Hi all,
In the CQWW-CW, we had a couple of unexplained computer crashes, using
3 PCs, running DOS, networked over Ethernet, with packet. CT
On one occasion, CT crashed on the #1 PC (time server) during ALT-G.
After re-booting, I noticed the F4 message had lost the first
character of our callsign.
Also, the crash moved the computer clock ahead by 18 minutes. I didn't
spot this straight away. The wrong time propagated through the
network affecting all three stations. Our log now has 20 minutes
worth of 'rubber clocked' contacts in it. They are unrecoverable as
they are interlaced with correctly logged QSOs.
Has anyone else experienced these problems?
Another question. This is the 2nd time we've had time-keeping
glitches. If it happens again, and it gets away on me, our QSL
manager will skin me alive.
To avoid this undesirabe situation, I am keen to QSY to an earlier
version of CT that leaves the BIOS alone. What version of CT is
considered to be rock-solid for networked M/M? I am wondering whether
Ken has gone to a different compiler recently.
Wilbert, ZL2BSJ
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