hardly heard them. Of course I should
not complain since others way north of me had it even worse. So I am surprised
that my score went up. Had a good couple of runs on 15M which helped - even
when one run freq was just taken over. The other one I lost is ok - not the PY
station's fault he could not hear my 100w signal and everyone else would rather
work him than the rare KE7 prefix. :)

Worked W1AW/KH6 and AD6JP (but he is just 10 miles west of me) on all bands.
Found a nice bunch of SA station while S&amp;P late in the contest which helped
the raw score. Not sure of the 'real' score - sometimes the exchange looked bad
but was good on the repeat request and other time - eh? Hard to really tell at
this stage - with lousy Condx I surpassed last years effort. Weird.

I was not much in a contesting mood - was supposed to be at a M/M op but the
Snow Storm in the PDX area nixed this event. Having to finally send off my
feline friend of 18 1/2 years - since she was 4 weeks old and abandoned with
her brother, put a big damper on things for me. Will miss the furry critter
sitting in  my lap while contesting or having her swat at the mic on the
headset as I try to make voice contacts or insist that she be fed canned food
for dinner instead of the dry food in her bowl during a run or prime time
opening to the nether regions.

Thanks for all the Q's.

Call: KG4IGC            Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 183,416
Spent quite a bit of time in the chair for this contest, and tried to
concentrate on running whenever I could find a spot. Bands were crazy this
weekend, nice openings to Asia and Africa noted on 15 and 40 meters. Despite
some antenna issues, managed to rack up a fair number of Q's.

Rig: Yaesu Ft-847
Tuner MFJ-969 and LDJ AT-11MP
Antenna: Loop
Pwr: 50-100 watts

Call: KI1G              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 8,004,025
Conditions seemed better Saturday. 2Tone definitely outperformed MMTTY but kept
locking up, installed the latest version during a break on Sunday and the
lockup issue went away.

Thanks for all the contacts, print you all again soon

Rick KI1G

Call: KJ5T              Class: SOSB20 HP                Total Score = 622,350
First off thank you KU5B and NX5M for another invitation to do a Single-Op
Single Band effort from the great station!

This was my first time doing a RTTY contest Single Op, wasn't sure what to
expect on 20 meters.  I arrived at the station 2 and half hours late due to
work obligations.  Friday night was decent with almost 200 queues and a bit
over 100 prefixes.  Saturday and Sunday had some peaks but overall the rate
just wasn't there.  I have to get better at S&P when rate drops.  S&P
in RTTY is a skill I haven't quite 100% gotten down.

Got to add some new DX on RTTY which was great.  Worked a lot of friends and
had a great time.  Looking forward to doing more RTTY and glad KU5B got me into
this great mode!

Call: KK4EIR            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,077,888



Call: KK9A              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 5,263,642
I had been a year since I operated RTTY and I spent the week leading up to the
contest setting up my two RTTY stations. I had reformatted the hard drive on
one of the computers so it needed a total software reinstall and setup. I am
not a RTTY guru and I hoped that I got everything set correctly.  AA5AU’s
website provided a very useful setup refresher course. I used MTTY which I was
familiar with, I hope to try 2-tone in the near future. On Thursday night I
discovered that the lower 20m / 40m beam rotator had an intermittent indicator.
Since having a good antenna system on 40m was crucial for making double point
contacts, I came home from work a little early on Friday, climbed the tower and
swapped out the potentiometer. This corrected the problem which was probably the
result of lightning damage. I was a little rusty at the started but soon felt
comfortable with the RTTY keyboard and before long I was running on both
radios. It is fun when working two stations at once but it is sometimes
challenging to get the timing right so neither has to wait too long for a
response. It is not always easy, especially when something is entered
incorrectly or a station is hard to copy, kudos for those that are really
proficient at SO2R RTTY. With the 30 hour time limit and double low band point
system, WPX RTTY is an extremely strategic contest.  This was my second time
operating all band low power and am still unsure of the best way to maximize
points. Conditions were excellent this year and I made a few more QSOs than
last year however the overall score was slightly less. Thanks to everyone for
the QSOs, please QSL via WD9DZV.

John KK9A

Call: KM7N              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 612
Had to work all weekend, so this was all S&amp;P during free moments.

Call: KN3A              Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 86,940
Did a lot of cleaning up tree branches from the ice storm and fixing or removing
broken antenna wires. The WPX contest was a good way to test out the fixed up

I still don't understand why if someone is a dupe in your log that you won't
just work them again. I saw this twice over the weekend. If they are in your
log but you're not in theirs, it doesn't do anyone any good as far as scoring.
And, in the time you say &quot;DUP SRI QRZ&quot; you could have given them a
new number. I hope someone will email me and tell me if I'm totally wrong about

73 Scott

Kenwood TS 450SAT
Inverted L
N1MM Logger

Call: KO7AA             Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 33,100
An hour of EU and an hour of JA on Saturday

Call: KP2DX             Class: SOSB20 LP                Total Score = 75,150
just a couple of hours of operation.pretty good propagation.tnx all who
contact my station.

Call: KS4L              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 65,550
Elecraft K3/100 with 44' vert. dipole and 80m inv. vee.  This RTTY stuff is
growing on me!  Thanks for the fun!!

Call: KS7AA             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,608,100
Thanks again to K5RC for the use of his toys. We almost have this place RTTY
ready! - jeff wk6i

Call: KT7E              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 64,000
How do you say shorted out the antenna, over heated the PalStar Tuner, and
smoked the Henry 2K Classic. All in about 1/2 a second. 12 inches of snow.
It'll take me a while to it all back into shape. It was fun in the beginning
and it is a hobby.

73 all and Thank you

Joe KT7E

Call: KT9L              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,562,400
My goal was to best my previous high score, and to CQ 100% of the contest.
To say the least I did just that. I wasn't ready to stop, but rules are rules.
Thanks to everyone for the Q's.
See ya in the next contest.
KT9L Larry

Call: KU1T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,967,928
Band were getting better with every hour.
Thanks for all the fun - and thanks for the chat just after the end. That was a
very nice surprise to have quick back and forth at the end..
See you next time.
Vy 73, thanks for all the Q's
de ku1t

Call: KU5B              Class: SOSB40 LP                Total Score = 545,494
Good test of the station for NAQP RTTY in 2 weeks. See you there.

Call: KV7DX             Class: SOAB(TS) HP              Total Score = 1,203,285
FT1000MP, Alpha 91b
C3SS 38 ft, 40/80 fan dipole 40 ft

Tnx for the QSOs.

Call: KX7L              Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 143,678
Thanks for all the Q's!.  Antennas are a 44 ft doublet up 70' and an inverted L
on 80 and 40. I hope that qualifies for &quot;TB-wires&quot;

Call: KZ5A              Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 713,115
Test run at a new QTH, new computer, next to no antennas.  All contacts made on
a 75M Double Bazooka installed as an inverted-V.  1000 watts from a Alpha 76PA.
Also first time out with a second RX installed in my K3.  Lots of software/setup
glitches associated with SO2V setup, didn't get them sorted out until Sunday.

Expect to have a much better antenna setup completed this spring that will
support polarity diverse reception for the fall contest season.

73 Jack KZ5A

Call: LN5O              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,471,440
Nice weekend with Aurora, heavy loads of snow and shit happens! :)
Had a nice weekend, Patrick LA1LUA had his first RTTY contest.

Had again trouble with some antennas due heavy snow fall during contest we get
1 feet snow on top of the already 4 feet snow :)
so we had hurry to get away snow when it started to rain heavy and static...

Thank you for all QSOes.
Guest op ON4BPM Marek and YM Kent (preparing for hamradio exam)
LA1LUA / LA6FJA , partly LA5FHA serving stuff :)

See you again next year! :)

80m 4 el array + gp
40m 4 Square + 2el
20m 5 el mono
15m 6 el mono + kt34xa
10m delta loop &amp; 5 el yagi

Software N1MM + MMTTY + 2Tone

Call: LT0H              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,346,250

Tnx to all QSOs.-

73 Juan LT0H (op lu3hy)

Call: LX7I              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 13,581,946
The dust has settled and here is the score from LX7I @ CQ WPX RTTY 2014.

First of all thanks to Philippe LX2A who let us use his fantastic station in
Luxembourg again!

After winning the M/2 class last year we were highly motivated to add up more
points this year. The reality was that the lowband conditions at night seemed
to be a lot weaker than 2013 and we continuously felt behind last year’s
targets.  With sunrise and the big highband antennas in play we were able to
dig our way out of the deep hole and we actually got some 270k points ahead
till ….. yes till all of a sudden al antennas had fall down or propagation
was down again! We checked on the antennas and everything was still in place
�&quot; so it must be the conditions again at play. It was very long period
for the Operators from 1900z day one till 1400z day 2 where you sit in front of
the radio and no matter what you try … QSOs are just NOT piling up as they
supposed to do.  At night the storm took down one of the verticals from the 80m
4Sqare. With 4 Ops on site at the time �&quot; no chance to get this repaired
at night. We were running on a low dipole most of the time on 80m. The 4 square
got its repair job by the light of the day.

We had a havy storm, heavy rain with terrible statics, propagation hickups and
finally snow! The team stayed put and we finished slightly under last year’s
QSO Numbers.  Thanks to the great team for all the effort in difficult times
and thanks to all the callers!


The LX7I ryryryryry team.


Call: LY16W             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 959,400
TNX everyone for QSO. LY16W - special call. www.qrz.com
Next weekend ARRL CW!
73, Sam LY5W

Call: M5Z               Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 78,792
I started this contest from Saturday afternoon and found 10m was good. Obviously
missed AS in the morning. It was open to NA until 19Z on Saturday. Sunday
morning started a bit slow, IT9 and EA7 were quite strong but not may strong
signal from UA/UR/LZ/YO. NA closed earlier than Saturday at around 18Z, EA8 was
still strong though.
Thanks everyone for copying my signal transmitted from 5 meter wire + ATU.

73 Kazu

Call: N0MA              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 190,032
I failed to stay in the seat.  It could have been a great weekend.

Call: N0OJ              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 89,760
K3/100 - MMTTY with N1MM Logger

10m was excellent on Saturday - lots of fluttery signals on Sunday.

Call: N2FF              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 308,560
Mostly a search and pounce operation. Very crowded band conditions made it
pretty hard to dominate any frequency for any amount of time.  Thanks to those
who heard my 100 watts and the low three element quad surrounded by snow.

Call: N2KI              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,727,740
I had a limited time to operate due to dealing with ice dams causing water
infiltration.  What a PIA!  Band conditions were in good shape, station
performed well as did the N1MM Logger software.  I am not sure how or why it
happened, but a few times the software skipped a serial number.  I am curious
if anyone else experienced this.  Glad to see a lot of familiar calls as well
as new ones.  That's it for now, back to roof raking and mopping.   73 and
thanks for all the Q's.

Call: N2MM              Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 1,086,246
First ever RTTY WPX. Very discouraged to find high 15m monobander has an
intermittent on the driven element and it is 10 degrees F at the top. Another
Spring project.

Thanks for the qsos. All qsos will be uploaded shortly to LOTW

Call: N2NF              Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,190,338
Had a good time working this contest.  Thanks for all the contacts.

Call: N2QT              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 518,765
Well it was time for something different.  Since I had several other
obligations, and honestly just wasn't ready to do another full time contest, I
entered QRP this year.  Missed some high rate times, and just didn't stress
about anything.  Worked 74 countries which was neat.  Except for a short run on
40 at the end, pretty much everything was s/p.  Set N1MM to spot all my s/p
contacts and noticed that most of them had already been spotted by one of the
skimmers.  However there were still a lot of busted spots of calling stations.

Thanks to everyone who picked me up.

Radios Two Elecraft K3s at 5 watts
KT34A at 60 ft,
3 el Steppir at 48 ft
40M rotary dipole at 54 ft
shunt fed tower on 80 M, dipole at 55 ft

All qso's to be uploaded to LOTW, and hope yours are too!

Call: N2WK              Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 472,916
Missed Friday night and got a late start on Saturday morning. Did fine on the
1st half of the test but on Sunday morning I went from 50-60 hour to 15-20 each
hour after 1500Z.

Checked WWV and sure enough the K index was 3 and later it was 4. So that
slowed my effort down and was bummed out about it. It was like playing football
at night with the lights dimmed. I was a struggle the last 9 hours.

I did 10 meter only because I'm taking care of my wife and I'm her primary care
giver and need to leave the radio whenever she needs me. Also, this could be
the last year for good 10m propagation. I hope not but this cycle is on the

Thanks for all the Q's and great time in spite the conditions from WNY.

