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[RTTY] RTTY Survey Updated 9/8/02

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] RTTY Survey Updated 9/8/02
From: aa5au@bellsouth.net (Don Hill AA5AU)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 11:17:41 -0500
All submissions to date to the RTTY Most Needed DXCC Entities have now
been updated on the Results Page http://www.aa5au.com/rttysurvey_results.html.
There have been some minor changes to the top 10.

If you submitted to the survey and your call is not listed on the Results Page, 
me an E-mail and I will investigate.  Thanks for supporting the survey.  It has
generated a lot of interest.

I'm working on generating other lists which may be helpful, such as a top 50 
needed "from" each continent and a list of counties "in" each continent and how 
are ranked.  But it takes time to generate these different spreadsheets.  I'll 
these different lists if and when they are complete.

73, Don AA5AU

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