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Re: [RFI] Plasma TVs

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Plasma TVs
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri@rogerhalstead.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 16:28:54 -0500
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
On 11/9/2010 9:33 AM, Jim Miller KG0KP wrote:
> Anybody know if the newer Plasma TVs are as bad for RFI as the early ones
> were supposed to have been?
This thread sure has covered a lot of territory with even ... maybe a 
few facts some where in there.

There are a lot of variables involved in answering that question fully 
but the basic answer is No, in general the new Plasmas are not as bad as 
the older ones. OTOH there are still some that are pretty bad.

Flat screen was mentioned, but almost any of today's TV's are flat 
screens be they CRT (few even made any more) and there are LCD  and CFT 
(IIRC a form of LCD) in addition to Plasma.  Also as someone mentioned, 
some power supplies are also nasty RFI generators.
LED sets are a misnomer and have bordered on the edge of false 
advertising the way they were presented.  It's been answered before, but 
LED just refers to the light source for the LCD.

Plasma displays have 3 disadvantages beyond the possible RFI problem. 
They are heavier than LCDs, they have a highly reflective surface, and 
they no longer have much of an advantage in viewing angle, brightness, 
or contrast compared to LCDs.

LCDs now have viewing angles far beyond the range of being useful. I 
have a 40" Samsung that sets in the SE corner of the living room. The 
screen is clear and bright from any were in the room including right up 
against the two converging walls.  It has a listed useful viewing angle 
of over 170 degrees and I believe it. It can be viewed in bright 
daylight as well. (Many if not most use the LED light source)  The new 
sets have brightness and contrast ranges comparable to the Plasma sets.  
HOWEVER there are still some inexpensive LCD sets out there that do not 
meet the above criteria.

When mounting on a wall the the greater weight of the plasma display can 
be a definite disadvantage as can the highly reflective surface when 
there are windows that let a lot of light into the room. Placement of 
lights in the room cam also become problematic.

Sony.  I don't purchase anything with their label on it if I can avoid 
it. I still remember their root kit and attitude toward customers about 
it. They replaced the offending CD's but did nothing about the cost of 
completely cleaning the drives and reinstalling all the software.


Roger (K8RI)

> thanks es 73, de Jim KG0KP
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