Call: N4CW              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 515,424
Part-time effort due to XYL's birthday, family celebration, as well as
entertaining company from the frozen Boston area. All in all, a great weekend,
family-wise as well as contest-wise! Great fun despite muted effort.
73, Bert N4CW

Call: N4JOW             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 121,549
[log removed from comments]

ADDRESS: Weigert
ADDRESS: 349 Tacketts Mill Rd
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger V14.1.2

Call: N4QX              Class: SOSB10 QRP               Total Score = 444
Operation was from my car in Falls Church, while my wife supervised my daughter
in her play group.  I had hoped to operate more, but other household
obligations prevented it.  I could run outside now, I suppose, but unless I
drove back to Falls Church, I'd be in violation of the 500 meter rule and would
turn into a checklog.  Better for PVRC to have the 444 points.

In RTTY Roundup, I used bare MMTTY.  For this contest, I managed to get MMTTY
interfaced with N1MM Logger.  Worked like a charm.

The good news is that &quot;other household obligations&quot; include finding a
new place, conducive to the installation of a more permanent, more substantial
station (I hope).  Fingers crossed.

Call: N5AW              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 502,423
My first semi-serious RTTY contest. Maybe I progressed from 9 down to a 7 on the
lid scale? Great conditions on Saturday. Sunday started out a little disturbed
but recovered pretty well. Nice run in the last hour including two new DX
multipliers in last minute put my raw score over .5 meg.

Call: N5XZ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 43,279
A few hours of great fun.

Rig: K3/P3
Amp: Alpha 78
Ant: 4 el SteppIR @ 75 ft
S/W N1MM v.14.1.0
Intfc: microKeyer II

Call: N6RNO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 6,916
First time ever on RTTY. Part time effort. 100% S&amp;P.
Still basic station issues to work on... but K3+P3 makes S&amp;P a blast.

Sees Hawaii is easy to get with nothing for an antenna... worked W1AW/KH6 every
where but 10m with single calls.

Great way to get a lot of new countries.

Call: N7CS              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 88,556

K3, wire antenna at 46 feet with Matchboxes, MMTTY and 2-Tone, N1MM.

Call: N8BJQ             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,183,874
Not as good a 2013 but still fun.  Nice thing about RTTY is that everyone ID's.
Woke up Sunday with some sort of an intestinal bug.  Got very proficient in
making the 90' dash to the throne by the end of the day.  Thanks to all that
called - severay on 5 bands.  Nothing broke.

Call: N8HM              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 25,026
Spent most of the time I operated scouring 10 meters, as I have for the past few
contests. Need to take advantage of the good propagation while it exists!

Rig - Yaseu FT-450D
Antenna - MFJ-1786 Magnetic Loop
Software - N1MM / Fldigi

Call: N9TF              Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 243,295
Thanks to all the stations that heard my 100 watts into low flying trap dipoles!
Lots of fun. Got as much chair time as my back would allow. Now if the ringing
in my head from those diddles would only stop!

73, Gene N9TF

Call: NA0CW             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,454,950
At our latitude in CO the solar conditions were a mixed bag. 10 was open but
high A/K levels seemed to affect 20 the most. We had multiple decoders (DXP38,
2Tone and MMTTY) and we needed them all! 2Tone seemed to come through the most,
but the others were needed too, having several to choose from sure cut down on
the repeats. It was interesting to see how the decoders responded to some
watery/polar flutter signal degrading. We had to turn off the skimmer as there
were so many spots where the station did not exist on the frequency spotted.
Band map was too &quot;optimistic&quot; with calls. Thanks to all for the Qs.

Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 385,581
RIG: Elecraft K3 - 100W
Ant: R5 Vertical (20-15-10)
     Franklin (80)
     160M Inverted "L" (40)

Call: NA2U              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 313,472
Pro III, AL-80B, 500w, ground-mounted Tarheel 200A-HP screwdriver mobile
(HOA antenna-restricted QTH).  Murphy started playing tricks with the rig
and/or amp on 20m Sunday afternoon.

73 from the desert,


Call: NA4W              Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 32,754
Sick again, just could not stay in the chair. Wonderful condx! 73's Cort

Call: ND3N              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 122,400
I didn't operate as much as I would have liked to, but I got a few hours in.
RTTY is my 2nd favorite mode, so the time I spent on the rig was very

10 Meters was a nice surprise.

I improved on last year, but just barely.

Rig:   Kenwood TS-590
Antennas: GAP Challenger for 10/15/20/40 &amp; Inverted Vees on 80, 40, and
Logging S/W: Writelog V11.18C

Call: NE6I              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 99,932
Still very new to RTTY. What a blast!

Call: NI7R              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 280,780
My best showing in a RTTY contest. Hopefully, I'm starting to get the hang of
it. I was able to get a bunch of &quot;runs&quot; going. Whenever I passed an
open frequency as I S&amp;Pd, I started CQing. Sometimes I got a run going, and
sometimes I did not. As you can see, 10 and 20 meters were my best bands. Lots
of S9+ JAs on 10 meters. I was getting a lot of garbled copy on 15. Must be the

K3, AL-811H amp
portable verticals, 10 meter dipole

Call: NI8G              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,068,514
CQWPXRTTY Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2014-02-02

    CallSign Used : NI8G
      Operator(s) : KE8M

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : RTTY
 Default Exchange : 001
       Gridsquare : EN81RQ

     ARRL Section : OH
        Club/Team : None
         Software : N1MM Logger V14.1.1

        Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
         3.5      82     234   41
           7     100     380   72
          14     124     197   46
          21     282     721  139
          28     302     801  160
       Total     890    2333  458

            Score : 1,068,514

Rig : Kenwood TS 2000 + Ameritron ALS-600 @ 250-350 watts


Antennas : 10M - Hy Gain LJ 105CA @ 45 ft
           15M - Hy Gain LJ 155CA @ 42 ft
           20M - Dipole  @ 40 ft
           40M - full size ground plane @ 25 ft
           40M - vertical quad loop fed horizontal 10 ft above ground NE-SW
           80M - full size ground plane 120 radials

             i would like to thank the club for use of the club callsign
             NI8G / Thomas Edison Memorial Radio Club

Call: NK6A              Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 86,940
Fighting a cold, fighting RF in the PC. Other then that, I decided to just play
around for a few hours each day.

Call: NN3RP             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 188,160
Great openings!!!

Call: NN4RB             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 16,465
I took advantage of an invitation to visit the the NR4M &quot;Goat Farm&quot; on
Friday and came back Saturday at 7:30. I worked some contacts Friday night on 15
meters.  I went to bed around 11PM, but sleep was not good.  I got up at 5AM.
Worked some more on 15 meters and later on 20 meters.  Longest butt in chair
time was 2 hours - that is long for me! Probably worked about 5 hours all
together.  Steve and the rest of the hams were great and I enjoyed my visit.  I
learned a lot and got over some anxiety.  I traveled the 3 hours back on late
Saturday afternoon.

Sunday morning I got up (late) and listen some and started some searching and
pouncing as I learned more about RTTY with my setup.  I finally started running
late in the contest.  I made some mistakes, however I did not panic.

  Rig is Icom IC-746  (FSK Mode)
  Antennas Used
    OCF Dipole (270') at about 44' high
    Mosley TA-33Jr at about 40' high
  Interface to computer is homebrew

Did not have any assistance in spotting - need to work on that!

Ready for the next one!


Call: NN6NN             Class: SOSB20 HP                Total Score = 163,505
Classic Entry: SO1R and logging by candlelight.

Call: NN6XX             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 958,760
Worked FT5ZM on 17M RTTY for no points !


Call: NO2T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 960,120
Thanks to all who gave my &quot;Q's&quot;. Doesn't matter if you had just a few
or a few thousand contacts. You make this contest great.
Operated Tribander+Wires.
Almost didn't compete. Ice and snow caused problems. Arcing in the tribander
and the wires all resonated lower in the bands.
Ended up using the 40 meter dipole on 15 and the 80 meter on 20. Used a
&quot;Hex Beam&quot; at 12 feet for 20 meters. Propagation was terrific! Wished
that I could have operated SO2R. Would have doubled my score with ease. But,
what the heck, had a wonderful time.

Call: NO4S              Class: SOSB40(TS) HP            Total Score = 2,266,000
Terrific contest- one of my favorite contests of the year.  Hope you had as much
fun as I did!

If we worked, thanks for the QSO!

Dick- K9OM

Call: NP3IR             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 478,040
[log removed from comments]

CLUB: Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League
NAME: Hector A. Morales
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger V14.1.2

Call: NR4M              Class: M/U HP                   Total Score = 16,831,132
Wow!  What a weekend.

Found the bands extremely friendly, so everyone found a place to operate.
There seemed to be an almost limitless supply of new stations the whole

Had two operators who had never operated RTTY at all, and one other that had
done so one a limited, casual basis.  Two others had never operated from the
Goat Farm before, so there was there was a bit of a 'learning curve' for
several ops.

The only problem we had was that we lost our Internet connectivity at abt noon
local time on Sunday, so for the last 7 hours we had no direct connection. A
couple of the ops wound up connecting to various spot sources via their smart
phones, standing by the stations, calling out needed calls and their
frequencies.  Kinda reminded me of the days of VHF FM simplex spotting

Even with that issue, we were able to make about 10% more Q's(5K+,)about 5%
more mults and about 10% higher claimed score from last year.

Nice to work familiar calls.

Thanks to everyone for the contacts.

73 de Steve, NR4M and the whole Goat Farm gang.

Call: NR5M              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,236,233
First SO RTTY contest.  I really enjoyed myself but I am a long way from being
competitive.  Lots of work to do -- much to learn about this mode!  Can't wait
for next time.

George, NR5M

Call: NS0D              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 362,384
Nice propagation - had fun!

Call: NT0F              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,463,868
I want to apologize to some of the other operators in the contest. I had my
computer lock up 3 different times during the contest. When it happened, it
held my second radio on transmit and I could not get it stopped. I finally had
to shut down the radio to end the transmission. I do not know yet what caused
this. This is a new problem.

Call: NU4Y              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,623,774
Antennas, all vertical
40 1/4 wave
20-15-10 trap vertical
20 dipole at 7 meters

Had fun, can get very busy when your spotted.

Call: NX8G/5            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 189,448
Operated from my winter home in Franklinton, Louisiana.

Call: NY6DX             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 825,200
Thanks to the RTTY man AA5AU, with his help I posted my best score and fastest
hr 71 qso. Had an emergency call call come in and lost a few hours Saturday
night but all was good.
Yaesu FT-1000mp Markv
Hustler 5btv vertical @ 15ft
66 ft Vertical for 80m
Thanks too all I worked.

Call: OG6N              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 532,701
Part time operation with a couple of runs. I enjoyed 15m on Saturday. Sunday
seemed to be a bit disturbed with a lot of aurora.

Call: OH4A              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,332,396
Thanks to Jukka, OH6LI for the opportunity to operate this contest from his fine
station. The station worked very well. Propagation was below normal and bands
went up and down quite rapidly. Low bands provided very little DX.

Despite of tricky condx, this score is above the current Finnish SOAB record.

73, Timo OH1NOA

Call: OH5CY             Class: M/U LP                   Total Score = 4,525,770
Great contest !

Our main operators were 13-15 years old boys (oh5cy, oh5elx, oh5eha, oh5elw and

Nice mode and way to start contesting for young guys !...

Thank�'s for all of you !

73 de oh5cw

Call: OK4RQ             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,410,948
Little time for the contest, but good  - thank for QSOs

73 Pavel

Call: OK6W              Class: SOSB20 HP                Total Score = 1,893,438
We were QRV in another contest from our HF QTH. Jan OK2ZAW (OL9A) was  QRV on
80m SOSB and I was on 20m where I wanted to testing the 20m stack 2 x 5 el.
with the new phasing system. Everything worked perfectly and Saturdays CONDX
were good. Unfortunately, Mr. Murphy came to visit us and  75 minutes during
the best  time on Saturday I was forced to be QRT and lost about 30-40 QSO. BIG
thanks to Jan for a great climbing and fixing the problem on the tower ! Sunday
CONDX  were much worse, and the band closed about three hours earlier. Activity
on 20m was not a great, but nevertheless still good fun.  Worked 365 x NA, 102 x
JA and  90 DXCC. Finally a good contest and broken 7 years old national record.

Thanks for  all QSOs  and see you in the ARRL DX as OL7M.

73, Pavel OK1MU (OK6W)

Call: OK8DD             Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 54,375
ECO Asay Tribander
Win-Test + DigiKeyer II

Many thanks for the QSOs

73, Romas - OK8DD

Call: OL9A              Class: SOSB80 HP                Total Score = 1,383,648
A little bit boring contest :(
The last contest 2013: 962 QSOs, 535 Prefixes   Total Score     2,272,680

Lost more than 20 % QSOs. Worked a half of NA stations... Mr Murphy came to
visit us. Pavel OK1MU - OK6W did have some problems on 20m, I missed JA sloper
and can not use it whole contest. Some PA problems etc.

