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[CQ-Contest] Should we drop 'CQ TEST'?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Should we drop 'CQ TEST'?
From: Ben Coleman NJ8J <nj8j@benshome.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 19:51:49 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
A few weekends ago, there were 3 different overlapping (time-wise) contests going on with a World-works-World format, where, for the stations who weren't in the sponsoring country, the exchanges were identical. Since you don't *have* to work stations in the sponsoring country, calling 'CQ TEST' can get potentially confusing. If you're in a non-sponsoring-country and you respond to a 'CQ TEST' from a station also in a non-sponsoring-country, which contest are you actually participating in? It's quite possible that you think the QSO counts for one of the contests, and the other station thinks it's for a different contest. I can see this leading to NIL penalties because he has the QSO logged in one contest, and you have it logged in another.

Perhaps we should be discouraging the use of 'CQ TEST' unless for a major contest (CQ DX, CQ WPX, IARL, etc) where there's not much doubt which contest you're participating in, and prefer contest-specific CQs?

Ben Coleman nj8j@benshome.net
Radiating from Bedsprings Brigade Manor

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