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[RTTY] Thursday NS RTTY

To: "rtty@contesting.com" <rtty@contesting.com>, "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Thursday NS RTTY
From: Ken Beals <k6mr@outlook.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 20:49:09 -0800
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Greetings Diddlers!

After a successful and busy NAQP this past weekend it's time to limber up those 
tuning knobs for the upcoming RTTY Sprint. No more sitting on a frequency for 
hours on end, you'll need to keep those knobs (and mice) moving.

Need some practice? Here's just the thing: Thursday night Sprints! 

Please join us at the usual time and place. For those of you who only drop by 
occasionally, details shown below.

Dupe rule still in effect, so don't let the small number of unique stations 
slow you down. Invite your friends to join in and keep everyone busy.

And the details:

Friday, 6 Mar 2015, 0145Z - 0215Z (Thursday 5 Mar 2015 in NA)
-- 1745 - 1815 PST
-- 2045 - 2115 EST
-- (others in-between these two)
-- 160: 1805 and up <--- NOTE!!!
-- 80/40/20, +80kHz up from the band edge
-- Same band dupes ok after 1 intervening Q.
-- 1 kHz QSY rule, otherwise standard Sprint rules.
-- 100W power limit.

Please visit http://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules and links 
to other info.

Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz for comments 
and questions.

Diddle diddle,

Ken K6MR                                          
RTTY mailing list

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