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[RTTY] 160 meters

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] 160 meters
From: llindblom@juno.com (llindblom@juno.com)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 14:07:08 GMT
Last PM at 0150 while checking e-mail I decided to do some RTTY CQing on 160.  
After a few CQs I was pleasantly surprised to have Claude VE3WQ answer my CQ.  
His signal was a good 57 with the typical long slow fades 160 is famous for. 

I'm not sure of the distance between us (i.e., near Des moines, IA to 100 miles 
NW of Ottawa) but I think this again shows that printing an RTTY signal on 160 
is not limived to short range 200-400 mile stuff.  I was running an old TS-930S 
in AFSK mode with 100 watts to a compromise 4 square array (compromise = 4 1/4 
wave verticals sloped from a 123 ft tower with 2 radials per element and no 
ground screen.

73 W0ETC   

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