How about the rest of these Aperto products...... Are they any good?
PacketWave 110 for residential subscribers
Bridging; support for up to 5 hosts
PacketWave 120 for small office, home
office subscribers
Bridging and NAT; support for up to 20 hosts
PacketWave 130 for small and medium
enterprise subscribers
Bridging, NAT, and IProuting; support for
up to 250 hosts
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Chia Sheng Wu" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: [Karlnet] 5.8 Radios
> so you're a reseller for Aperto? congrats...
> - to bad their web page sucks
> -Charles
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Demarc (tony) 908-996-7995
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Karlnet] 5.8 Radios
> John
> In about 3-4 weeks we will be offering a 20Mb system (14Mb usable)
> 5.8Ghz that will do 13 miles out of the box for $3995 complete kit both
> sides. As the antennas are not integrated you can changes the included
> 22dBi antennas to 28 dBi to extent the distance to 23Miles if needed.
> And there is an options to change the modulation that cuts the bandwidth
> to 10Mb (6mb usable) but will extend the distance to 30 miles. Also the
> kit without the 22dBi will be $3695.
> The system uses 6Mhz so there is 16 no overlapping channels available!
> You can also use as little as 1Mhz wide channels to create a link! Less
> bandwidth of course :)
> High Interference Immunity PacketWave bridges offer high interference
> immunity by supporting:
> . Adaptive Modulation burst-by-burst
> . ARQ (Automatic Re-transmissions)
> . Antenna Diversity (2x2)
> . Adaptive payload size
> . Adaptive FEC burst-by-burst
> . 16 non overlapping 6 MHz channels in 100 MHz U-NII band
> FYI all these options are FCC certified.
> Sincerely
> Tony Morella
> Demarc Technology Group
> Office: 908-996-7995
> Cell: 908-246-9170
> Fax: 908-847-0202
> email:
> Open Chat Server
> Yahoo IM: tonymorella
> Wireless Solution Provider
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of John Maxwell
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Karlnet] 5.8 Radios
> We're looking for some 5.8 radios that will do 10Mbps and are not
> expensive. We need to go about 7 miles but don't want to spend 10K on
> Tsunami or Redline. Any recommendations on inexpensive but good?
> Thanks!
> John Maxwell
> Director of Field Operations
> WisperTEL
> 1396 Gold Mine Lane
> Evergreen, CO 80439
> (303) 475-9871
> fax (303) 238-6535
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