Ran into this problem after the installation of a new HD and reloading
of several software packages (excluding old junk accumulated over the
years off course).
Loaded RTTY version 5.0, the same version I have been using successfully
all along on the old HD. PC is not supersonic, it is a Celeron 433.
Fortunately, I still have the old HD and RTTY works when I boot from
that disk. However the old HD is heading for another PC. My son is
waiting for that old HD....should I give him my new one instead?
Using COM2 with a PK-232. I have tried other comports to no avail.
Actually no need to have the PK232 connected to get error 216. Most
likely it is a comport related problem. Selecting TNC = NONE does not
give any error of course but then I would not get far in a contest with
that selection.
I believe a few fellows ran into similar difficulties. Perhaps they
remember the easy(?) solution. Most likely I am overlooking something.
Like we say:
'I cannot see the forest, I am too close to the trees"
Please send your replies/suggestions directly to me.
Thanks to all,
PS: We are going through major home renovations here, the radio shack
included. Poor timing. Missed the JARTS contest, yet I had such a nice
age number to give away.