Anyway, I did have a time to test some new equipment from www.remoteqth.com and
have a fun with Pavel. We operated from one house.

Nice to be called by Alex V31RU, Allan ZS1LS, Yana YB1AR and others!

Nice competition with Stefan YU3AAA, Przemyslaw SQ8ORQ and others.

CU in other contests. Jan OK2ZAW / OL9A    www.ok2zaw.com

Call: ON3DI             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 340,092

First I want to say that my total score isn't correct.

I was really looking forward to this contest, my goal was 1000 QSO's.
Like Always I started on 80m but it went hard, the story of the contest.
Only once I had a 40 QSO/hour rate, that's poor.

Good news on 80m is that I worked 5 continents with my dipole, nice!

40m went ok, but I had only one nice run, on sundayevening, strange really

20m is hard because the band is really small for me (14085 is the limit for

15m ok, worked China on this band.

10m was difficult the first day, went better on sunday and definitly at the
evening with 30 USA stations in a row, PZ5RA, P49X, ...

WX wasn't okay here in Belgium, the wind was blowing hard. More than once I was
thinking to quite.
The goal as to transmit 47-48 hours, at the end the clocks stopped tikking on
38 hours. Not mmy style ;-)!
I don't understand why the 30 hours limite for such a contest!!!

Some topics:
-I was surprised bij LX7I, so strong on all bands, worked him also on 15m.
-A lot of OM's need to think about their macro's, some really sucks.
-Big thanks and congratz to OQ4B, my contestbudy, he had a nice score! Thanks
also for the company Wim!
-Thanks to my parents for the support!

Sow did'nt achieved my goal of 1000 QSO's, bit dissapointed, hope that the next
contest will go better!

Anyway thanks to all who worked me!



Call: ON9CC             Class: SOSB80 QRP               Total Score = 37,386
First time I participated in this contest. I decided to give 80m QRP a try and I
set a simple goal to make 100 QSO's and try to work NR4M. Never did any RTTY so
first I had to get everything going with N1MM ... the days before the contest I
got eveything up and running and enjoyed this first time RTTY operation and was
happy to give out some points and I even managed to work my good friend Steve
NR4M :-) So mission accomplished! Next year I'll probably be on for more


Station: IC-7800, full size dipole for 80m for TX, 5 beverages ranging from
240m - 300m length.

Call: OQ4B              Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,973,975
Long time ago that I could go for a full time operation. Very bad WX conditions,
stormy wind any heavy rain the whole weekend. Propagation was up and down, only3
VK's and 1 ZL. USA also could be better and S. America was really bad. 10m was
very bad on saturday, much better on sunday. Due to lots of QRN, the serial
numbers came in very bad, so I'm afraid to loose more contacts than normal
because of bad serial.
Nevertheless I broke my personal record, so no complaints here.
Still love this contestmode more and more.
At the end I stopped 1 hour early because I was really tired and couldn't work
much stations anymore. Perhaps a countrywinner?

Thanks to all who worked me.

Icom 7800
Optibeam OBW 5/10 for 20, 15 and 10 m
Dipole and vertical for 40 and 80m
N1MM + microKEYER II

Call: P49X              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 14,593,095
Another great contest weekend!  High participation and “exciting” solar
conditions.  Elevated SSN and SFI are not without risk and we saw that
throughout the contest.  During my operating hours here in Aruba there were no
total blackouts, but short-term signal levels varied greatly on all bands
throughout the contest.  I wasn't able to complete a number of QSOs when the
other station faded into the noise floor within seconds.  Even 40 and 80
behaved that way.  On the other hand, there were times when the low band signal
strengths were unbelievably high.


My trusty propagation forecast model (www.k6tu.net) was severely challenged by
the current actual conditions.  Having listened to the first week of the FT5ZM
expedition from California, I was interested (and, optimistic) in how they
would sound down here.  The forecast looked really good from P4 to FT5Z.
Surprise!  When the forecast showed S9+10dB signals levels, they were either
absent completely or very weak.  That was my first hint that this week’s
solar conditions were not going to fit the forecast model that is based mostly
on SSN.

Propagation uncertainty making this game interesting and challenging.  My goals
for this weekend were to beat my previous best in WPX RTTY while breaking 4000
QSOs and 1000 mults.  The number of mults was almost the same at 952, while the
QSO total increased more than 6% to 3953, also shy of my goal.  But, due to the
lower ratio of low-band contacts (double QSO points in this contest), the score
is down 4%.  The entire weekend was spent trying to minimize the unavoidable


The biggest change I made was in the allocation of my 30 single-op hours over
the 48-hour contest period.  In the past, I've always emphasized the low-band
rate and then filled in the remaining hours with the highest rates on 10-20
meters.  I front-loaded the hours as a contingency for unforeseen problems with
equipment or propagation.  If I had a station failure, I still had time to take
a break, fix things and still get my 30 hours in.  Or, if there was a complete
blackout, as there was one year, there would still be operation time left if
and when the bands came back.  As a result, I often finished by 18-19z.  My
experiment this year was to dispense with the front-loading and space my breaks
out so as to capture a diverse and somewhat balanced mix of openings throughout
the weekend.

For example, instead of forgoing the first couple hours of the EU opening on
Saturday and Sunday mornings until the bands were solidly open, I shortened my
nap break to be running on 10 and 15 by 12z.  I was betting that the higher
solar levels would open the bands much earlier and as my prior week operating
confirmed, this was the case.  By 18z when I would normally be running out of
my 30 hours, I still had 4 hours left.  Instead of powering through, I took a
much needed meal and nap break and moved the last 4 hours to the end of the
contest when I could catch the JA opening and all their great prefix mults.  I
was apprehensive about this deviation from my previous schedule, but it was
very successful this time at least.

 The run rates at the end of the contest, given my 3-4 hour break mid-day
Sunday, were as high as or higher than if I had simply run out my operating
time earlier in the day.  And my anticipated JA openings on 15 and 20 meters
fully met my expectations in the 21-22z hours.

My 30 hours timed out at 2250z, so I opted to continue running until the end.
A common misunderstanding about the 30-hour limit for single-ops in WPX RTTY,
is that you must turn off the radio at 30 hours.  All the 30 hours means is
that the first 30 hours in your log determines your contest score.  But, you
can operate the entire 48 hours if you wish.  Of course, all QSOs, whether they
count for your score or not, must be left in the log.  Otherwise, the stations
you worked, but didn't log, with get NIL penalties in their score.  And that
time in the contest is most enjoyable.  The initial feeding frenzy is over and
all the casual stations are giving out contacts just to enjoy operating their
station.  So many of them graciously moved from 15 to 20, or vice versa, to
keep the QSO total running up.  It was also gratifying to have so many JAs call
in when it is early Monday morning in Japan.

Compared my personal best in 2013 in this contest, this weekend yielded 300
less low-band contacts or the equivalent of 600 high-band contacts.  There were
200 less QSOs on 20 and 650 more on 10 and 15, largely due to 10 being equally
productive as 15 this year with over 1200 contacts each.  The net was 240 more
QSOs this year, but a 4% lower score due to the shift from 6-point low-band
contacts to 3-point high-band contacts.  WPX levels the playing field across
the range of solar activity.

RTTY Decoders

This contest strongly confirmed the value in running multiple decoders on each
audio stream.  As for ARRL Round-Up, I configured 12 decoder windows, 4 on each
of the two main receivers and 2 on each of the two sub-receivers.  This
diversity paid huge dividends.  I’d estimate that my need for repeats
decreased by more than 20x compared to using a single decoder on a receiver.
As to the ongoing debate about 2Tone vs. MMTTY vs. other decoders (I also use a
Hal DXP38 hardware decoder), I continue to see value in this decoder diversity.
Yes, there are times when 2Tone is amazing, but there are other times when it
prints nothing useful, yet MMTTY and/or the DXP38 print clearly.  I’d be very
uncomfortable without all three, especially in a serial number contest like

There are other decoder attributes that are important in contesting besides the
basic decoding accuracy.  MMTTY decodes several characters sooner than 2Tone.
While an absolutely very short time, it seems like forever in a contest
situation.  OTOH, being able to 100% decode a signal buried in noise or QRM is
a tremendous asset of 2Tone.  The DXP38 decodes signals further off-frequency
than either MMTTY or 2Tone and, again, this is a big advantage in the
contesting environment.


I’m forever grateful to the multitude of contest participants, most of which
aren't “competing” at all, for making radiosport so enjoyable.  Thanks for
each and every QSO!  And especially to those who move to other bands or take it
on their own to try and work my call on every band.  I’m also very fortunate
to be able to escape the home QTH in CA and operate near the equator for a
number of contests.  Thanks to Andy, P49Y/AE6Y, and John, P40L/W6LD, for making
it possible here at their Aruba QTH.

Now looking forward to ARRL DX CW next weekend as P40L!

Ed P49X/W0YK



-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0     39     76      0      0    115    115    2.9
0100       0     10     66     40      0      0    116    231    5.9
0200       0     47     65      0      0      0    112    343    8.7
0300       0     49     85      0      0      0    134    477   12.1
0400       0     38     76      0      0      0    114    591   15.0
0500       0     52     86      0      0      0    138    729   18.5
0600       0     25     71      0      0      0     96    825   20.9
0700       0     34     53      0      0      0     87    912   23.1
0800       0      5      6      0      0      0     11    923   23.4
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    923   23.4
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    923   23.4
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    923   23.4
1200       0      0      0      0     54     74    128   1051   26.6
1300       0      0      0      0     75     85    160   1211   30.7
1400       0      0      0      0     85     82    167   1378   34.9
1500       0      0      0      0     89     99    188   1566   39.7
1600       0      0      0      0     77     92    169   1735   43.9
1700       0      0      0      0     88     90    178   1913   48.5
1800       0      0      0      0     73     98    171   2084   52.8
1900       0      0      0      0    103     75    178   2262   57.3
2000       0      0      0      0     74     64    138   2400   60.8
2100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2400   60.8
2200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2400   60.8
2300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2400   60.8
0000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2400   60.8
0100       0      4      2      0      0      0      6   2406   60.9
0200       0     27     41      0      0      0     68   2474   62.7
0300       0     30     71      0      0      0    101   2575   65.2
0400       0     31     40      0      0      0     71   2646   67.0
0500       0     35     53      0      0      0     88   2734   69.3
0600       0     16     26      0      0      0     42   2776   70.3
0700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2776   70.3
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2776   70.3
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2776   70.3
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2776   70.3
1100       0      0      0      0      0      1      1   2777   70.3
1200       0      0      0      0     50     83    133   2910   73.7
1300       0      0      0      0     61     75    136   3046   77.2
1400       0      0      0      0     59     70    129   3175   80.4
1500       0      0      0      0     61     58    119   3294   83.4
1600       0      0      0      0     62     79    141   3435   87.0
1700       0      0      0      0     23     23     46   3481   88.2
1800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   3481   88.2
1900       0      0      0      0      9     11     20   3501   88.7
2000       0      0      0     22     63     50    135   3636   92.1
2100       0      0      0    102     70      0    172   3808   96.5
2200       0      0      0     81     59      0    140   3948  100.0
2300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   3948  100.0
Total      0    403    780    321   1235   1209   3948

Gross QSOs=3997        Dupes=49        Net QSOs=3948

Unique callsigns worked = 2427

The best 60 minute rate was 191/hour from 1449 to 1548
The best 30 minute rate was 204/hour from 1447 to 1516
The best 10 minute rate was 228/hour from 2008 to 2017

The best 1 minute rates were:
 6 QSOs/minute    4 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   29 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  218 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  469 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  561 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  378 times.

