These are a pain. I did find one "vendor" had a link at the bottom to
opt-out from receiving any further (regardless of the station sending
it), and that decreased the flow by about 50%. Recently I received one
from a different "vendor" that had no such opt-out link.
I too am curious as to what either operator gets out of this process,
other than a pat on the back.
Mike N1TA
On Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 8:53 AM Edward Sawyer
<> wrote:
> I am starting to get a lot email QSLs after contests (probably 20 in the last
> few days after the ARRL DX SSB contest).
> Does anyone know what the point is other than a digital equivalent of the
> traditional mailed QSL card? They are not useful for any awards that I am
> aware of.
> I stopped using the bureau last year and upload contest logs for N1UR to LOTW.
> I have not been "responding" to these emails.
> What do people know and what are you doing?
> Ed N1UR
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