I vote for eliminating the portable designator
requirement/request/suggestion (unless you're actually operating
portable), and going with the number in the prefix as the multiplier, no
matter where it is geographically...Less confusion...Plus, it appears it
will not be applied consistently by all affected stations anyway...
Actually, in these "call-area-mult" RTTY contests, the Canadian mults
are not strictly geographical either...Working a VY1 (Yukon) is the same
mult as VE1 (NS/NB/PE) although the Yukon and NS are about as far apart
as you can get in Canada (thousands of miles)...VE2 and VY2 are
different geographical areas, but count as the same mult...
I like the "call-area" mult concept, it adds a lot of fun to RTTY
contests which use them...It may not be purely geographical (such as CQ
zones or grid squares) but it works...Lets leave the callsigns alone...
73, Scott VE1OP