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[RTTY] ft1000mp mark V and rtty(afsk)

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] ft1000mp mark V and rtty(afsk)
From: d.desloovere@skynet.be (Dirk Desloovere)
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:16:57 +0200

I am looking for experiences with this radio (or the mark Field) in rtty =
mode using mmtty software or mmtty engine based programs such a =

I managed to get 2 decode windows, each for a vfo, with the rttyrite =
software.  This software uses the left and right channel of one =
soundcard.   This setup was made in Writelog V10.31.   =20
I do not like the rttyrite tuning system and would like to use the mmtty =

Are there operators who use the second vfo for decode in a second =
window.    With mmtty you need two soundcards. =20

Are there operators who take advantage of this system to use in a =
contest and listen at te same time to others frequenties/bands  ?   So =
how  you use this system ? =20

Another concern is that the operating manual of the menu setting 8.6 =
(USER SETTING) is not very clear for me.    =20
What are  the setting range  for asfk (data input via PACKET plug) and =
for psk31 ?
Now I use  for mode :  pkt-L
The Easy setting is :  psk-u       =20
This easy setting is operational by keeping pressing on the PKT buttom.  =
A toucht on the PKT buttom is de mode setting  psk-L.  Thats what I =
understand by reading the manual or isn 't it ?

Otherwise this new radio is performing very good.



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