I used turbocell 0.9x beta driver with kernel versions 2.2.x with several
problems, but it was usable after I got under RH 6.2 complied module which
loaded without kernel Oops ... I had to hack it to work with newer kernels
etc, but it was duable.
System was then Mandrake 7.2 and 8.2 both used RH 6.2 module.
Then my isp found that turbocell isnt right solution because: it had problems
and it blocked upgrade to newer 2.4.x kernel + had infamous loading
problem (kernel Oops).
Now my isp is again thinking that turbocell is worth to try and is pushing
me to use wavelan2_cs-TC1[1].04.tar.gz
Now problem starts again - thing doesnt load without kernel error
System Mandrake 9.0, gcc 3.2
I assume that error is in precompiled turbocell libraryes ...
ISP says that with old and buggy (not updated) RH 7.1 libraryes, driver
compiles and loads just fine, but I'm not willing to downgrade my system.
Using hexeditor doesnt help me this time because RH 7.1 adds its own customized
I'd really like to get quick solution or I'm soon without Internet... and
my turbocell licence is quite useless :(
Driver compiles just fine, but always has problems with loading.