In Feb 1996 I had some cycling RFI noise, strongest on 21-MHz, that
primarily was daytime-only coming from my w.n.w.. I used a 30-50 MHz
portable (Allied A-2586) with a 27-MHz rubber duckie antenna on it to
localize it to an area some 3000' from my QTH. Then using a 4-el
section of what was an 11-el 2-m Cushcraft Yagi on a Radio Shack
Jetstream Mini it was narrowed down to a pole (near a street
intersection) with a broken (shot out?) light.
Silvercrest and Callaghan on the west edge of this map
If I needed any more confirmation, a cycling acoustic noise emanating
from up the pole matched the RFI perfectly. The power company fixed it
within a few days. It was in a area with no adjacent/close residences
(and somewhat redundant nearby street lighting) so less likely to be
promptly noticed/reported by others. I doubt that I would have
considered that area very "safe" to have gone RDFing there on foot in
the dark!
Pat - WA5IYX
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