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[RFI] Looking for ideas about yet another noise source

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Looking for ideas about yet another noise source
From: "Christopher E. Brown" <cbrown@woods.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 02:44:11 -0500 (CDT)
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Attempting to track down a bothersome very intermittant noise and looking 
for some ideas.  Don't have a decent way to record it, but may need to set 
something up if I cannot make headway.

Noise is pulse, appears on at least 80-20, strength higher around 20.

On the lower freqs, it is more of a static rush but time compressed, it is 
also seemingly random, twice in 5 seconds, nothing for 40 sec, once, and 
so on.  Seems to be there almost any time of the day or night.

I would think static dischard or random arcing, but on 20m the sound is 
very un-arc like, thing what would happen if you mixed a high pitched 
"beep" with someone saying "quip".

It would not be so bothersome, but on 20 the pulses are often +40 or so, 
and screw with the AGC and generally make listening to weak signals on the 
headphones unpleasant.

I would assume this was some sore of pule charger or similar, but it 
_never_ displays any kind of pattern.

I would think intermittant arc except for the sound on 20m.

Has me thrown and looking for ideas.
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