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[ct-user] Cabrillo for FD

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Cabrillo for FD
From: k4oaq@chartertn.net (Fritz Reuning)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 21:43:45 -0400
As best I can tell from reading the current RELEASE9.TXT, CT does not 
produce a Cabrillo file for FD.  I know ARRL doesn't require this format, 
but I'm sensing that the contest community is trying to move to this single 
format.  It seems to me that CT should not drag it's software feet and wait 
until it's required, but lead the way. Or, have some of the other contest 
programs already jumped into the lead???

73, Fritz  k4oaq@chartertn.net

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