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[Propagation] Interview with Dr. M.Penn of National Solar Observatory -

To: "Propagation (PSC)" <>, propagation <>
Subject: [Propagation] Interview with Dr. M.Penn of National Solar Observatory - Sunspots disappear by 2015?
From: "Tomas Hood" <>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 22:54:49 -0600
List-post: <">>
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The newly-released Episode #4 of the <b>NW7US Space Weather and Radio  
Propagation Podcast</b>, is available at

In this episode, Amateur Radio Operator, Tomas David Hood (NW7US)  
discusses with Dr. Penn of the National Solar Observatory the startling  
yet convincing trend revealed in research of magnetic strengths of  
sunspots over the last thirteen years. The trend indicates a strong  
possibility, if the trend continues, that sunspots will disappear by the  
year 2015!

Additionally, space weather and propagation conditions through August are  
reviewed, and the outlook for this coming week is presented.

If you wish to use the RSS feed to subscribe to this podcast, the RSS feed  
is available at:

A version of this podcast will be made available in a format ready for  
amateur radio repeater and HF transmission in the form of an information  
bulletin package.  Details will be posted at -  
the main Podcast website. This version of this episode will post  
approximately one day after the initial release of the full podcast.

73 de NW7US, Tomas David Hood - Bitterroot Valley of Montana

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   CQ Magazine, CQ VHF, Popular Communications

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  • [Propagation] Interview with Dr. M.Penn of National Solar Observatory - Sunspots disappear by 2015?, Tomas Hood <=