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Re: [CQ-Contest] Rule Changes for the CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests in 2

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rule Changes for the CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests in 2021
From: Julio VE3FH via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: ve3fh@yahoo.ca
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 18:05:54 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

A very disappointing and discouraging change, I would have expected it to go 
the other way and for the WPX RTTY rules to be brought in line with the WPX CW 
and WPX SSB.

I agree with each and every one of the points raised by Paul EI5DI below.

Julio VE3FH

On 2020-11-16 11:54, Paul O'Kane wrote:
On 16/11/2020 15:01, Bud Trench wrote:


QSO alerting systems will now be permitted in all CQ WW WPX SSB and CW
Single Operator categories, except the Single Operator Classic Overlay 

That's a weasel way of announcing that the Single Op Unassisted category has 
been abolished in WPX.

This change also results in elimination of the requirement for audio recordings.

That represents no justification whatsoever for abolishing SOU. Rather, it's a 
consequence of abolishing SOU.

The drivers for combining the Single Op Assisted and Unassisted categories 

*    Use of QSO alerting systems by single operator participants is
allowed in 70% (33 or 47) of the international DX contests recently reviewed, 
including CQ WPX RTTY

Again, that does not justify anything.  If 70% of entries in those 47 contests 
were HP, would you use that to abolish LP and QRP? If not, why not?.

*    It is becoming increasingly more difficult to draw the line between
assisted and unassisted operations as SDR technologies become more integrated 
with contest software / networks

Then, you really should try harder.  Is it correspondingly more difficult to 
draw the line between HP and LP?

*    This step further aligns CQ WW WPX SSB / CW with CQ WW WPX RTTY.
The use of QSO alerting systems in CQ WW WPX RTTY has been permitted since the 

You're aligning the SSB and CW events with RTTY.  Why not align RTTY with the 
others, and reinstate Single OP Unassisted?

The Single Operator Classic Overlay categories will continue to prohibit the
use of QSO alerting systems and should be considered by participants preferring 
to be unassisted.

That is no consolation whatsoever.  Further, it limits those "preferring to be 
unassisted" (as you quaintly put it) to 24 hours of operation.

Paul EI5DI

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