I'm curious what other people did with station HG02HNY during the RTTY
Roundup. I must have wasted 5 minutes arguing with this guy, trying to get
a serial number out of him. He insisted on giving me "HNY" instead of a
serial number, and would not budge on this. I begged until I was blue in
the face, but it did no good. Instead, he insisted on telling me all about
how he was a special event station and how I could get a special event QSL
from him by writing to somebody or other. I don't think he was impressed
when I told him I wanted his QSL about as much as I wanted hemorrhoids. So
after all the time I wasted arguing with this jerk...no serial number and
thus no points. Did other people go ahead and take "HNY", or what?
Bruce, ZF2NT