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Re: [CQ-Contest] First IARU HF Championship

To: Tim Shoppa <tshoppa@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] First IARU HF Championship
From: Paul Bourque <pbourque@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 20:33:35 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Tim,

We’re working on it. Hopefully soon.

Paul N1SFE

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 7:14 PM Tim Shoppa <tshoppa@gmail.com> wrote:

> A correction thanks to N2IC's QST archive: from 1977-1986, ITU Zones (but
> not HQ's) were mults per band.
> Boy it'll be nice when ARRL's digital QST archive and contests dot arrl dot
> org come back online! Sorely missed here.
> Tim N3QE
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 8:45 AM Tim Shoppa <tshoppa@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The first 24-hour "IARU HF" was 1987. For 10 years before that, it was
> the
> > "IARU Radiosport", allowing 36 of 48 hours as well as VHF activity to
> count.
> >
> > Quoting my brief history in my July 2023 CQ Contesting column:
> >
> > "The deep origins of this July contest can be traced to a one-off
> > predecessor, the 1976 ARRL Bicentennial
> > Celebration. This 48-hour event was held in late July 1976. It was hugely
> > popular, with 2500 logs
> > submitted; US stations celebrated their history by using as their
> > exchange, a number corresponding to
> > the order of their state’s entry into the union. There were no
> > multipliers, but action was livened up by
> > allowing contacts on both voice and another mode (most commonly CW, but
> > also allowed were SSTV
> > and RTTY.) US stations were encouraged to use their special bicentennial
> > prefixes.
> >
> >
> > From 1977 through 1986, the IARU Radiosport Championship continued the
> > lively July contest tradition,
> > settling down on the second weekend in July. Stations operated for up to
> > 36 hours of the 48 hour
> > weekend and ITU zones were the exchange for all entrants. There were no
> > multipliers, but DX activity
> > was motivated by awarding 5 points for intercontinental QSOs, as opposed
> > to just a single point for
> > working stations in your own zone. VHF activity on both the 6 Meter and 2
> > Meter bands was also
> > allowed.
> >
> >
> > A major revamp took place beginning in 1987. The new contest, called “The
> > IARU HF World
> > Championship”, began the current 24-hour period, and introduced not just
> > ITU zones but IARU HQ
> > stations as multipliers. The IARU HF contests was one of the last
> contests
> > to include a category for
> > assisted operators using telnet clusters for spotting, finally adopting
> > the “Single Op Unlimited” category
> > in 2015."
> >
> > Tim N3QE
> >
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