There were 2487 bandchanges and 1644 (41.6%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   2         1
   3        10
   4      1212
   5      1666
   6      1015
   7        15
   8        12
   9        11
  10         6

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1480
2 bands     557
3 bands     246
4 bands     104
5 bands      40
6 bands       0

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0     98    278     95    505    504

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    EU     134    338     53    517    586    1628    41.2
    NA     264    421    244    641    580    2150    54.5
    AS       1     12     19     56      8      96     2.4
    OC       1      0      3      5      5      14     0.4
    SA       0      7      1      9     18      35     0.9
    AF       3      2      1      7     10      23     0.6

QSO/Pref by hour and band

 Hour      80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z  --+--   39/27   76/62   --+--   --+--  115/89    115/89
D1-0100Z  10/5    66/48   40/22     -       -    116/75    231/164
D1-0200Z  47/19   65/40     -       -       -    112/59    343/223
D1-0300Z  49/13   85/36     -       -       -    134/49    477/272
D1-0400Z  38/13   76/37     -       -       -    114/50    591/322
D1-0500Z  52/14   86/32     -       -       -    138/46    729/368
D1-0600Z  25/9    71/39     -       -       -     96/48    825/416
D1-0700Z  34/4    53/25     -       -       -     87/29    912/445
D1-0800Z   5/2     6/4    --+--   --+--   --+--   11/6     923/451    52
D1-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     923/451    60
D1-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     923/451    60
D1-1100Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     923/451    60
D1-1200Z    -       -       -     54/21   74/28  128/49   1051/500    14
D1-1300Z    -       -       -     75/15   85/23  160/38   1211/538
D1-1400Z    -       -       -     85/18   82/19  167/37   1378/575
D1-1500Z    -       -       -     89/21   99/17  188/38   1566/613
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   77/14   92/18  169/32   1735/645
D1-1700Z    -       -       -     88/14   90/20  178/34   1913/679
D1-1800Z    -       -       -     73/10   98/14  171/24   2084/703
D1-1900Z    -       -       -    103/14   75/7   178/21   2262/724
D1-2000Z    -       -       -     74/4    64/12  138/16   2400/740     5
D1-2100Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2400/740    60
D1-2200Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2400/740    60
D1-2300Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2400/740    60
D2-0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    2400/740    60
D2-0100Z   4/1     2/0      -       -       -      6/1    2406/741    52
D2-0200Z  27/4    41/11     -       -       -     68/15   2474/756
D2-0300Z  30/2    71/10     -       -       -    101/12   2575/768
D2-0400Z  31/3    40/6      -       -       -     71/9    2646/777
D2-0500Z  35/1    53/7      -       -       -     88/8    2734/785
D2-0600Z  16/1    26/3      -       -       -     42/4    2776/789    23
D2-0700Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2776/789    60
D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    2776/789    60
D2-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2776/789    60
D2-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2776/789    60
D2-1100Z    -       -       -       -      1/1     1/1    2777/790    59
D2-1200Z    -       -       -     50/6    83/19  133/25   2910/815
D2-1300Z    -       -       -     61/13   75/13  136/26   3046/841
D2-1400Z    -       -       -     59/6    70/10  129/16   3175/857
D2-1500Z    -       -       -     61/9    58/7   119/16   3294/873
D2-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   62/7    79/8   141/15   3435/888
D2-1700Z    -       -       -     23/2    23/1    46/3    3481/891    35
D2-1800Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3481/891    60
D2-1900Z    -       -       -      9/0    11/1    20/1    3501/892    51
D2-2000Z    -       -     22/2    63/5    50/6   135/13   3636/905
D2-2100Z    -       -    102/12   70/14     -    172/26   3808/931
D2-2200Z    -       -     81/7    59/13     -    140/20   3948/951

Total:   403/91  780/325 321/1051235/2061209/224

Pts by hour and band.

             80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total   Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z    ---+-    234     228    ---+-   ---+-     462    462
D1-0100Z      60     394     120       -       -      574   1036
D1-0200Z     282     390       -       -       -      672   1708
D1-0300Z     294     510       -       -       -      804   2512
D1-0400Z     228     456       -       -       -      684   3196
D1-0500Z     312     516       -       -       -      828   4024
D1-0600Z     150     426       -       -       -      576   4600
D1-0700Z     204     318       -       -       -      522   5122
D1-0800Z      30      34    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-      64   5186     52
D1-0900Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   5186     60
D1-1000Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   5186     60
D1-1100Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   5186     60
D1-1200Z       -       -       -     161     222      383   5569     14
D1-1300Z       -       -       -     225     252      477   6046
D1-1400Z       -       -       -     255     246      501   6547
D1-1500Z       -       -       -     266     297      563   7110
D1-1600Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-    231     274      505   7615
D1-1700Z       -       -       -     264     264      528   8143
D1-1800Z       -       -       -     219     290      509   8652
D1-1900Z       -       -       -     308     225      533   9185
D1-2000Z       -       -       -     220     190      410   9595      5
D1-2100Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   9595     60
D1-2200Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   9595     60
D1-2300Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   9595     60
D2-0000Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-       0   9595     60
D2-0100Z      24      12       -       -       -       36   9631     52
D2-0200Z     162     242       -       -       -      404  10035
D2-0300Z     180     424       -       -       -      604  10639
D2-0400Z     186     240       -       -       -      426  11065
D2-0500Z     210     318       -       -       -      528  11593
D2-0600Z      96     152       -       -       -      248  11841     23
D2-0700Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  11841     60
D2-0800Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-       0  11841     60
D2-0900Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  11841     60
D2-1000Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  11841     60
D2-1100Z       -       -       -       -       3        3  11844     59
D2-1200Z       -       -       -     150     249      399  12243
D2-1300Z       -       -       -     183     224      407  12650
D2-1400Z       -       -       -     177     209      386  13036
D2-1500Z       -       -       -     183     174      357  13393
D2-1600Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-    186     237      423  13816
D2-1700Z       -       -       -      69      69      138  13954     35
D2-1800Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13954     60
D2-1900Z       -       -       -      27      33       60  14014     51
D2-2000Z       -       -      66     187     147      400  14414
D2-2100Z       -       -     304     208       -      512  14926
D2-2200Z       -       -     243     176       -      419  15345

Total:      2418    4666     961    3695    3605

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    4L              1                            1
    4X              1             1              2
    5B                            2              2
    9A              2      1      4      8      15
    9X                     1             1       2
    9Y              1                            1
    A6                                   1       1
    A7                                   1       1
    BY              1                            1
    C3                            1              1
    CE                            1      3       4
    CM       2      3      1      5      3      14
    CN                            2      1       3
    CP                                   1       1
    CT              1      2      2      1       6
   CT3                            1      2       3
    CU                                   1       1
    CX                                   2       2
    D2                            1      1       2
    DL      30     51      3    111    130     325
    E7              1             1              2
    EA       9      9      7     31     38      94
   EA8       3      2             2      3      10
   EA9                                   1       1
    EI                            2      2       4
    ER                            1      2       3
    ES              2             1      1       4
    EU       4      8            13      8      33
     F       9     20      5     18     34      86
    FG              1             1              2
    FP                                   1       1
     G       5     14      7     32     42     100
    GI                            1      2       3
    GM       1      2             4      4      11
    GU              1                            1
    GW              2      1             6       9
    HA       4     10      3     11     17      45
    HB              1      1      3      4       9
   HB0                                   1       1
    HH              1                            1
    HK              1                            1
    HS                            1              1
    HZ                     1      2      2       5
     I      10     23      3     50     63     149
    IS                                   1       1
   IT9              2             5      8      15
    JA              2     14     35             51
     K     246    382    221    585    542    1976
   KH6       1             1             1       3
    KL              2      1      4              7
   KP4              3                            3
    LA       1      2      2      8      7      20
    LU                            2      6       8
    LX       1      2             1      3       7
    LY       2      5             5      4      16
    LZ       5      5      1      5      4      20
    OE       1      3             3      6      13
    OH       3      8      3     10      9      33
   OH0                                   1       1
    OK       4     12            10     10      36
    OM       5      9             8      5      27
    ON       4      7      3     11     10      35
    OZ       1      2             3      2       8
    P4                     1      1              2
    PA       2      5            14     24      45
   PJ2              1                            1
    PY              2             4      5      11
    PZ              1                            1
    S5       5      7      1     11      9      33
    SM       1      4      2     15      7      29
    SP      10     21      2     28     24      85
    SV              4             4      3      11
   SV5       1                    1              2
   SV9              1             1      1       3
    TA              1                            1
   TA1                                   1       1
    TF              1                    1       2
    UA       5     31      3     35     26     100
   UA2              1                            1
   UA9       1      3      4     11      1      20
    UK              1                            1
    UN              1             3      2       6
    UR       6     33      1     35     38     113
    V3                            1              1
    VE      16     29     20     43     32     140
    VK                     1      1              2
    VU              1             1              2
    XE                     1      2      2       5
    YB                     1      4      2       7
    YK                                   1       1
    YL       1      5      1      5      2      14
    YO       2     12            11      7      32
    YU       2      7      1      2      7      19
    YV              1                    1       2
    Z3              2                    2       4
    ZL                                   2       2
    ZP                            1              1
    ZS                            1      1       2

Call: PJ2T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,062,837
Semi serious one radio operation. My goals were to operate for 24 hours,give out
the PJ2 prefix to as many as possible, make at least 1500 QSOs and 2M points.
All goals were met. All QSOs were running, not a single S&amp;P QSO.

One radio-FT2K
One amp-Titan III running 500 watts
One decoder MMTTY with WriteLog
Good antennas
Good conditions
Great location

Thanks for all the QSOs.

See everyone in the US/VE next weekend in ARRL CW. We will be M/M.


Call: PY1ZV             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 4,600

Call: PY4ZO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 87,672
Very hot in the shack during the contest, about 31.3C.
The fan of the FT-897D worked hard.


Walter Jr.

Call: R22ALS            Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 958,375
Very bad conditions especially on Sunday...

Call: S51A              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 11,658,738
Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
   3,5     546    2322  171
     7    1080    5162  374
    14     684    1588  154
    21     812    2161  219
    28     243     688   60
 Total    3365   11921  978
Score: 11.658.738

Mission accomplished! Remade totally the antenna switching control using 4o3a
filter with 2x power combiners to feed the tribanders. Wow not a beep using hp
on RTTY on them between 20/15/10m bands and over 2kW of combined power from the
two PA.What a piece of art!Not a few years ago running m/2 with 2 tribanders
wouldn't allow for both of the stations to use them both as they please in
every combination they need. Lots of grounding to the whole switching plate,
but it works as it should.

We opted to go over the existing multi twos5 record and we did it. Of course
there was A flare :) it ALWAYS is. But on the other hand, it caused 10m to get
to USA...was it good or bad, we don't know. Station A had 1,5kW, station B had
700W max.

Great fun with the team, some visitors came to chat with the idle op's. Anyway
we were busy. The 2 el moxon for 40m worked really well. No technical problems
at all, just some minor RF issues with the keyboards...

I'm happy to work with such great guys and gal's...it's always fun at the end
with a great sense of accomplishment. My special thanks goes to Kristjan s50xx
for answering the last minute help desk call before the contest!

Congratulations to all and thanks for all the qso's. Log on lotw shortly.

We love this game, till the next big one!

For the S51A team

Bostjan - Ian S55O

Call: S51CK             Class: SOSB40(TS) HP            Total Score = 2,024,802
73 de

            S51CK -Ivo

Call: S52X              Class: SOSB40 HP                Total Score = 3,406,300
Lost the PA before the contest and missed the first hour to replace it.
Disconnect the antennas twice due to nearly lighting strikes and a lot of noise
in some crucial hours. Overall, not the best performance, but acceptable.

73s Ted S52X

Call: S54X              Class: SOSB40(TS) LP            Total Score = 398,520
Using  equipment: TS-2000 + SB-2000 Interface
Ants: INV Vee + vertical GP

Call: S56A              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,138,900
Bad condx at the start and I admired MMTTY decoder performance.  Sunday was good
for WVE but not much JA.  40 m is my favored band after installing Moxon.  It
also bringS double points in this contest,  I still chase mults instead of
runing as I am having more fun that way!


Call: SN2M              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,209,776
TNX all QSO's.

30 hours limit for single op is one of the best things I've seen in any contest
rules. This is just a VERY balanced and healthy period of time for one man

Set up:
10-20M: Stack 2x GB312 by SP3GEM @13/22m, AD-335 @16m, FB33 @7m
40M: 2 el yagi @25m
80M: 164m delta loop
8 beverages 300-400m long


73's de SP2XF Mac

Call: SP4LVK            Class: SOSB15 QRP               Total Score = 60,760
RIG:FT-950 PWR:5 ANT:2el Delta Loop

Call: TM6M              Class: SOSB10 HP                Total Score = 2,196,870
Thank you for your call. I have hope a better propagation but good opening with
NA. The Europeen record is broken normally, the old world record also but in
2014, the new world record is for EF8S. It's was a good contest with lots of
wind, 110 Km/h saturday.

F4DXW  Stéphane

Call: UA5A              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 8,064,536
A new record of European Russia (UA).

