Would one of the cameras I see listed on ebay "Modded for ghost hunting",
specified as good for IR & UV, work?
Just curious ... David, KD4E
Does everyone agree with this, that UV vision will work better than IR
for possibly seeing tiny arc's on utility poles?
There are a lot of options out there, in a consumer price range, for
IR such as the Creative Night Owl binocular/camera for 189 bucks
targeted to mainly hunters. But for UV binoculars it seems more
limited. There are binoculars that specify UV and not pricey at all
but few that have a camera. Don't really need a camera but would be
neat for my webpage :-).
My main source is still gone and fairly high confidence that it is
repaired. But a much weaker intermittent source remains and at this
time think its on the same pole. If I cannot see it also with my
current binoculars may consider one of the above.
Update webpage;
On 4/16/21 10:51 PM, AA5CT via RFI wrote:
UV will show up corona; Infrared will show 'hot' hardware, but
not sparking or arcing as UV does.
There was an article on this some years back. It was quite informative.
Maybe search for same?
de AA5CT Jim
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