I even hear them on the higher bands, sometimes the birdies are right on top of
the DX I'm trying to contact. I pray for an electrical glitch that takes it
out someday. I don't go to war with it with my neighbors, they are very good
neighbors and I value their friendship more than RFI. I'll just have to deal
with it. I have a noise canx box that helps, noise blankers don't as it is
harmonics, all over the place. The noise canx box only works on one constant
noise so it is not the panacea either.
My only hope and wish is that plasma TV's are either banned from production or
must meet strict RFI limits, but who would enforce it. I see/hear only crickets
in the swamp/wetland etc.
73 and I feel your pain, :(
Dale, k9vuj
On 09, Oct 2013, at 17:08, Leigh <bipi@comcast.net> wrote:
> My neighbor as well. I come into the shack, look at the window and if it is
> on, I don't even turn the radios on. Oscillating birdies about every 20 kcs
> that are about 7 kcs wide. Ugh!
> Mike, K7PI
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