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CT w/DOS vs WIN95 vs OS2

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: CT w/DOS vs WIN95 vs OS2
From: kleong@ctobbs.com (Kim Leong)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 11:15:08 GMT
Just a suggestion:

Why bother with the operating system arguments?  Until 32 bit versions
come out of the various logging programs, just dedicate a computer with
DOS to handle things.  A dedicated computer that runs DOS6.22 and CT
does not need to be a barnstormer so the costs is very reasonable
considering where prices are, especially in the used market.  Then
again, it is easy to have both DOS and WIN95 on the same system and boot
up under the one you want to use.

Kim Leong  WA6QQF

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