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Re: [CQ-Contest] Contests, on the air or internet?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contests, on the air or internet?
From: Mike Fatchett W0MU <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 09:49:30 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
That highlights the problem that contesting has always had.  We have a very large group of participants and a much smaller group of competitors.  We do not want to discourage the participants or chase them away because that will leave less people for the competitors to work.

I see this more and more in daily activity.  Hi Ken....I don't and never have used my first name.

Are people using the lookup for more than a name?  Does it really matter with participants that are there only for fun?

This is one of the reasons there is talk of allowing everything as there is no way to stop this.  While there is a desire to keep a boy and his radio(s) only class, it is hard to enforce unless you have total control of the environment, which we don't other than WRTC.

There are too many technologies that cannot be monitored.  Slack, other chat programs, using remotes outside your circle, etc.

Contesting has become a blend of on the air and internet.  We all used to get on 3830 after the test, now we run to the internet.

This is where contesting is much different than any other competition.  We have no idea who the participants or competitors are before the contest starts and we encourage non participants to jump in and the participants can be located all over the world. The majority of participants are not actually competing, they are just having fun, working friends, new dx, or casually engaged.

Does it really matter if people are using lookup routines to attempt to personalize a contact?  We have asked that people not massage their logs and most don't but I bet some still do.  We made that harder with log deadlines that are much shorter than in the past.  Does this action give an advantage? We have seen over and over in log checking reports where people are using their own databases or lookups where the data does not match what is being sent and many people just press enter and move on at their demise.

We can only encourage people to follow the rules and hope they do.



On 12/14/2023 6:56 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
I seem to be seeing (and experiencing) more than the usual number of
messages on various contesting logging software forums lately about folks
wanting instant lookups (in real time) from qrz.com (or wherever) or their
own homegrown programs as they punch a callsign into their logging program
in a contest.

I feel this is becoming quite popular in EU.  I get "Hi Michael"(I never use
Michael) from time to time in the bigger DX contests from people that I have
no idea who they are. (I don't mind this from people I know) so I
rationalize they are consulting on online database of some kind.

Shouldn't the contest take place on the air?  If I give you a "Hi Hank, Lee,
Bob, Steve" in a contest, you can rest assured, it came from between my 2


Mike VE9AA

p.s.-in SSB contests, more than once I have got a "wow, that's a big antenna
on your car" in response to a "59 5" in CQWW SSB.

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