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Re: [RFI] ft240 Designation

To: "rfi@contesting.com" <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] ft240 Designation
From: Grant Saviers <grants2@pacbell.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 14:24:34 -0800
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
No standards AFAIK, similar performance ferrites from different makers have different names. Or one might say there are so many standards that every body can have their own. One text will use one makers ID (letters) and another will use Fair-Rites numbers. It's up to the engineer to figure that out and measure how "compatible" they are.
Many Fair-Rite part numbers do include their 2 digit ferrite type in the 
longer number as digit positions 3 & 4.
Making highly technical ferrites to precise specs is difficult. It's a 
messy business with wide manufacturing tolerances.  When we made memory 
cores most of the finished product failed final electrical test and went 
back into the ball mills.
Grant KZ1W

On 11/10/2021 12:01, Chuck Gooden wrote:
Could someone explain where the FT240-31 designation for ferrites came from.  I do not see this in the Fair-Rite catalog or any manufactures that use this designation as a part number. If you Google "FT240-31" you will be directed to a different part number made by Fair-rite
I realize that it means a 2.4 inch diameter torrid of type 31 material.

So is this an industry standard for classifying  the shape and size of ferrite components, if so what is the standard?
Chuck K9LC

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