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[CQ-Contest] Attention European FT4 contesters...

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Attention European FT4 contesters...
From: <gm3woj@christran.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:52:27 +0100
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hello all

As part of the extra contests called the ‘UKEICC Summer Series’ we are running 
a new FT4 contest which you might (or might not!) find interesting.

It takes place this Wednesday (22nd April 2020) from 1800z to 1900z on 80m.  
Specifically 3576kHz, with 3579kHz and 3582kHz dial frequencies also used if 
there is sufficient activity. 

One experimental innovation is that stations in this FT4 contest can be 
‘non-automated’ or ‘automated’.  Note – ‘automated’ stations should be attended 
at all times during the 1-hour contest period, to comply with licence 
conditions. Our limited experience of ‘automated’ FT4 software has shown us 
that intervention by the operator will almost certainly be required at times. 
We have absolutely no idea how popular or otherwise this experiment will be.....

The exchange format is your 4-character grid locator only – select the ‘NA VHF 
Contest’ template.  Cabrillo log upload is via our log submission robot and 
adjudication is done electronically, with the Results on our UKEICC website 
around 2015z on the evening of the contest.

As part of our Summer Series, the UKEICC are also running once-a-week, 
alternating SSB and CW, contests on 80m – please visit 
https://www.ukeicc.com/80mSS-rules.php for the Rules of these Summer Series 
events and the FT4 events.

We realise that the timing 18z to 19z is not ideal for everyone, especially 
contesters outside Europe, but the contest calendars are very crowded at the 

73    Chris   GM3WOJ
UKEICC team    
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