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Re: [RFI] Politics and RFI

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Politics and RFI
From: Gary Smith <wa6fgi@steeltrails.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 12:24:07 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Sounds like Sacramento City R/T system. They too have found the hole full of red ink and seem to enjoy their wallowing in it while they whine about needing more of the taxpayer's money.
Btw, the head of this org ( a jab, a right title for it), knocks down 
$250-300k a year and wants a increase in pay + perks.
Silly folks they are, the claim is they relieved traffic congesting 
while narrowing the street roadways by the width of streetcar tracks and 
safety zones for the their tin whistle railroad.
Go figure, it must be a municipal disease...


On 3/18/2018 12:52 PM, dalej wrote:
They built light rail here in the twin cities a few years back.  about 13 miles worth almost 1 
billion bucks.  I think around 750 million.  I don’t know how profitable it is, I doubt 
they’d want to publish the numbers.  I think it’s a losing deal.  Good luck with it.

Dale, k9vuj

On 18, Mar 2018, at 13:44, D C _Mac_ Macdonald <k2gkk@hotmail.com> wrote:

They are doing the streetcar thing here in Oklahoma City.  Oklahoma City tore 
out the streetcar tracks sometime after the end of WW II because they had NEVER 
turned a profit in all the decades they had been running.  I have no idea what 
the power source will be, but there will be quite a few miles of overhead 
wires.  I don't think there is more than one wire being strung, so I guess the 
rails are the other side of the circuit.

More political boondoggle spending for pie in the sky stuff, as far as I'm concerned.  
I'm just glad I have almost zero reason to go "downtown."

73 de Mac, K2GKK/5
(Since 30 Nov '53)
Oklahoma City, OK
USAF Retired 61-81
FAA Retired 94-10

From: RFI <rfi-bounces@contesting.com> on behalf of Wes Stewart via RFI 
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2018 13:17
To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Politics and RFI

In downtown Tucson, AZ the worst RFI pollution is caused by... the City of 

A few years ago, the whole downtown was dug up and inconvenienced by the construction of 
a "Modern Streetcar" which was financed by the US taxpayers to the tune of 
$200M from DOT and $4.4M per year operating costs to run a bunch of empty cars from the U 
of A campus to downtown.

This is a 750V system with overhead wires (19' high) running throughout 
downtown.  The buzz on my AM car radio is huge.  The fire department was never 
consulted and they are appalled at the thought of having to raise a ladder on 
these streets.

But Portland Oregon has a street car and the wacky City Council is in love with 
Portland, so we had to have one too.

Fat chance trying to get this mess quieted down.

Wes  N7WS


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 23:16:49 -0500
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>

Get the broadcast industry involved?
Even in small towns of like 5000 or
less in population. Downtown, try to
listen to AM radio. You can only hear a
few stations that are strong
enough to get above the noise.


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