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Re: [RFI] Politics and RFI

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Politics and RFI
From: Cortland Richmond <ka5s@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 09:48:49 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
When I got to VN in 1965 our Avionics detachments at Tan Son Nhut AB were issued made in Japan toolboxes with screwdrivers that rusted, pliers that wouldn't close all the way and wire cutters that didn't meet. That's changed a LOT since.
These days, though, at leas tin THIS country, regulatory compliance has 
to yield to cost-cutting, fines and lawsuits being apparently cheaper 
than quality.  Some years ago, maybe 1992, a Radio Shack low-cost store, 
Mc[Something], near where I lived, in Burleson -- I was working in the 
EMC lab at Tandy -- had a pyramid of color TV's nor,lly sellign for $300 
in front of their store for $75;   when I asked what was goignon they 
said abotu one of every three sold was returned not working out of the 
box ---and a ca[l to the (you got it, mainland Chinese) manufacturer got 
as an answer: "No problem, throw the bad ones away and give them one 
that works."


On 3/19/2018 3:21 PM, Howard Lester wrote:

we used to joke about products labeled “Made in Japan”?
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