Call: US0HZ             Class: SOSB40 LP                Total Score = 678,000
RIG: FT 2000
ANT: 1/2 Vertical romb 162m long 40m high

                 73 Stan US0HZ

Call: VA2UP             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 6,006,869
Slow start friday evening as the bands were not at their best from here as if I
was just not getting out. Different story in the morning as 10 and 15 made up
for the gap and by the 10th operating hour I was back on track with 1000Qs in
the log. I took a brake as rates fell below 90/hr thinking I could keep the
pace later. Conditions changed for the worse and from there it was a chasing
game. Really wanted to come down with a great score but no matter how hard I
tried I was just unable to keep pace. Long streches lonely cqing with the scope
showing endless sigs left and right of me ha ha! Well that's the price you pay
when you enter these in LP. When things work out and the run is going well you
feel like a million $ , when it slows down and the guys chase you away from
your running frequency...well it's another story.
With this in mind I have to thank a german station that parked almost on top of
me and was killing my run but when I zero beat and told him,  he was very polite
excused himself and QSYed on the spot! Thanks OM you are a gentleman. More of
this behaviour is needed for all of us to keep enjoing the sport.
It was great to see all of you some of whom I may have not recognized because
using a special call for the event.
Glad to have done better than last year (on paper), we'll see after log
73, Fabi va2up

Call: VA7FC             Class: SOSB15 LP                Total Score = 102,364
just operated sunday only ... always fun to contest !!

Call: VA7KO             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,669,260
First time as M/S operation. Reason: the other contester in the house (XYL
VA7BEC) had so much fun last year when I was operating from another sation that
she wanted to do this WPX contest again. We decided to share operating time as
M/S. Night sessions were rather slow and boring. Not much activity seen,
especially from EU, maybe due to bad CONDX. Nevertheless, we are very happy to
have your calls in the log. Thanks for the Qs.

TU 73,
Koji VA7KO

Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,885,554
* N1MM Logger + MMTTY
* FT2000 |  FT920 second radio
* 3-ele. Steppir @ 40'
* vertical tribander element in tree (SO2R)
* 40M Steppir dipole 40'
* 40M 2-element full-size quad in trees
* 80M three-vertical triangular array

2013 -- SFI = 170 |  A = 17           | K = 3
2013 -- SFI = 108 |  A =  3           | K = 1
2012 -- SFI = 110 |  A =  3           | K = 1
2011 -- SFI =  96 |  A =  2           | K = 1
2010 -- SFI =  94 |  A =  3           | K = 2
2009 -- SFI =  70 |  A =  4 &gt; 18 &gt; 10 | K = 1 &gt; 4 &gt; 2

More flux, more C-class fares, more Aurora, more Qs, more prefixes all added up
to a weird and at-times frustrating weekend. Setting a new personal best
demanded more hours and more watts, but just in case this was the &quot;one big
weekend&quot; of Cycle 24 (which it wasn't), I did not want to be running low
power and wonder what could have been.

Still, I wonder what could have been, had the bands been working properly.

I heard via backstatter but couldn't work VA7KO once Saturday night and again
Sunday, and Koji was ahead of me by 200 QSOs each time. I see that Koji and
Rebecca VA7BEC co-chaired the VA7KO station this weekend, and their high total
kept me pushing harder than I otherwise might have.

Any time ZS stations call in, I consider the bands to be pretty good --
happened twice, on 20M and 15M, so conditions weren't totally lousy. Then a
needle-pinning E21 called me on 20M while I was working Europe. With a skew
like that, the bands are acting strangely. Might explain FT5ZM's antipodal
roulette-wheel signal strength on long path or out of 60 degrees this week.

(An aside: Finally got them on 20M RTTY at 0300z after the post-contest nap.
After about 10 hours total over the past week and a half trying to work them on
RTTY with no luck, they heard me on the very first call tonight. Everyone's
heard the pileups, but let me be the first to say out loud they have been

Sunday's 20M European opening was far better than Saturday's, but it was only
strong for about an hour and faded away slowly but surely. From out west, you
learn to make a lot of hay very quickly while the sun is still low in the
eastern sky.

Made 47 Qs on the second radio -- 2/3 of those on 10M and the rest on 15M. The
second-radio antenna is the driven element from a retired Mosley Classic 33
tribander, hanging vertically from a high branch in the cottonwoods on the
lower property. It sucks as an antenna, but makes the neighbors wonder what the
hell I've done now, so I'll leave it there until summer.

Must find a better high-band solution for the second radio. The all-band
vertical I used in this contest last year landed a third of all my Qs
(300-plus), but for some reason I decommissioned it. Guess I should go back to
that little beauty and add a proper radial field under it.

ARRL DX CW next weekend. Won't be running low power then either. May the bands
be with us.

-- Bud VA7ST

        Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
         3.5     102     400   22
           7     185     744   53
          14     427     973  187
          21     439    1031  201
          28     169     383   71
       Total    1322    3531  534

Score history:
Year  Qs    WPX   Score
2014 1322   534 1,885,554  29.2 hrs HP
2013 1041   466 1,308,994  25.5 hrs
2012  830   373   883,637  26.5 hrs
2011  836   322   806,610  27.5 hrs
2010  921   388   994,056  24.0 hrs
2009  846   335   907,180  27.5 hrs HP
2008  612   258   470,850  21.0 hrs HP
2007  972   420 1,154,160  28.5 hrs HP
2006  702   284   578,792  28.2 hrs
2005  584   264   422,664
2004  225   114    67,009
2003  344   149   147,212

Call: VC7J              Class: M/U HP                   Total Score = 8,634,956
I was glad to have Alex, IZ7FMM, join us for the first time.  We only had 4
operators for this one.  With conditions better than last year we were looking
forward to much better results than last year's M/2 effort. 10 was much better
than last year. However the low bands were much worse than last year and
loosing twice as many points than we gained on 10 per Q caused our results to
lag our expectations, but still beet last year's results by a small margin. A
number of small things went wrong.  We were short 2 operators to start with.  I
had an hour appointment at the contest start.  2 receivers went to dual-watch
for some time before we noticed it, easy to do with RTTY audio.  The end part
of a headset phone plug broke off in the phone jack of the 20 PRO3 that left it
rx audio free until I managed to get around it.  One of the newly 3cx800A7 tube
modified Alpha 76 amps overheated and blow a fuse while I was away. The
computer we used on the 80 station did not receive nearly as well as the others
did which caused us to ask for many nr repeats, sorry.

Fortunately all the problems can be easily corrected in time for the next
contest. Our thanks go to all that called .

73, Duane VE7UF

Call: VE2NMB            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 713,456
Good contest despite band conditions especially saturday evening.

73 de VE2NMB

Call: VE3FJB            Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,101,809
Another great contest - small number of ops comitted to get started, then more
showed up over the weekend.  This covered most of the time slots.

40 &amp; 15 Meters were the money bands.  80 M was a surprise show with the
ability to get a few runs going.  10 delighted as well.

Found it difficult to get some runs going.  But we are pleased with the result,
thinking we would not make it over the 1000 Qs.

Equipment is Flex 3000, with DDUtil, Steppir and ACom 2000A.  Was hoping to try
the 6500, but software is not quite yet mature.  Next year we hope.

Keith VA3YC

Call: VE3SS             Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 356,160
Great Conditions made for a fun contest.
Worked the contest part-time around other family
obligations. Thanks to all who worked me.

Call: VE3UTT            Class: SOSB40 HP                Total Score = 2,305,304
K3 to Optibeam - Conditions were poor to mediocre here.  Handful of SA and AF,
only one VK/ZL, and only a few JA's heard.  Had to use pre-amp most of the time
with even strong EU stations not doing well.

Hope all had fun.

Call: VE6BMX            Class: SOSB15 HP                Total Score = 205,216
Did the best I could with the band conditions in poor shape.

Call: VO2DX/9           Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 501,714
This operation took place from NB (VE9), not Labrador (Zone 2).  Pse no QSL's
for VO2DX in Zone 2....

Robot would not accept my ARRL section as MAR and advised I submit as section
&quot;DX&quot;....sigh...this is incorrect.

Thanks for the Q's...

Mike VE9AA (aka VO2DX/9 in this one)....Ic7410, 5el, N1MM

Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 199,796
A personal best for me in this one. Band conditions were great.  Thanks to all
who gave me a contact. Hope to see you next year.
A3S @ 34 Feet
Butternut HF-9V

Call: W100AW/4          Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 175,216
Submitted as a CHECKLOG

K3/100, N1MM, 2Tone, MMTTY, Mosley TA-33 up 50ft, 80m Windom up 20ft (!)

W100AW/4 is the first of only a handful of portable W100AW special events
during the ARRL Centennial.  It was a privilege and an honor to be part of this
special event activation.

Many thanks to the ARRL for allowing me to operate the W100AW/4 RTTY station
this weekend.  A personal thank you goes out to Doug (K4AC), Fred, the FCG, and
the Orlando Amateur Radio Club, and to all of you for the Qs.

We had several stations on the air throughout the weekend operating many modes
on many bands, with the RTTY station at times operating in different modes, so
this was a part-time effort.  When I could find a run frequency,the rates were
very good:  120 Qs/hr ten minute run; 98 Qs/hr  thirty minute run; 78 Qs/hr
sixty minute run.  The overall rate was 43 Qs/hr, so a lot of time S&amp;P,
hopefully surprising people with an unusual call sign.

Again, many thanks to the ARRL and to all of you for the Qs.


Call: W1UJ              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 43,120
Shack torn down for KP2 DXPedition for ARRL CW.

Had fun with the RTTY QSOs!


Call: W2GR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,735,084
Had fun as the Alpha warmed my shack on the cold WNY weekend.

Call: W2YC              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 1,779,876
WB2P got his feet wet as a new member of the FRC team at W2YC.  Welcome to

Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,541,925
Had a great time. Didn't want to run the amp before ARRL CW.(Just in case)So we
went for low power. Did pretty well I thought. Thanks to all that heard me.
Next year I am going to use my wife's call KA3GIK. Think more q's for the buck
with that Prefix...See ya all in the ARRL...

Call: W4EE              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 117,040
TS-440S es G5RV
N1MM logger
Tnx for the Q's
73, Jim

Call: W4ML              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 2,467,210
Enjoyed it
Run em

Call: W4NF              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 72,111
Had some fun running during the evenings but no High Band work during the day as
I had other things going on.  Thanks for the Qs and 73, Jack W4NF

Call: W4PK              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,267,260
This was a fun contest!  Conditions were really great, 10 was open to Europe in
the mornings and 15 was open to Asia in the afternoons.  I had a good run of
JA's with all their WPX multipliers on Sunday afternoon.  This year 15 was my
most productive band.

My score this year was about 15% lower than last year, but I did not stay up
late either night and got a good night's sleep both nights.  I guess if I had
operated for a couple of more hours I would have gotten nearer to last year's
score, but I was not up to doing it.  I really like the 30-hour limit of this

I had 71 dupes this year which was pretty normal.  However, a couple of
stations duped me multiple times!

Also I had quite a few QRP stations call me with decent signals.  There might
have been others but they were too weak for me to copy.

I use N1MM and I love it.  I use it in a SO2R configuration with an IC7800 as
one radio and a K3 as the other.  However, occasionally it would send the
serial number of the last contact I had on the other radio rather than the one
associated with the radio I was using.  But it would go ahead and log the
correct serial number!  Also a few times I caught it sending the other radio's
last serial number rather than the right number when I was asked to repeat it.
I do apologize to those of you who had received an incorrect serial number from
me as you will have your score (as well as mine)penalized.

Otherwise N1MM (version 13.12.2) ran flawlessly.

I was running the K3 with the new firmware that significantly reduces the
occupied transmit spectrum.  Obviously I don't have that choice with the IC7800
which has a classic SinX/X spectrum (as do most other radios).  When I was
running with the K3, I had people crowd me on both sides with clicks and
adjacent-channel noise as I would have expected.  However, I consistently
experienced the same thing with the 7800 which I did not expect!

I wish that the 7800 would at least provide an external audio input when in the
FSK mode so that I could modulate it with filtered signals such as from MMTTY,
but it does not.  It does allow for external audio input when in the PSK mode,
but I lose the excellent IF pass-band characteristics for receiving FSK signals
when I do that.

73, Sam W4PK

Call: W4UK              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 491,360
wire dipoles in trees.

Call: W4WWQ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 221,190
K3, P3, 80/40 trap dipole and SteppIR.  Couldn't keep BIC so would operate in
one or two hours spurts and do other domestic in between.  Interesting to find
LM1814 and W100AW/4 in the pile ups.  Did S&amp;P

Call: W5EW              Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 401,302
Thanks for the QSOs.  2Tone a huge help again.

Ray W5EW

Call: W6DR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 113,737
This contest is hard on amplifiers...

Call: W6QU              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 286,941
Station (W8QZA)
Radio: K-2,  5 Watts

 10-15-20  3 el SteppIR up 30 feet (10 Meters)
 40  DX-LB Trap dipole up 30 feet
 40-80  Butternut HF-2V Vertical with 3 radials

Conditions were quite good from here on the west coast, and I had European
openings on 10 Meters that lasted about two hours each morning.

