Hello all,
In regards to my comments earlier about what the FCC said constitutes
"harmful interference I did make a mistake about who said it from the FCC.
It was not Jessica Rosenworcel but rather Laura Smith, FCC Special Council.
I misunderstood that fact from my 30 year acquaintance who has been fighting
this RFI issue from October 2020 until now. He has clearly provided video
showing interference S-6 and above. The comments below come from Laura
Smith, FCC Special Council . He doesn't know why she picked the lower level
of S-3 as non-harmful.
Video's have been sent clearly showing an S-3 to S-9 level but whatever the
level for the FCC to say a certain S-meter reading deemed non-harmful is
wrong. The FCC doesn't want to deal with issues like this but actually it
should be their responsibility to step in.
From: Laura Smith <Laura.Smith@fcc.gov>
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2022 11:12 am
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL]: Re: Solar Edge (Board Meeting Topic)
I will provide an official response:
First, so long as Solar Edge continues to work with the ARRL towards finding
a technical solution to the issue, the FCC will not step in.
Second, a noise level of S1 (or even S3) does not rise to the level of
"harmful" and the only person who can make that determination is me and I
have made it.
Laura Smith
Laura L Smith, Esq. | Special Counsel | Spectrum Enforcement Division |
Enforcement Bureau | Federal Communications Commission |
As any DX enthusiast knows even interference of S-3 can be considered
harmful especially with weak propagation.
I understand that Solar Edge has made strides recently with re-engineering
but the fact remains the earlier installations are out there with those
amateurs suffering daily.
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