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[ct-user] Flexnet support?

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Flexnet support?
From: Marc Cosemans <on6zx@ibm.net> (Marc Cosemans)
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 18:54:38 -0700
Fidel Leon wrote:

Does anybody know how should I configure CT in order to use Flexnet with
SoundBlaster TNC emulation?

        Thanks in advance!
 Hello Leon.....
Yes you can configurate flexnet with CT but I tested it only with the
SER12.EXE module and that workes fine.It goes with the little BAYCOM
modem on 1200 bauds.I suppose with the soundblaster would also work if
only you can set up a DRSI port otherwise it won't succeed.

Hope this info is of any help...


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