I had no equipment problems, and this SteppIR is still working flawlessly after
being put up and used regularly almost 8 years ago.

I have gotten pretty good at time management and got 4 hours of sleep the first
night and 6 hours the second night. Operating time was 29.8 hours, right at the
edge of the limit.

CQing is something I have decided to try now that we are at the peak of the
cycle. I CQed twice, both times on 10 Meters. The first time I had the beam
east (from San Diego)and got 19 Qs, all USA with one VE over a one hour period.
 The second time I CQd with the beam west and got 8 JA stations and one YB over
about 25 minutes before the band died.

My best Q was when YD1GCL answered my CQ. I have a hard time working any YB,
and he was the only one I worked in the contest. Other good Qs were 4U1ITU and
ED9K/QRP for all time new RTTY countries. Also, it was odd to work CT3DZ on 20
M just after midnight when the band was completely dead! You never know what
you will find on a dead band at this part of the cycle!

My DXCC was 62 countries and WAZ was 29 zones. About 20% of my Qs were into
Europe. Not bad when you consider that almost 40% of my Qs in this contest were
in the USA.

I love doing RTTY contests and I am very glad that there is finally a QRP
category in the major contests!

73 and see you in a few days in the ARRL CW!

Bill   W8QZA - W6QU

Call: W6SFK             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 184,861
FTdx5000 VL1000 DB42

Call: W6SX              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 243,530
K3, ACOM 2000A, wire antenna at 46 feet with Matchboxes, MMTTY and 2-Tone, N1MM.

Call: W7SLS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 129,560
What a great contest!  Bands seemed wide open, participants collaborated, and
many regions of the world participated. (Apologies for any busted QSOs :)).

Rig: Icom 756 Pro 3 (100 watts)
Antenna 1: Hustler 6BTV, ground mounted (lots of radials)
Antenna 2: 200 foot (63 meter) random wire and SGC-230 Antenna coupler
Secret Ingredient: (just a guess) could the 8&quot; of new snow act as an
extended radial field?

Call: W9PDS             Class: SOSB10 QRP               Total Score = 20,114
QRP RTTY is not for sane people!

Call: WA1FCN            Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 450,912
I had no plans to enter this contest.  In looking for  ba7ck on 10 mtr
RTTY I came up on contest just a couple minutes after it started, so I
thought I would play around then got hooked into serious participation.
It got real hard to find anyone new towards the end.  Real nice
JA run friday night glad of that because only worked 2 on Sat night.


Call: WA1ZAM            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 121,806
just having a little fun with my wire and 100 watts

Call: WA4VMC            Class: SOSB40 QRP               Total Score = 114,708
Had a great time

Call: WA8RPK            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 227,838
can't wk the contest like I used do to health etc I can't do it like I want to
tnx to all that called me.  I do the best I can. I love contest.

tom wa8rpk

Call: WA9IVH            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 163,812
Great condix!  Glad to see 15 and, especially, 10 meters so open.

One of these contests, life won't get in the way of operating time!

73, Mark WA9IVH

Call: WB2RHM            Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 338,682

Call: WB4OMM            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 31,204
Yaesu FT-2000 (turned down to 5W Out) AT-1000Pro, HP Compaq dc7800 MiniTower
dual core; A3S Beam with 10M/15M/20M/40M at 38', Yaesu G-450A Rotator; 280'
40M/80M loop at 35'; N1MM contest software, LOGic Logging Software.

I was at the Florida Contest Dinner in Orlando Friday night; was at Orlando
Hamcation all day Saturday; and had &quot;duties&quot; with the XYL most of
Sunday morning....sooooooo.....since I only had a few hours, I worked QRP
starting with 10M working to 80M, anything I heard and could work with a few
calls...was quite pleased that most came back on the first call, and worked
some decent DX!  ALWAYS FUN!!!  73 to all!! Steve WB4OMM

Call: WB5TUF            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,309,280
My goal for this year was to break one million points. The band conditions were
awesome! The K3 mojo was working!

Elecraft K3/100
M2 KT35 and 80/40 dipole at 50 feet

Call: WB6JJJ            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 38,727
Thanks for another fun RTTY contest.
I had just a bit of time last night and this afternoon to play radio - had to
divert water around the ranch after 9.6&quot; of rain so far and it is still
coming down...
Thanks for all of the q's.

Call: WB8JUI            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 343,840
73 - Rick WB8JUI

Call: WE5DX             Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 613,352
This was a great contest.  First time effort in the WPX RTTY contest and had a
blast.  We operated from Meridian, MS as a Mult-Single using the WE5DX call.
The station consisted of a Flex 3000 and a triband beam at 35ft.  For the low
bands we had a 80/40 meter wire vertical in to the trees.  Using the Flex 3000
in a contest setting was a bit of a power curve at first but the controls
became easier as the contest went along.  We did run in to a latency issue with
the decode side of the RTTY decoder.  In a casual setting one to one and a half
second latency on the RTTY decode can be tolerated.  In a contest setting it
causes too many issues with missed calls and duplicate transmissions being the
norm.  On Saturday morning we stopped using the VAC and wired a Signalink
together and instantly the decoding latency was gone.  This was a victory and
did result in better results while running and S&amp;P.  The propagation on
40/80 meters was pretty good from here in Mississippi to Europe from just after
dusk till around midnight.  We did do better this contest than CQ WW RTTY on 40
&amp; 80 meters from a QSO perspective, however we need to about another 50Q's
on 80M and 100Q's on 40M to become more competitive.  On the high bands EU was
great on Saturday morning with easy runs in to EU and western AS, however with
a higher A index on Sunday the path to EU was not as fruitful and had to
S&amp;P more than we wanted to do.  Our runs were somewhat successful on the
lower bands domestically, however was never able to get our rated very high.
We are working on getting 400 to 500W for 2014 CQ WW RTTY, that should help
some with that.  Thanks to the W1AW/KH6 team in Hawaii, as they were the only
station we worked on all the bands, GREAT JOB!!!!  Thanks also to all the
stations that was able to dig us out of the noise also.

Call: WF6C              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 71,288
Finally got a modicum of SO2R capability working for RTTY! Many thanks to N6TV
for sounding board services that got me through a cabling issue seemingly
unrelated to RTTY.

Call: WH7DX             Class: SOAB(R) HP               Total Score = 202,071
This was a weird one...

I had fun but for some reason I couldn't get a run going.   I had one good run
and that was for about an hour to JA on 15m in my late afternoon.  That was
about 1/3 of all my QSOs.  The rest was search and whenever I tried CQ it was
just a trickle if that - even when I parked near a strong good prefix.  I
couldn't get any LP going in my AM but when I searched I didn't have a problem
with a QSO.   I also couldn't get LP going to EU.  I was looking forward to LP
because I was just doing that with my call and W1AW/KH6 a few days ago.   I
kept moving around to make sure I wasn't on top of someone I couldn't see but
after 10 minutes of pounding away at the amp and not getting a QSO it felt like
I was in my own world with a common prefix hi hi.

Overall of course - still had fun and I was happy to get to 300 and 200k with
my schedule this weekend.   Picked up a few new DX as well.

TU for the QSOs and looking forward to the next contest!



Call: WI7N              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 454,272
Thanks for all the Qs.

Gene, WI7N

Call: WK7S              Class: SOSB15(TS) HP            Total Score = 1,608,453
K3 crashed several times on Friday night. To make a long story short, two
firmware updates from Elecraft solved the problem.

Conditions were good on Saturday, but the A-Index was about 25 during Sunday's
opening to Europe.

Thanks for all the QSO's!

Call: WL7BDO            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 167,678
Conditions where erratic which resulted in less operating time and QSOs as
compared to last year.  Missed prefixes compared to last year by 8.  Using
skimmer spots for the first time helped in the prefix hunt under the
challenging conditions.

Call: WN6K              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 533,638
I had a previous engagement of escorting my two granddaughters to their school
dance on Friday night so I delayed starting the contest till the next morning.

It went fairly well except for the fact that in LP, once has to 'hide in plain
sight' up as high in the bands as you can.  My strategy was to find someone
working 'alone' up high and go 1 kc above them.

One can not get high rates on RTTY (even you SO2R types stop us in the middle
to answer your second radio instead of answering your callback...if you took
too long (my calling twice and no answer, you got dumped.)  Sunday was affected
most by the high A/K alerts I got of some event ~2330.  After the event, signal
levels were high flutter from EU and lots of repeats even stateside.

WN6K, Paul

Call: WO7R              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 299,600
For five minutes on 10, I was a rock star.  Even called CQ EU to cut the (brief
but glorious) pileup.  And, it worked!

Call: WO7V              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 165,456
Yea baby, this was a contest.  The conditions were great with the solar index
around 180 or so.  Didn't have that much time to operate but that is always my
excuse.  Twenty meters just didn't want to give it up on Saturday evening.  On
Sunday morning there was a great opening into Europe from my AZ location about
two hours before sunrise.  Even 15 was open to Europe at sunrise.  This is
rare.  Had a real run going in 10 meters on Saturday afternoon.  What really
surprises me was the lack of JAs near the end of the contest on 15 meters.  I
worked a few but usually at that time in any contest it is what I call happy
hour.  You work one after another.  Well that didn't happen this time.  No
matter, there was great fun.  All of this was from my hoa restricted 43'
vertical antenna.

Call: WQ6K              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,138,968
Not as good as my last year score due to the low bands not being as productive,
but 15 and 10 meters were fantastic!  I had some problems with the antenna on
40 meters that also caused the score to suffer, but otherwise, fairly smooth
sailing.  Thanks for all the Q's...

Call: WS7L              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 179,372
Couple good runs on 15 and 20 made them my money bands. Peak rates over 150 and
sustained runs of 60 per hour.

73 and thanks for the Q's. Especially thanks for the spots -- they really
drummed up some business for me.

Carl WS7L
K-Line + R-6000 vertical 10-20, HF2V on 40.

Call: WT9U              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 316,608
First major RTTY contest since getting set up for contesting.

Call: WU9D              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 162,726
Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
   3.5       5      12    1
     7     108     252   62
    14      94     144   56
    21      83     152   45
    28      87     173   58
 Total     377     733  222
Score: 162,726

Call: WV1K              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 840,255
First RTTY contest and first time using our new local club call... learned a lot
while just scratching the surface.  Thought I'd only work a few hours but got
hooked.  I found this addictive.  I'll definitely try RTTY contesting again.

Call: WW1MM             Class: SOAB(TS) LP              Total Score = 1,133,781
If I read the off-times report in N1MM correctly, that 1000th Q occurred just
before I clicked over 30 hours.  I could have planned my off times a bit

My main goal was to to do better than my 2012 performance (last year's
participation was abridged due to prep work for an ARISS contact); passed that
mark by the time I stopped for the night.  Having the second radio really

I hope next weekends conditions are more like Saturday's than Sunday's.

The nice thing about WPX is that when conditions are disappointing/odd, or when
propagation to DX simply peters out, there are still plenty of 1 pointers to
stay busy with.

Call: WW4LL             Class: SOSB10(TS) HP            Total Score = 1,145,417
10 was in pretty good shape and was lots of fun!  Thanks to everyone that

Reminder:  Sign up for the Dayton RTTY Contest

Early registration has been good.  73'...Fred, WW4LL

Call: WX4G              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,640,672

Call: XE3N              Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 634,600
Nice propagation on Saturday, really I enjoyed the contest. My working
conditions a Vertical Antenna A-99 and 100w of Power with my TS-2000, great job
and funny weekend. XE3N

Call: YL4U              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 8,374,949

Good output - two first-timers into RTTY contesting did great. I hope they will
stay tuned on.

Ohh, a Latvian M2 record, too :)

73 Kas YL1ZF

Call: YL9T              Class: SOAB(TS) HP              Total Score = 2,268,168
Operated from countryside position. 2 antennas Delta loop for 80m and 80m New
Carolina Windom were used for all band TX and 6 beverages for better receive on
lowbands. IC756PRO3 had amplifier to about 400W and second radio TS870S was
barefoot so only 100W into antenna.
On Saturday evening lowbands were terribly destroyed by Aurora but then at 21Z
it all went back to normal conditions. Missed USA and JA mults because of small
power and partially also due to propagation.

Call: YT1BX             Class: SOSB15 LP                Total Score = 105,050
fldigi + linuxOS = nice combination

Call: YT2AAA            Class: SOSB20(TS) LP            Total Score = 432,796
IC-746PRO + 5m wire on balcony

Call: YT2T              Class: SOSB80 LP                Total Score = 300,002
Just for fun!
I worked via remote station at YT2T location.
50-60 watts and Dipole .
73 Marko OZ/YT2T akka OU5A

Call: YU3AAA            Class: SOSB80 HP                Total Score = 1,098,828
Yaesu FT2000, OM power, 4SQ verticals with 240 rad. MKII and N1MM.

