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[ct-user] Florida QSO Party

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Florida QSO Party
From: vk8tx at yahoo.com (James Laughter)
Date: Sat Apr 26 21:45:25 2003
I just loaded the latest version of CT.  Created 2
files (flacw & flassb) for the contest.  Used FLACW
first, exited and saved, then opened FLASSB.  Went
back to FLACW (after saving FLASSB) and rather than
listing 599 it defaulted to 59.  Worked a few CW
stations and put 599 in the field but those QSOs were
logged as SSB contacts.  Please advise what I am doing
wrong and how I can get back to CW logging on FLACW.
Tnx, Jim

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