Did you know? Here's a space weather and radio propagation educational tidbit -- from http://nw7us.us/swc -- at 14:00 UTC on 2015-03-17:
The equatorward migration of the auroral ovals (the northern and southern auroral ovals) is a common feature of auroral substorms. During enhanced periods of geomagnetic activity, the auroral zone expands equatorward into the non-auroral zone (the zone where aurora is not common, but are quite rare).
The auroral ovals are offset from the rotational poles of the Earth. Auroral zones continually change, too.
Don't forget to visit our live space weather and radio propagation web site, at: http://SunSpotWatch.com
Get the space weather and radio propagation self-study course, today. Visit http://nw7us.us/swc for the latest sale and for more information! Are you interested in the Sun-Earth connection? How about space weather? Perhaps you are also interested in radio propagation. Check out the special sale we have for you, on this self-study course package at
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See the live aurora mapping is at http://aurora.sunspotwatch.com
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