Very bad rate: 10 qso per hour!!!

qsl info @ qrz.com


Call: YU8NU             Class: SOSB20 LP                Total Score = 607,104
Squeezing dry cornel !!
yu8nu Ciro

Call: Z36N              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,062,174
Thanks to all for qso's !
Greetings and see you in the next contest.

73 Tone Z36N

Call: ZV2K              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 6,842,040
Hi Folks,

Considering our conditions at Low Bands are poor, our results went fine.
Propagation on 10 meters was very good, 15m second and 20 meters not so good.
40 meters propagation was fine but due our conditions result was bad. 80 meters
with Delta Loop also was very poor from Sao Paulo.

On the final it was a nice party and day by day we are turning better and
better our results and skills for Multi operator category.
Our target was to set new Brazilian Record and to try South America. Missing
1.1M points fro SA Record but we passed QSO and WPX numbers. The main factor
was low performance at 40m and 80m.

Thanks for every one that contacted us and we hope to listen all you again next
weekend at ARRL CW.


Alto da Serra Contest Team
Sao Paulo - Brasil

Call: ZZ80RJ            Class: SOSB10 LP                Total Score = 65,308
Special event LABRE 80 YEARS... in CQWPX

Index of Calls
Call: 3G1B              Class: M/S HP
Call: 5B/IK2LTR         Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: 5B/IZ4AMS         Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: 5C5W              Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: 8P2K              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: 9A1A              Class: M/U HP
Call: 9M6XRO            Class: SOAB HP
Call: AA3B              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AA4YL             Class: M/S HP
Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: AA8R              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AB1J              Class: SOSB10(TS) LP
Call: AB1QB             Class: SOAB(R) HP
Call: AB3CV             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AB4GG             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AB5K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AB7R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AC0C              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AC0E              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AC2FA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AC4CA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AD1C              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AD5XD             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AD7JP             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AE7DW             Class: SOAB(R) LP
Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AG1RL             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AG6AU             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AI5AA             Class: SOSB20 LP
Call: AI6YL/7           Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: AI9T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AJ1E              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AK9D              Class: M/S HP
Call: AL2F              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AL9A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: CE4SFG            Class: SOAB LP
Call: CT3DZ             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: CX9AU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DD2ML             Class: SOAB HP
Call: DF1LX             Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: DF2SD             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DJ3IW             Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: DJ60DXMB          Class: M/S HP
Call: DJ8OG             Class: M/S HP
Call: DK40ECH           Class: M/S HP
Call: DK5OS             Class: SOAB HP
Call: DK8EY             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL1CW             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: DL1ZBO            Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL3EBX            Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL8SCG            Class: SOAB HP
Call: DM1A              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: DO9ST             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: DR1D              Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: E77C              Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: EA2KU             Class: M/S HP
Call: EA3KU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: EA7ZY             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: ED1R              Class: M/S HP
Call: ED4D              Class: SOAB LP
Call: ED4T              Class: SOSB20 LP
Call: EF8O              Class: SOAB LP
Call: EF8S              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: ES5RY             Class: SOAB LP
Call: EU1AZ             Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: EW1NA             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: F1IWH             Class: SOAB LP
Call: F4GDI             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: F5CQ              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: F5RD              Class: SOAB LP
Call: FG1PP             Class: SOAB LP
Call: G2F               Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: GM8SBH            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: GU0SUP            Class: SOAB LP
Call: GW4BLE            Class: SOAB HP
Call: HA5BSW            Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: HA8JV             Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: HB9CRV            Class: SOAB HP
Call: HG5D              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: HG7T              Class: M/S HP
Call: HH2/N3BNA         Class: SOAB LP
Call: HL5YI             Class: SOAB HP
Call: IT9RGY            Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: IV3BCA            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: IV3SKB            Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
Call: IW1AYD            Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: IW1PNJ            Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: IW1QN             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: IZ3NVR            Class: SOSB10 QRP
Call: JH6WHN            Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: K0AD              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K0ALT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0PK              Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
Call: K0TG              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0VG              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1DQV             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K1GU              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: K1ING             Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: K1SD              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2NV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K2PS              Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: K2QB              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2YR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2ZC              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3AJ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K3EL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3FH              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K3GP              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3IU              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: K3MD              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: K3MJW             Class: M/S HP
Call: K3OQ              Class: M/S HP
Call: K3WW              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4FJ              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: K4FTO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K4GMH             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4MGE             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4RO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4VV              Class: M/U HP
Call: K4WW              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: K5MXG             Class: SOAB(R) LP
Call: K5ND              Class: SOSB15 QRP
Call: K5QR              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: K5VIP             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6DGW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6GHA             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: K6LE              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6LRN             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6MM              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6NV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6ST              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6TA              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6UFO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7BVT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7EG              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7RB              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: K7RF              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K7TQ              Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: K7ZS              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K8GT              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K8PP              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K9DR              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: K9NR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K9OR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K9WX              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K9XD              Class: M/2 HP
Call: K9YC              Class: SOSB10(TS) HP
Call: KA1KIX            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KA2D              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: KA2KON            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KA4OTB            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KA6BIM            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KA9MOM            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: KB2HSH            Class: SOSB10 QRP
Call: KB3LIX            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KB4KBS            Class: SOSB40(TS) LP
Call: KC2WUF            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KC7V              Class: SOSB15(TS) HP
Call: KD7MSC            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KE7AUB            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KG4IGC            Class: M/S LP
Call: KG9JP             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KH6GMP            Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: KH6ZM             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: KI1G              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KI4EEY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KJ5T              Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: KK4EIR            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KK9A              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KM7N              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KN3A              Class: M/S LP
Call: KO7AA             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: KP2DX             Class: SOSB20 LP
Call: KS2G              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: KS4L              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KS7AA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: KT0DX             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: KT7E              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KT9L              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KU1T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KU5B              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: KV7DX             Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: KW7N              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: KX7L              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: KX7YT             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KY7M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KZ5A              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: LN5O              Class: M/2 HP
Call: LT0H              Class: SOAB HP
Call: LU1BJW            Class: SOAB LP
Call: LX7I              Class: M/2 HP
Call: LY16W             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: LY2FN             Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: LY8O              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: LY9Y              Class: SOAB HP
Call: LZ6K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: LZ8E              Class: SOAB HP
Call: M5Z               Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: N0MA              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N0NI              Class: M/2 HP
Call: N0OJ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N0TA              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N1JM              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: N1SZ              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: N2BJ              Class: M/S HP
Call: N2FF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N2KI              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N2MM              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: N2MUN             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N2NF              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: N2NS              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N2QT              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N2WK              Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: N2WQ/VE3          Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: N3AFT             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N3ALN             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: N3QE              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: N3RC              Class: M/S HP
Call: N3XL              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N4CW              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4DW              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N4GU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4JOW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4MM              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4QX              Class: SOSB10 QRP
Call: N4TL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4ZZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N5AW              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N5XZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N6AR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N6DZR             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N6RNO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N7AT              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: N7BT              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: N7CS              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N7RO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N7TEW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8BJQ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N8HM              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N9TF              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: NA0CW             Class: M/S HP
Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NA2U              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NA4W              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: NA5NN             Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: NB4M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NC7J              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: ND3N              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NE6I              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NF2Z              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NI7R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NI8G              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NK6A              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: NN3RP             Class: SOAB HP
Call: NN4RB             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: NN6NN             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: NN6XX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: NO2T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NO4S              Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
Call: NP3IR             Class: SOAB LP
Call: NR4M              Class: M/U HP
Call: NR5M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NS0D              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NT0F              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NT8Z              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NU4Y              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NW2K              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: NX0I              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NX5M              Class: SOSB80 LP
Call: NX8G/5            Class: SOAB LP
Call: NY2DX/4           Class: SOAB LP
Call: NY6DX             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: NY7N              Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: OG6N              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OH2KM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: OH4A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OH5CY             Class: M/U LP
Call: OH6MW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: OK2SFP            Class: SOAB HP
Call: OK4RQ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: OK6W              Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: OK8DD             Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: OL8R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OL9A              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: OM0A              Class: SOAB LP
Call: OM5ZW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: ON3DI             Class: SOAB LP
Call: ON9CC             Class: SOSB80 QRP
Call: OO7R              Class: SOAB LP
Call: OQ4B              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: OZ4FF             Class: SOAB LP
Call: OZ6TL             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: P49X              Class: SOAB HP
Call: PJ2T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: PY1ZV             Class: SOAB LP
Call: PY4ZE             Class: SOSB10(TS) LP
Call: PY4ZO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: R22ALS            Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: R4FO              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: RA9AU             Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: RG9A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: RK4W              Class: M/2 HP
Call: RT9S              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: RZ1ZZ             Class: SOSB20 LP
Call: S51A              Class: M/2 HP
Call: S51CK             Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
Call: S51MA             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: S52X              Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: S54X              Class: SOSB40(TS) LP
Call: S55W              Class: M/S HP
Call: S56A              Class: SOAB LP
Call: S59AA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: SN2M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: SN7O              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: SN7Q              Class: SOAB HP
Call: SN8N              Class: M/S HP
Call: SO4M              Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: SP4LVK            Class: SOSB15 QRP
Call: SP8K              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: SQ9ORQ            Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: TM6M              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: UA0CA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: UA5A              Class: M/S HP
Call: UN1L              Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: US0HZ             Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: UT2IV             Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
Call: UT8IM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: UU1K              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: UV5U              Class: SOAB HP
Call: UW1M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: VA2AM             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VA2ES             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA2UP             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA7AM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA7FC             Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: VA7KO             Class: M/S HP
Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VC7J              Class: M/U HP
Call: VE2EBK            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: VE2NMB            Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE3AJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3CX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE3DZ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3FJB            Class: M/S HP
Call: VE3IAE            Class: SOSB20(TS) LP
Call: VE3JI             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3KI             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE3MGY            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: VE3RCN            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3SS             Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: VE3UTT            Class: SOSB40 HP
Call: VE3XAT            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE6BMX            Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: VE6SQ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE7BC             Class: SOSB10(TS) LP
Call: VE7CC             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE7IO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VK4QH             Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: VO2DX/9           Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W100AW/4          Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1AN              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W1TO              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: W1UJ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1ZD              Class: SOSB15(TS) LP
Call: W2GR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W2YC              Class: M/S HP
Call: W3DAD             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W3FV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3LL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3RTY             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: W3SFG             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4BCG             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4BK              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4EE              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4GDG             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4ML              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W4NF              Class: M/S HP
Call: W4PFM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4PK              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4UK              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4WWQ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W5EW              Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: W5MRM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W6DR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W6OAT             Class: M/U HP
Call: W6QU              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: W6RLL             Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: W6SFK             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W6SX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W6TK              Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: W6WRT             Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: W6ZQ              Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: W7LD              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W7PP              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: W7SLS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W7VXS             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W7ZR              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: W8OHT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W8OTR             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W9CF              Class: SOSB20 QRP
Call: W9IIX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W9ILY             Class: SOSB15 HP
Call: W9PDS             Class: SOSB10 QRP
Call: W9VQ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WA1DRQ            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WA1FCN            Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: WA1ZAM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WA3AFS            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WA4VMC            Class: SOSB40 QRP
Call: WA5ZUP            Class: SOSB15(TS) HP
Call: WA8RPK            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA9IVH            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WB2RHM            Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: WB4MSG            Class: SOSB20 QRP
Call: WB4OMM            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WB5TUF            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB6JJJ            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WB8BZK            Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: WB8JUI            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB8YYY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WE5DX             Class: M/S LP
Call: WF0T              Class: SOSB40 QRP
Call: WF6C              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WH7DX             Class: SOAB(R) HP
Call: WI7N              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WK7S              Class: SOSB15(TS) HP
Call: WL7BDO            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WN6K              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WO4D              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WO7R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WO7V              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WQ6K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WS7L              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WS7V              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WT9U              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WU6W              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WU9D              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WV1K              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WW1MM             Class: SOAB(TS) LP
Call: WW4LL             Class: SOSB10(TS) HP
Call: WX4G              Class: M/S HP
Call: WX6V              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: XE3N              Class: SOSB10 LP
Call: YL4U              Class: M/2 HP
Call: YL5T              Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: YL9T              Class: SOAB(TS) HP
Call: YO4RDW            Class: SOSB15(TS) LP
Call: YO4UQ             Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: YO9HP             Class: SOSB20 HP
Call: YT1BX             Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: YT2AAA            Class: SOSB20(TS) LP
Call: YT2T              Class: SOSB80 LP
Call: YT7M              Class: SOSB40 LP
Call: YT9A              Class: SOSB10 HP
Call: YU1BN             Class: SOAB LP
Call: YU2A              Class: SOSB40(TS) LP
Call: YU3AAA            Class: SOSB80 HP
Call: YU8NU             Class: SOSB20 LP
Call: Z31MM             Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: Z33F              Class: SOSB15 LP
Call: Z36N              Class: SOAB LP
Call: Z39A              Class: SOSB10(TS) LP
Call: ZV2K              Class: M/S HP
Call: ZZ80RJ            Class: SOSB10 LP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: M/2 HP
         Call: K9XD
         Call: LN5O
         Call: LX7I
         Call: N0NI
         Call: RK4W
         Call: S51A
         Call: W4ML
         Call: YL4U

