Not sure this is the correct way to contact someone about the LTA Contest
Voice Blaster.... but here goes anyway.
The drawing for the Voice Blaster Interface (Drawn by Dave Pruett, 11APR93)
shows that the "control" by the computer is on DB25 Pin 20 (DB9 Pin 4) LPT
Pin 3 , and on DB25 Pin 4 (DB9 Pin 7) LPT Pin 2.
I have been told that the LPT Pins should be changed to DB25-20/LPT-2 and
DB25-4/LPT-3, i.e. switched. Is this correct or does it make any difference.
Seems from the circuit that it isn't important, but figured I'd ask.
I was using a COM port to run the CVB, but have run out of COM ports and need
to change to LPT control.
Tnx, Joe, W5ASP
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