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Re: [RFI] Tescun PL-660 Antenna

To: "john@kk9a.com" <john@kk9a.com>, rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Tescun PL-660 Antenna
From: Tom Thompson <w0ivj@tomthompson.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 14:26:17 -0600
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Hi John,

I have found that a 3-element yagi in the VHF or UHF range works best for power line noise. Tracking power line noise at HF is difficult because the long lines act as antennas and it is hard to pin point the source.
Tom   W0IVJ

On 4/19/2016 9:10 AM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
I have a constant noise source that is loud on 10m and 15m. I got a beam
heading and then I walked along the main road where the power lines are
with my Tescun PL-660. I listened on 10m using the built in antenna set
for DX sensitivity and outside of an inconsistent short noise burst I
heard nothing. How close to the noise do I need to be to pick it up with
this receiver and built in antenna? Is there a better antenna that I can
use with the Tescun for locating the source?

John KK9A

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