Class: M/S HP
         Call: 3G1B
         Call: AA4YL
         Call: AK9D
         Call: DJ60DXMB
         Call: DJ8OG
         Call: DK40ECH
         Call: EA2KU
         Call: ED1R
         Call: HG7T
         Call: K3MJW
         Call: K3OQ
         Call: N2BJ
         Call: N3RC
         Call: NA0CW
         Call: S55W
         Call: SN8N
         Call: UA5A
         Call: VA7KO
         Call: VE3FJB
         Call: W2YC
         Call: W4NF
         Call: WX4G
         Call: ZV2K

Class: M/S LP
         Call: KG4IGC
         Call: KN3A
         Call: WE5DX

Class: M/U HP
         Call: 9A1A
         Call: K4VV
         Call: NR4M
         Call: VC7J
         Call: W6OAT

Class: M/U LP
         Call: OH5CY

Class: SOAB HP
         Call: 9M6XRO
         Call: AA3B
         Call: AB3CV
         Call: AB4GG
         Call: AB5K
         Call: AB7R
         Call: AC0C
         Call: AC4CA
         Call: AG1RL
         Call: AG6AU
         Call: AI9T
         Call: AL9A
         Call: DD2ML
         Call: DK5OS
         Call: DL8SCG
         Call: GW4BLE
         Call: HB9CRV
         Call: HL5YI
         Call: K0ALT
         Call: K0TG
         Call: K0VG
         Call: K2NV
         Call: K2ZC
         Call: K3EL
         Call: K3GP
         Call: K3WW
         Call: K4GMH
         Call: K4MGE
         Call: K4RO
         Call: K5VIP
         Call: K6DGW
         Call: K6LRN
         Call: K6NV
         Call: K6TA
         Call: K6UFO
         Call: K7BVT
         Call: K7EG
         Call: K7ZS
         Call: KA4OTB
         Call: KA6BIM
         Call: KD7MSC
         Call: KI1G
         Call: KK4EIR
         Call: KS7AA
         Call: KT7E
         Call: KT9L
         Call: KU1T
         Call: KY7M
         Call: LT0H
         Call: LY9Y
         Call: LZ6K
         Call: LZ8E
         Call: N0MA
         Call: N0TA
         Call: N2KI
         Call: N2NS
         Call: N4CW
         Call: N4GU
         Call: N4JOW
         Call: N4MM
         Call: N4TL
         Call: N4ZZ
         Call: N5XZ
         Call: N6AR
         Call: N7RO
         Call: N8BJQ
         Call: NA2U
         Call: NB4M
         Call: NE6I
         Call: NI7R
         Call: NI8G
         Call: NN3RP
         Call: NN6XX
         Call: NO2T
         Call: NR5M
         Call: NS0D
         Call: NU4Y
         Call: OG6N
         Call: OH4A
         Call: OH6MW
         Call: OK2SFP
         Call: OK4RQ
         Call: OL8R
         Call: OM5ZW
         Call: P49X
         Call: PJ2T
         Call: RG9A
         Call: S59AA
         Call: SN2M
         Call: SN7Q
         Call: UA0CA
         Call: UV5U
         Call: UW1M
         Call: VA2AM
         Call: VA7ST
         Call: VE2NMB
         Call: VE3CX
         Call: VE3KI
         Call: VE7CC
         Call: VE7IO
         Call: W1AN
         Call: W2GR
         Call: W3DAD
         Call: W3FV
         Call: W3LL
         Call: W3SFG
         Call: W4BCG
         Call: W4PK
         Call: W4UK
         Call: W6DR
         Call: W6SFK
         Call: W6SX
         Call: W7VXS
         Call: W8OHT
         Call: W8OTR
         Call: W9IIX
         Call: WA8RPK
         Call: WA9IVH
         Call: WB6JJJ
         Call: WF6C
         Call: WI7N
         Call: WO7R
         Call: WO7V
         Call: WQ6K
         Call: WS7L
         Call: WU6W

Class: SOAB LP
         Call: AA8R
         Call: AC0E
         Call: AC2FA
         Call: AD1C
         Call: AD5XD
         Call: AD7JP
         Call: AF6GA
         Call: AJ1E
         Call: AL2F
         Call: CE4SFG
         Call: CX9AU
         Call: DF2SD
         Call: DK8EY
         Call: DL1ZBO
         Call: DL3EBX
         Call: EA3KU
         Call: ED4D
         Call: EF8O
         Call: ES5RY
         Call: F1IWH
         Call: F5RD
         Call: FG1PP
         Call: GU0SUP
         Call: HH2/N3BNA
         Call: K0AD
         Call: K1DQV
         Call: K1SD
         Call: K2QB
         Call: K2YR
         Call: K3AJ
         Call: K3FH
         Call: K4FTO
         Call: K6LE
         Call: K6MM
         Call: K6ST
         Call: K8GT
         Call: K8PP
         Call: K9NR
         Call: K9OR
         Call: K9WX
         Call: KA1KIX
         Call: KA2KON
         Call: KB3LIX
         Call: KC2WUF
         Call: KE7AUB
         Call: KG9JP
         Call: KI4EEY
         Call: KK9A
         Call: KM7N
         Call: KS4L
         Call: KX7YT
         Call: LU1BJW
         Call: N0OJ
         Call: N2FF
         Call: N2MUN
         Call: N3AFT
         Call: N3XL
         Call: N4DW
         Call: N5AW
         Call: N6DZR
         Call: N6RNO
         Call: N7CS
         Call: N7TEW
         Call: N8HM
         Call: NA2M
         Call: ND3N
         Call: NF2Z
         Call: NP3IR
         Call: NT0F
         Call: NT8Z
         Call: NX0I
         Call: NX8G/5
         Call: NY2DX/4
         Call: OH2KM
         Call: OM0A
         Call: ON3DI
         Call: OO7R
         Call: OZ4FF
         Call: PY1ZV
         Call: PY4ZO
         Call: S56A
         Call: UT8IM
         Call: VA2ES
         Call: VA2UP
         Call: VA7AM
         Call: VE3AJ
         Call: VE3DZ
         Call: VE3JI
         Call: VE3RCN
         Call: VE3XAT
         Call: VE6SQ
         Call: W0RAA
         Call: W100AW/4
         Call: W1UJ
         Call: W3FIZ
         Call: W4BK
         Call: W4EE
         Call: W4GDG
         Call: W4PFM
         Call: W4WWQ
         Call: W5MRM
         Call: W7LD
         Call: W7SLS
         Call: W9VQ
         Call: WA1DRQ
         Call: WA1ZAM
         Call: WA3AFS
         Call: WB5TUF
         Call: WB8JUI
         Call: WB8YYY
         Call: WL7BDO
         Call: WN6K
         Call: WO4D
         Call: WS7V
         Call: WT9U
         Call: WU9D
         Call: WV1K
         Call: YU1BN
         Call: Z36N

         Call: DO9ST
         Call: K7RF
         Call: N2QT
         Call: W6QU
         Call: WB4OMM

Class: SOAB(R) HP
         Call: AB1QB
         Call: WH7DX

Class: SOAB(R) LP
         Call: AE7DW
         Call: K5MXG

Class: SOAB(TS) HP
         Call: DJ3IW
         Call: EU1AZ
         Call: F5CQ
         Call: G2F
         Call: K1ING
         Call: K3IU
         Call: K3MD
         Call: K9DR
         Call: KA2D
         Call: KV7DX
         Call: N3QE
         Call: R4FO
         Call: W1TO
         Call: WX6V
         Call: YL9T

Class: SOAB(TS) LP
         Call: DL1CW
         Call: EW1NA
         Call: F4GDI
         Call: GM8SBH
         Call: IV3BCA
         Call: K6GHA
         Call: K7RB
         Call: KA9MOM
         Call: KS2G
         Call: KW7N
         Call: KX7L
         Call: LY16W
         Call: N1JM
         Call: N2NF
         Call: N3ALN
         Call: N9TF
         Call: NN4RB
         Call: NW2K
         Call: NY6DX
         Call: OQ4B
         Call: RT9S
         Call: SN7O
         Call: VE2EBK
         Call: VE3MGY
         Call: W5EW
         Call: WB2RHM
         Call: WW1MM

Class: SOSB10 HP
         Call: AA5AU
         Call: DM1A
         Call: EA7ZY
         Call: EF8S
         Call: IT9RGY
         Call: K5QR
         Call: KH6ZM
         Call: KO7AA
         Call: NA4W
         Call: R22ALS
         Call: S51MA
         Call: TM6M
         Call: W6WRT
         Call: W7ZR
         Call: YT9A

Class: SOSB10 LP
         Call: 5B/IZ4AMS
         Call: JH6WHN
         Call: K2PS
         Call: M5Z
         Call: N2WK
         Call: NA5NN
         Call: NY7N
         Call: OK8DD
         Call: VO2DX/9
         Call: W6TK
         Call: WA1FCN
         Call: WB8BZK
         Call: XE3N
         Call: ZZ80RJ

Class: SOSB10 QRP
         Call: IZ3NVR
         Call: KB2HSH
         Call: N4QX
         Call: W9PDS

Class: SOSB10(TS) HP
         Call: K9YC
         Call: WW4LL

Class: SOSB10(TS) LP
         Call: AB1J
         Call: PY4ZE
         Call: VE7BC
         Call: Z39A

Class: SOSB15 HP
         Call: AI6YL/7
         Call: KZ5A
         Call: LY8O
         Call: N2MM
         Call: N7AT
         Call: N7BT
         Call: NC7J
         Call: NK6A
         Call: VE3SS
         Call: VE6BMX
         Call: VK4QH
         Call: W6RLL
         Call: W6ZQ
         Call: W9ILY

Class: SOSB15 LP
         Call: 5B/IK2LTR
         Call: 5C5W
         Call: E77C
         Call: K7TQ
         Call: KH6GMP
         Call: RA9AU
         Call: VA7FC
         Call: YO4UQ
         Call: YT1BX
         Call: Z31MM
         Call: Z33F

Class: SOSB15 QRP
         Call: K5ND
         Call: SP4LVK

Class: SOSB15(TS) HP
         Call: KC7V
         Call: WA5ZUP
         Call: WK7S

Class: SOSB15(TS) LP
         Call: W1ZD
         Call: YO4RDW

Class: SOSB20 HP
         Call: CT3DZ
         Call: IW1PNJ
         Call: IW1QN
         Call: KJ5T
         Call: KT0DX
         Call: N2WQ/VE3
         Call: NN6NN
         Call: OK6W
         Call: OZ6TL
         Call: SO4M
         Call: W3RTY
         Call: YO9HP

Class: SOSB20 LP
         Call: AI5AA
         Call: ED4T
         Call: KP2DX
         Call: RZ1ZZ
         Call: YU8NU

Class: SOSB20 QRP
         Call: W9CF
         Call: WB4MSG

Class: SOSB20(TS) LP
         Call: VE3IAE
         Call: YT2AAA

Class: SOSB40 HP
         Call: DR1D
         Call: HA8JV
         Call: IW1AYD
         Call: LY2FN
         Call: S52X
         Call: UN1L
         Call: VE3UTT

Class: SOSB40 LP
         Call: 8P2K
         Call: DF1LX
         Call: HA5BSW
         Call: HG5D
         Call: K1GU
         Call: KU5B
         Call: US0HZ
         Call: UU1K
         Call: YT7M

Class: SOSB40 QRP
         Call: WA4VMC
         Call: WF0T

Class: SOSB40(TS) HP
         Call: IV3SKB
         Call: K0PK
         Call: NO4S
         Call: S51CK
         Call: UT2IV

Class: SOSB40(TS) LP
         Call: KB4KBS
         Call: S54X
         Call: YU2A

Class: SOSB80 HP
         Call: K4FJ
         Call: K4WW
         Call: N1SZ
         Call: OL9A
         Call: SP8K
         Call: SQ9ORQ
         Call: W7PP
         Call: YL5T
         Call: YU3AAA

Class: SOSB80 LP
         Call: NX5M
         Call: YT2T

Class: SOSB80 QRP
         Call: ON9CC
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