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[CQ-Contest] How about "NANCY" or "KOTT" during NCJ-Sprint September 6 (

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] How about "NANCY" or "KOTT" during NCJ-Sprint September 6 (sept 7 Z)
From: Hank Greeb <n8xx@arrl.org>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:32:20 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I suggest that others consider adopting either "NANCY" or "KOTT" for us a their "NAME"during the upcoming NCJ sprint (September 7 0000-0359Z)
What? Are you crazy?  I've been told that "ED" or "AL" are the two most 
popular names in the Sprint, because they are quick, and easily copied.  
And, when one changes "NAME" in the Sprint, some 5% of one's Q's are 
busted by the other op?  See 
http://ncjweb.com/sprint-scores/cwsprint022006.pdf for this analysis.
So, I admit to being a bit crazy - isn't every ham a bit crazy?

I've been part of a memorial to Hank Kohl, K8DD, by using "DUCK" for my name in a NCJ event, and have used the names of recently deceased contesters as my "Name" in NAQP and NCJ Sprints.
I never had the privilege of working Nancy Kott, WZ8C (now SK), but it 
appears that she was a prominent ham and promoter of CW.
I'll be using either "Nancy" or "Kott" as my "NAME" in the upcoming NCJ 
sprint.  Think about honoring her by adopting her name.  And, for 
practice, perhaps enter to WZ8C memorial sprint on September 3, 0000Z to 
72/73 de n8xx Hg
QRP >99.44% of the time

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        WZ8C Memorial CW Sprint
Date:   Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:26:35 -0400 (EDT)
From:   CQ Communications, Inc. <d.kehrwieder@cqcomm.com>
Reply-To:       cq5dottiek@bellsouth.net
To:     n8xx@arrl.org

We are pleased to share the following information, received from the North American QRP CW Club:
The North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) and FISTS are jointly sponsoring 
a special sprint on September 3, 0000Z - 0300Z (the evening of Sept. 2nd 
in North America) in memory of CW advocate Nancy Kott, WZ8C (SK). 
Complete details about the exchange, log submission, etc. can be found 
at <http://naqcc.info/nancy.html >
This sprint is part of month-long operating challenge that is also being 
done in Nancy's memory. Nancy was the leader of the FISTS CW Club in 
North America as well as being past editor of WorldRadio and WorldRadio 
Online magazines, and is a 2014 inductee into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall 
of Fame in recognition of her work in promoting Morse code.
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