> Ken-
> Here is an official bug report for 9.13 after CQWW:
> 1. Dupe checking has a bug related to 2-radios. After switching from
> one radio to another, the dupe checking uses the band information for the
> previously selected radio. Example:
> Select Radio1. Set to 20 meters. Work DL0WW.
> 4. This may be more of a comment than a bug, and it is certainly not unique
> to V9:
> Hit Alt-A and Ctrl-right arrow to get into the announce window. Now
> get distracted as you here 5W1MM start to CQ on the frequency you just
> left on 15. You quickly work him, type in his call, and hit enter.
> Instead of logging him, CT does a grab spot from whatever was selected
> in the announce window. This means the 5W1MM got wiped from the
> call field, and the rig gets QSY'ed so you lose the frequency info.
> -Tony, K1KP, fisher@hp-and.an.hp.com
This is also true in version 8, as I found over the week-end. The
only hope that I know is to insure that you hit the <esc> key before you
hit the enter key - then it logs the call OK.
Also, I used version 8.45 after the latest version of 8 (8.53??) went
off into the wild blue.... 8.45 was well behaved during the test.
Robert Wood
WB5CRG w5robert@blkbox.com